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History Lessons: The Third Age  by Nilmandra 376 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/9/2005
There is so much in this / so many details that make it rich:

He twisted Vilya upon his finger and sent his thought out over the valley, both actions unconscious. I love this line. It is very simple but it says so much about Elrond. And his thoughts about Estel and Arwen were perfect. I happen to have reread the First Age History Lessons this weekend and those thoughts seemed particularly poignant after having just read Elrond's reactions to Elros's decision.

I love the idea of Glorfindel knowing Mithrandir from Valinor and I loved that story about his comfy chair. :-)

Estel in his already too small clothes, with his not entirely proper manners, running through the house was great too! I always thought, as painful as it must have been at times, Elrond must have enjoyed fostering his brother's heirs and been fascinated by these children that grew even faster than he had and certainly much faster than the elves he was accustomed to. And Estel with Elrohir's bow--and that little story you hint at--that is wonderful. I definitely like that no one--not even Galadriel knew about Estel. That makes sense. If you want to keep a secret, you can't tell it to everyone. And it makes a good excuse for having meetings of the White Council other places rather than Imladris.

I love Bilbo and his gaggle of dwarves. Bilbo's reaction to Elrond was exactly as I'd imagine.

And those twins and Estel! It is a good thing that Estel had someone his own (mental) age to play with in Imladris. *Grin* This whole part, from the twins and Estel's antics to Elrond's 'coughing' and polite interruption of Thorin to Glorfindel's comments to the song was hilarious.

Seeing Elrond in their camp, being attacked by children was a lot of fun too. I really love seeing these loving families.

And the last part with Glorfindel--I really like your portrayal of him. It is the best I've read and this was a perfect example.

Great chapter!

Author Reply: I think its fortunate that Elrond has had nearly two ages to comes to terms with Elros's choice - hopefully it gave him a little more persepective with Arwen, though it cannot have diminished the pain he felt much- just his reaction to that pain. Poor Elrond!

I have noticed in trying to write from Elrond's perspective that even the flashbacks have flashbacks - he has lived for so long that there must be memory in everything. I think Elladan would like everyone to forget that particular memory with the bow, but I don't think Elrohir brings it up, at least :)

Writing at the time of The Hobbit was fun, and writing Elrond with children is always fun. In my head they adore him - his touch alone must impart complete trust and confidence in them, and that allows them to be innocently free with him. I loved that he would play with Estel like that...and have times where he could run and be free, unweighted by the cares of the world.

Thanks for the review!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/9/2005
Lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Estel being swooped off out of the way to protect his anonymity. (Though Mithrandir is a cunning old fox and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that he had a pretty good idea of what was going on.)

The performance delivered for Glorfindel and Elrond's benefit was delightful. On several levels. I love picturing the two of them determinedly appearing totally unconscious of what was happening as well as imagining E3 horsing around. Glorfindel and 'his' chair, that Elrond was commanded to keep in its usual spot. The E3 camping trip - with Estel taking to the life like a duck to water. (Bet he badgers for lots more trips - whereas in later years he would badger for a couple of nights in a comfortable bed with access to indoor plumbing and clean clothes.)

Curunir - pah!! I'm not surprised he liberated most of the available information into his own care. I suppose his seductive voice was able to convince even the wise. And he was pretty confident in his own talents.

I love Elrond's keen sight - and his maturity when it comes to dealing with Arwen. Even though he knows that he will lose her to mortality, he can still see that the alternative is much worse. And I'm so pleased that in loving Arwen, he does not reject Aragorn. (I really didn't like all that Arwen draped over sofas being emotionally blackmailed into sailing stuff in the movies.) 'She was not his; she belonged to herself, and her fate was her own to choose.' So true - and Elrond is a wise enough parent to recognise it.

And powerful Glorfindel letting slip the shield he keeps over his own power - wow. Impressive.

The bow - I'll bet Estel will be taking it to bed with him! And he loves it all the more because it was Elrohir's. (The E2 conflict - interesting. I wonder how Celebrian exerted naneth power to make Elladan contrite.) And that dwarven walking song has taken on a life of its own!

I'm glad Gilraen has settled and found a role for herself - and that she can spend some time with her kin. She must feel very isolated.

Playful Elrond - racing, allowing himself to be caught in the net - is lovely. He deserves some playtime: his responsibilities demand that he is far too sober for an elf. Being around children is very good for him.

Lovely chapter.

Author Reply: (Though Mithrandir is a cunning old fox and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that he had a pretty good idea of what was going on.)

LOL, well next chapter Mithrandir does admit that in some matters he knew not to delve too deeply!

I have to say this was fun to write, and I reread parts of the Hobbit before doing it, figuring I could take some liberties with merry elves as its canon there!

And like you, I believe Arwen to be a strong and confidant woman...I like in AppA where Aragorn says her hope will be his hope - she was clearly a source of strength to him, and probably to her family as well. Some of the chapters that follow lead into darker times, which were much less fun to write.

ElenluinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/9/2005
Another lovely chapter :-) I'm glad for the fast updating, that way I won't have to wait too long for the next installment :) I really love your description of the twins, the way you do describe them as two different persons... Hope to read more soon!

Author Reply: Thank you, Elenluin. I grew up with friends who were identical twins, and the only time I couldn't tell them apart is if they didn't move or speak - they were very different too. It is fun to write the twins, I admit, and to see their characters shine through. I have a number of chapters done, so I should update regularly. Thanks for the review!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
I'm slowly catching up on my reading and reviewing - so many stories, after less than two weeks away!

I liked your explanation of why Bilbo and the dwarves never met Estel - I thought Elrond must have kept him locked in his room to prevent their meeting in The Hobbit! I expect he loved that unexpected excursion with his brothers.

I'm trying to remember if you've told that tale about Elladan's jealousy before - even though I always imagine the twins as very close, there must have been several times when they both wished they were only children. Stories about their arguments and fights are rare. Finally, I loved the image of the twins and Estel dressing up - and Elrond and Glorfindel trying so hard not to laugh. The final straw was Elrohir blowing them a kiss - I think I'd have lost it then.

Thank you for a little light relief in dark times.


Author Reply: Glad your family was all safe, Jay. Scary times, and probably not the last of them either.

I have referred to the bow incident a few times, in 'Hunting' for sure, and maybe one other story. Its on Elladan's list of things he'd like to forget, and wishes everyone else would too! This story has plenty of twin conflict, and they do not much resemble the 'fair and gallant' twins of Tolkien's quote at times, but their family had some hard times.

Writing this fun time made those dark times so much more tolerable.

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
Woo! Quick update!!

You’re amazing, Nilmandra. Both those quotes seemed only vaguely familiar to me but seeing them like that is quite startling. It certainly has the effect of giving weight to the events of ‘The Hobbit’ and reminding us of their importance in the scheme of things. I’d never really thought about how different things might have been.

That’s interesting that there’s no full written record of the truth about the rings of power. Makes sense when you think about it. I love the way Elrond unconsciously uses Vilya, sending his thoughts out over the valley. I wonder how long it took him to be that comfortable with the ring.

“…hope for Middle-earth from his own great sorrow.” Hmm. That really sums it up, doesn’t it? No answer will mean true happiness for Elrond. It says so much about his strength that he can accept that.

I love the part about Glorfindel and the chair! That’s so typical of your Glorfindel. I always love how free he feels to order Elrond around, at least in the little things. I must also tell you that I really like the connection between Glorfindel and Mithrandir.

Ten year old Estel is wonderful! His excitement about the bow is so endearing. That child seems to be a bundle of energy. And I thought the little tale about the twins’ argument was really touching. I actually don’t think I really want to know the full story because Elrohir was obviously really hurt. It certainly sounds like Celebrían knew just the thing to say to Elladan! Ouch.

Oh, how I laughed throughout the part with the dwarves’ visit! Swarm? Gaggle? Flock? LOL!

“What are you contemplating, old friend?” asked Elrond. “Whether I wish to entertain dwarves or camp with the children,” mused Glorfindel. “I trust you do not need me?” I love that!

You’ve captured Bilbo perfectly. It’s so interesting to see him through elvish eyes. And Gandalf made me smile with his obvious fondness for the hobbit.

I nearly choked on my tea when Elrond and Glorfindel spotted what the “children” were up to! That was priceless, especially the thought of Elrohir "standing as if delivering an oratory, his fake beard shaking with each silent word spoken." See, I’m grinning away as I think about it again! And the dwarven walking song! ROTFL!! What a hilarious image. I think what I also love about this is the way you make them so light-hearted and willing to tease – exactly like the elves of ‘The Hobbit’.

I’m glad to see that Gilraen has settled in and has made some friends, and I’m happy for her that she’ll get to meet with some of her kinsmen, even though it would probably be hard to see them leave again.

Alagos the Tenth?? I guess they must run out of names…

I enjoyed the scene with Estel catching Elrond in the net. It’s good to see Elrond enjoy himself and be so willing to participate. Estel does seem to be growing up. I notice he veers between calling Elrond ‘Adar’ and ‘Ada’. It sounds like he’s showing a lot of responsibility when it comes to camp chores. I thought it was a wonderfully understated but nonetheless powerful moment when Elladan tells Elrond that “It’s in his blood.” It’s also a good reminder of all that will be demanded of this loving child and the greatness that his future holds.

"Elrond could feel an almost static energy about Glorfindel, and when the elf-lord looked down on him he saw fire flash in his eyes and the inner light that always shone dimly flashed suddenly bright […]“I do not fear them. They will flee before me.” Oh, wow. What a great moment. It’s fascinating to see this side of Glorfindel.

This is another incredible chapter. Amusing and thought-provoking. I’m hooked already! I hope you’ve settled back into work and aren’t becoming too exhausted. Look after yourself :-)

Author Reply: I had 'passel' of dwarves, but daw made me take it out :>) Swarm, flock and gaggle were fun though .... hornets, sheep, geese? Bad elves! I was hoping to make them in line with the elves of The Hobbit, so I am glad they came across that way.

I think I actually have most of 10-12 chapters written :/, so the updates will be pretty regular. I had a hard time wrapping my brain around this story, which might have been becasue my brain wasn't working too well there for a while. I did return to work, made it for two days, crashed yesterday and had already planned today off. I think I'll be easing back in slowly. Thank you for your concern. :D

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
Excellent chapter and I was thrilled to have such a quick update. I've been reading some fanfics lately that show Aragorn and Bilbo meeting at that time, but as I read your note, it makes more sense that they would not have. If you want to keep him truly safe and hidden, you would limit his exposure to outsiders. I so loved Elrond's thoughts about Arwen and her being her own person and not 'his', it was very well written and described and so fit with what I have also thought about how he would have felt about her. Incredible sorrow over his potential loss, yet understanding as well. As always I truly enjoy the way you write Glorfindel, his power and presence and his love for Elrond and his family. Thanks again!

Author Reply: I am glad you thought that made sense. I originally started to write it with Biblo and Mithrandir meeting Estel, then just Mithrandir, but after thinking it through I sent him camping! One of the key reasons was that Saruman did not seem to know. For Elrond to tell only Mithrandir or only Galadriel would imply he had reasons not to tell the others. Since they didn't seem to mistrust Saruman's involvement (just his leadership) I think Elrond had to keep Isildur's heir pretty close to the vest.

I am looking forward to writing more of Arwen and Elrond. Glad you like Glorfindel too - he will be around a lot in future chapters.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
Another enjoyable chapter. I loved the imagery of Gandalf shepherding his flock on their mission, and the elves' way of referring to the dwarves with unflattering terms like "gaggle". For some reason Glorfindel patting Elrond on the back as he stifled his laughter over his sons' antics struck me as a hilarious touch. The humor never goes over the top, though. Thanks for a fun read! ~TF

Author Reply: Bad elves! Well, bad but fun. :>) But hey, its canon! Fun to write, and I am glad it was fun to read too. Some other events in the lives of the Imladrian elves were not so pleasant, and we do have some dark and unhappy things coming up. We, like Elrond, need these pleasant memories.

phoenix23531Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
She's Back! Woohooo! I am so glad you have started posting this story. I have been eagerly awaiting it, and so far it is just as wonderful as the last two. As always, your characters are so vibrant and realistic, your dialogue shows not only in-depth research but a keen and thorough consideration of Tolkien's body of work, and all this with a wonderful, tongue-in-cheek sense of humour!
I definitely agree with your choice of quotes, and your reasoning for the secrecy around Estel's identity. It always seemed to me that the greatest of care was given to protecting Aragorn, despite tremendous risk both to Imladris and its residents.
I simply adored the scene at the feast, with the three sons of Elrond playing and mimicing. It was a wonderful picture, and I could so well imagine poor Glorfindel twitching with the effort of restrained laughter. I was suffering much the same, reading this chapter at work and trying not to burst out laughing!
As always, congratulations and thank you for posting such a wonderful story.

Author Reply: I am as puffed up as a peacock right now! Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully we did not get you in trouble at work. I have to admit that I loved being able to write at the time of the Hobbit, where the elves were merry and a bit irreverent.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/8/2005
I so enjoyed this chapter. I'm normally not much into stories of Tolkien's characters as children. This tale plays very well as historical, but it has such a wonderfully intimate feel to it. You write Elrond's house as such a tranquil place whose residents obviously care for each other and have a long history together. Their harmony is palpable and is a take on elvish character that never occurred to me, yet it makes perfect sense and seems very right. I also loved the gentle, protective attitude the elves had toward the edain. Again, it seems very appropriate given how weak and short-lived the "sickly ones" would seem to them. The distictly different way in which each elf related to Aragorn and Gilraen was a very insightful touch. I could go on and on. Wonderful writing! ~TF

Author Reply: I am glad you liked the feel of the story. Its tempting to want to write some action or conflict into the story, but it just didn't fit with how Tolkien portrayed Elrond's house. I am glad that they came across well. I certainly would like to live there (or visit, at least!).

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/8/2005
I enjoyed the opportunity to see Estel growing toward adulthood. He's clearly showing the promise of what he will become. Of course, he had the help of a loving group of wise elves to get there.

It's also fun to see this canonical event from a different POV. The twins and Estel sure don't have much reverence for Thorin! I suppose dwarves do seem pompous in their ways compared to elves. At least compared to these elves.

Author Reply: LOL at poor Thorin. I really enjoyed rereading the part of the Hobbit where we learned that the elves teased the dwarves and hobbit...the dwarves think the elves foolish in return, so someone should write this from their POV too!

I think Elrond had it right last chapter, that for Estel to accept his heritage and grow into it, he must be extraordinarily secure and raised to prepare for it. And who better than, as you say, a loving group of wise elves who have a fondness for the descendents of Elros to get him there?

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