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History Lessons: The Third Age  by Nilmandra 18 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
Ok, cried all the way through this one. I'm not sure who is worse off between Elladan and Elrohir what with Elladan's open fury at everything and Elrohir's silent suffering. You did an absolutely outstanding job portraying their reactions. All too realistic that Elladan, after what had happened would look at Haldir being placed in charge as a sign of his failure--wrong logic but seemingly logical to the mind under those circumstances and that is where I started crying for these poor people. Likewise his reaction to Athranen's words that they were part of the mission not part of the patrol now but it is really too sad. And Elrohir not saying a word about his own problems so that all strength can be focused on his naneth--geez that is too sad. Seeing their immediate reactions makes their ultimate decision to personally rid M-e of orcs appear seemingly logical.

I absolutely love the Eagles and I loved their appearance in this, especially given the reason for the Eagle's willingness to bear Elladan and Celebrian. That was wonderful.

I have always loved Elrond's healing as portrayed in these stories and here it is at its best--mastering his horror at what he sees and beginning to treat Celebrian--that scene was so well done. And then going directly to speak with Erestor--you did a great job of showing exactly how heavy a burden lies on Elrond. He has steadfast friends to aid him in Erestor and Glorfindel--Erestor gathering information about what happened to be ready when Elrond asks for it, Erestor taking Elladan off to help manage the impending argument that Elrond does not want to have, Glorfindel pounding reason into Elladan's head again--I love how everyone here works together. But ultimately, the buck stops with Elrond, so to speak. This chapter, combining Elrond's management of Celebrian's wound and his management of the arrival of Frodo (the End Game in the battle with Sauron) really brings home what a central figure Elrond was at all levels--for his family, for his own realm and for all of M-e. That was incredibly powerful.

Strangely, I think I cried the hardest in this when I got to One of the hobbits opened his mouth to protest--good old Sam. Everything with Bilbo and Sam was so perfectly in character, it was just wonderful.

I loved Elrond finding the Ring and rejecting it--that was very powerful again.

And I loved the interaction between Elrond and Aragorn--Elrond is still putting him to sleep; Aragorn's comment about Glorfindel; Elrond's assurance to Aragorn about the Ring.

God, I am exhausted after reading this, no joke. This is so well done! Great chapter.

Author Reply: Ok, cried all the way through this one

I am sorry - well, sort of. I depressed myself writing it. I am glad you thought the reactions were realistic. I have to admit to putting a lot of time into this long chapter, and I hoped to show the horrors and aftermath in a way that seemed realistic. I really do feel for Elrond...he is the Lord of Imladris and all of this burden ultimately stops with him.

I am glad the chapter moved you. Thank you.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
*Sigh.* This is another bleak, depressing chapter. There is so much despair everywhere. Elladan and Elrohir both blame themselves - Elladan because he was in charge of the mission, Elrohir because he was scout and feels he should have found the orcs. Elladan blames his brother for concealing his wounds and making them worse - but I suspect Elrohir did not even realise he was injured at first.

Then Elladan feels everyone around him blames him for his 'failure', and that he's been removed from command. *Sigh.* Bleak and depressing.

And Elrond - how horrifying to see his wife in this state, to know that it's up to him to save her. And as we know, he saves her life, but not her hope :(

Despite all the doom and gloom, this was a great chapter!


Author Reply: This is another bleak, depressing chapter.

:( I know. The twins are certainly far from 'fair and gallant' right now, and I am afraid things don't resolve very easily. All of Imladris must have felt shadowed. I am glad you liked the chapter though!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
Oh this is very nearly as intense as the first part. I am so glad to see the hobbits safely in Rivendell, and Elrond ready to care for Frodo.

Author Reply: Poor Elrond - all good experience is usually hard earned, and his knowledge of deadly wounds is one of those things. I am glad the hobbits are in Rivendell too.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/22/2005
This is just so painful to read that I can't imagine how distressing it must have been to write.

Poor Elladan. (Why I'm focusing on him first I don't know.) So much guilt and pain and anger. Wanting to blame others - for something. Wanting to take all the blame on himself. And shutting others out. Donning that shell that prevents him from receiving comfort and preserves his anger. As wounded as any of them and refusing to see it. Elladan is seeing everyone's reaction as blame rather than support, too. (I can see why Glorfindel is getting a little irritated by Elladan. Elladan is doing pretty well to stand up to him. Would do better to listen, of course, but you can't have everything.)

And Elrohir. Denying his own needs for fear of delaying help getting to Celebrian - and then losing the comfort of his brother's support. And guilt again. Neither of them are going to get over that for a good while.

It makes their withdrawal - off orc-slaying - take on another perspective (to me) as well. Sort of 'how can Elrond bear to see us when it's all our fault'. All 'we are unworthy'.

(I'm going to be missing stuff, but I'm stream of consciousness-ing on this rather than going back to reread as I go.)

Elrond. Poor Elrond. The vision of what had happened to his beloved must have been even worse than dealing with the outcome - because there was nothing he could do. I suppose actually treating her - and Elrohir - gives him some hope at the moment. Better than the desperation of waiting, better than the despair of seeing himself fail. But still.

The eagle is great though. And seeing Elladan and Celebrian swirl in eagle-back. If they hadn't had too much else on their minds that would have been a real wow. And Glorfindel. And Erestor. And Haldir. All doing their best to support a family imploding.

It makes the Frodo section seem a relief really. Despite the One Ring and the Morgul Blade. I love Sam inserting himself between Elrond and Frodo. And telling the great half-elven healer to make sure that Frodo eats and sleeps. (He'd never have thought of that!) And the stunned hobbits admiring Arwen are rather fun. And it is lovely to see Elrond and Aragorn together - reinforcing their adar/son bond - and see the respect that Elrond has for the man Estel has become. I love Aragorn's observations about Glorfindel - and how he would have avoided crossing him had he seen him in his full glory. I wonder about Elrond's full glory. He might not have been rehoused and returned - but, I would think his 'kind as summer' persona probably conceals a pretty formidable full glory.

This is just so good, Nilmandra. I shall have to go and read it again a couple of times, despite the tragedy and torment, because there is so much to pick up and admire. (And I do know it will turn out all right in the end. More or less.)

Author Reply: Poor Elladan...his guilt is overwhelming him and its landing on those people around him who already have enough burden to lay on their own shoulders. He doesn't even realize that every person who loves Celebrian will find guilt to heap on their own heads. Two rings and two of the most powerful people in Middle-earth couldn't save her from this :(

The Frodo parallel has contrasts and similarities, and I look forward to writing the hobbits. As for Elrond, I'm not sure any will see his full glory in Middle-earth. This was awful to write..and why HLIII didn't get posted for so long :/

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2005
I can't tell you how relieved I was that they did NOT ride straight through. Three cheers for the eagle!

Elladan is an unmanned rocket on the launch pad. He's not even back to Imladris yet and he's already blaming himself and anyone who gets within ten feet of him for everything from their shoe size to their choice of dinner entree. You're messing him up but good! It's OK, though. He has 500 years to get back to "fair and noble." His reaction to the role reversal - suddenly being given the role of rescuee instead of the rescuer - was picture perfect.

There were so many great moments. I loved this transition: Elladan did not think he could sleep......

....."Elladan, wake up."

The image of Elrond waiting helplessly, knowing his wife was in agony and unable to do anything about it, was gut-wrenching, as was his reunion with her. Elrond seeing her wounds and imagining her in chains was somehow worse than the twins actually seeing her, I think, maybe because there was something they could do about it. I really liked the healers gathered around her, singing.

Elrohir's simple anguish is just as heartbreaking as Elladan's...whatever is going on with Elladan. It was touching when Elrond forced him to submit to healing. Would not be gainsaid. No, I should think not!

This sounds very ominous:

Elrond found a comfortable position from which he could hold Celebrían’s hand. He had no idea how many frustrating days and nights he would spend there.

Now, to the fun part (well, fun in comparison!)

Yay, Aragorn, Gandalf, and the hobbits! (And Glorfindel, of course.)

I liked seeing their arrival from Elrond's POV - the hobbits were completely interchangeable at that point. I liked how to him, it was just "one of the hobbits" who disapproved of Frodo being taken from his presence. I know who my money's on!

I love the little gapfilling moments. Canon tells us that Sam wouldn't leave Frodo's side, but it's fun to see him insert himself in between Elrond and Frodo! I liked Elrond's premonition that Frodo would need him to succeed. And the cameo by Bilbo was sweet.

The Temptation of Elrond was chilling. I never thought about what his reaction to seeing the Ring would be. I liked his conversation with Aragorn about the Ring's power, too, as well as the gentle comfort that Elrond provided Aragorn.

Well, this chapter was a doozy. After reading HLII and seeing Elrond, Celebrian, and the family together and happy, it's hard to see the end of that. It's hard to see what this is doing to Elrond and E2. But you're doing it wonderfully.

Author Reply: LOL at your description of Elladan! Unmanned rocket..yep... I was thinking a coiled snake too. Out of control, blaming everyone and not rational at all, and making things worse for everyone around him. Poor elfling.

I think it is good that Elrond had Frodo to deal with, even if the Ring did tempt him with greater ability to heal. I was thinking about Aragorn though, and how he would have to distance himself from the Ring's voice for such a long period of time.

I have written the epilogue to this story, because I needed to see the family (nearly) whole at the end, sort gives me an endpoint to write to.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2005
I had some unexpected time today, and I am now caught up with this story. I am enjoying it muchly. I really like the way you write the relationships between different family members. Especially the twins -- I love that they really have two separate personalities and have their quarrels as well as their closeness. In fact, it looks like their closeness makes their quarrels that much more intense, and that really works well for the story.

Author Reply: I was reading Meckinock's story and was so impressed with how 'fair and gallant' her twins are, and I am afraid my two are far from it. Their closeness did make their fight very intense, and Elladan may find Elrohir's ready forgiveness not so ready this time. I am glad you are enjoying the story.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2005
You really did such a nice job with Elladan's POV. We get insight into his suffering, which tells us about the impact of what's been done to Celebrian on everyone around her. And yet through Elladan's eyes, we see other people's reactions too. That's tricky to do and you do it well.

The hobbits' arrival was also great. Switching voices for all these characters is fun. I particularly liked seeing Bilbo worried about Frodo.

Author Reply: Thank you.. I had to post, just to get it out of the way! I like writing Bilbo, as i think he has the most unique voice. Sam I can 'hear' as well, but the other ones will take some more thought. Although, Pippin is pretty distinct by the end of LotR.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 7/21/2005
“I have never seen Glorfindel as I saw him today. Had I known what he could become, I would have crossed him less as a child.”

What a wonderful detail. I've often wondered how *every* person at the Ford saw Glorfindel. Actually, your chapter has me thinking a lot about Glorfindel, and what the Ring might have 'promised' him had *he* accompanied the Fellowship south. There are so many infinite stories in the Professor's Tale.

(Of course you know I'm ecstatic that hobbits have entered HL at last, Nilmandra! Elrond is very kind and respectful to them, which is nice. I'm glad he got to know Bilbo over the past 17 years.)

Author Reply: I am glad to finally work my Frodo story into this one - more so post Quest, of course, when he and Elrond can spend some time talking. It can be hard to catch the 'hobbit' voice, but I enjoyed trying. Elrond is going to learn how tough of fibre hobbits really are made of. :>)

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