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Force of Nature  by shirebound 267 Review(s)
EndaewenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/22/2009
I've enjoyed this story as much this time as I did the last time I read it.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for letting me know. That makes me really happy. :)

nancylea57Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/1/2008
iknow why don't you not email and tell me you read this one too. last night i read it on a whim today i decided to do the loop. so there a couple more thanks coming, you could skip the reply, i won't be offended. n

Author Reply: I wouldn't dream of not replying, Nancy. I'm very happy you're enjoying the stories enough to read them again. :)

nancylea57Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/1/2008
every once in a while i'm told people like to go back to enjoyable stories and reread them. me i like to do it fairly frequently. this is one of those i hope to reread another hundred times ( only a little hyperbole there). reminda me i need to start at the top and go all the way through. telk at you later. thank you for so many hours of enjoyment. n.

Author Reply: I re-read stories I love over and over, and am glad other folks do the same! I'm so happy you're enjoying this story. The whole "Quarantined" series is very close to my heart, and I loved writing all of them. :)

forochelReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/9/2008
Just when I thought it couldn't get any *cuter*, PIPPIN POPS UP!!!

I should have known, huh? *glees*

Author Reply: Just couldn't resist! Glad you're enjoying this, Forochel, and thank you so much for your review. :)

mews1945Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/27/2007
I re-read this for the MEFA's, so I could refresh my memory before reviewing it, and I just wanted to thank you once more for this lovely addition to your Quarantined universe. It's a wonderful place, a pleasure to visit with your hobbits and rangers and that sweet little rascal, Scamp. I think I need to re-read Quarantined again too. It always makes me feel good to read about Frodo and Estel and Bilbo, and having Merry and Pippin, and Halbarad and Thalguron along just made it a happier time for all.

Author Reply: Oh Mewsie, thank you!! This is my 'happy place', I think, where I can truly write my heart and give our beloved characters the fun, interaction, and gentle adventures I crave for them. *hugs*

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 15 on 4/18/2006
Shirebound, whenever I've been reading really angsty stories and I really start to feel it, I come back to your stuff and find something to read. Yes, you have angst, but just enough to keep things interesting and not so much that it's overwhelming. As it is I've just read two long stories with lots of angst, so this was great! :)

I just love Scamp-she's just the perfect puppy! It's so sweet how she knows when she's needed and comes around just in time to comfort. And I love her mischievous streak as well...LOL! A tangle of leather strips...what an appropriate gift. Maybe it will keep her from chewing boot laces for a while. :)

Speaking of boots, Pippin hiding inside one of those huge boots was just too cute! :) Leave it to him to think of that!

Toddler Pippin is a perfect little darling, and I love his ducks and fwogs :), and Merry had best not forget that he pwomised to teach him twacking! I think you've made Pip a very real toddler; I can't imagine him anything but sweet and irresistible. :)

The part with the trees was very creative, and I could definitely tell that they were speaking through Frodo-the voice was totally different. Wow! Their message, and just the fact that they were talking through Frodo, gave me the shivers. I don't think I've ever read anything of the kind in fanfic before!

Poor Frodo, to go through that and then have such chaotic dreams. That's an awful feeling, isn't it, not to be able to separate dream from waking? But he definitely had the very best caretakers! :)

I love your Merry! He's so responsible and level-headed, yet you never make him so grown-up that we forget he's a child. His artless frankness had me giggling.

And Thalguron is a wonderful OC! No wonder Merry made him and Halbarad honorary Brandybucks! :) And I hope their mother takes extra good care of Halbarad, as I've no doubt she will. :)

Frodo has indeed come a long way in four years. Such love and joy has wrought a great change. He's lost none of the innocence and trust, yet he doesn't seem so vulnerable; though of course he still has fears. That conversation with Bilbo was very well thought out, BTW.

"When can we do it again?" LOL! A perfect way to end this!
God bless,

P.S. Do I win the prize for the longest review? *grin*

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I also have stories I read and re-read when I need comfort, so I'm thrilled to be contributing stories like that for others. I'm actually trying to start a new "Quarantined" sequel which takes place just after "Force of Nature", but I'm having trouble getting some tricksy plot points to cooperate. I definitely want to get Aragorn, Frodo, Bilbo, Scamp, and Halbarad back together again.

What a lovely review. *hugs*

rabidsamfanReviewed Chapter: 15 on 2/17/2006
Ah, that's what I love about things like the GMAs. The nudge to go and read stories I'd skipped for some odd reason the first time through.

Wonderful fluffy angst. *sigh* Just no Sam! Ah well, I'll get my fix from your current story.

Author Reply: No Sam, I know! I was intent on getting Merry into this 'universe' somehow, and this is the story that evolved. At least Sam had major roles in "Quarantined" (after awhile), "Estel's Birthday", "By Chance or Purpose", and "Reflections of the Past", so he's a big, big part of this 'universe'.

*hugs Sam*

And hugs for you, RSF. Your love and devotion to this fandom just shines like a beacon. You're such a treasure.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/16/2005
Just wanted to let you know I finished reading the story. It was excellent, as your stories always are

<>< Saved from sin through Christ,

Author Reply: Thank you very much. I'm very happy you enjoyed this. I never dreamed this series would have so many stories!

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 15 on 10/19/2005
Nooooo!!! It's over!! It can't be! It was too good. That was cool about the old forest. Just for curiosity, what breed it Scamp? She seems like a Beagle. I have two and they ALWAYS get into some sort of mischief (spelling?). THanks for an awesome story. I think I'll go read more fics by shirebound..... ;)
God Bless, Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: I never went into detail about Scamp's appearance or breeding (see "Reflections of the Past" for her arrival at Bag End and adoption by the Bagginses), only that she's golden brown, and very tiny. Thank you so much for the lovely review!


Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/16/2005
I read "Quarantined" on another website and LOVED it! I'm so glad you wrote a sequal!! I'm new to this whole fanfic thing, but am enjoying it so much! I have heard from a reliable source and my own observation that you are a notable author. I, and my mellon nin were very correct in that. Congratulations!! I can't wait to keep reading!! God bless, Frodo Baggins

Author Reply: Thank you very much! I never dreamed that "Quarantined" would spark so many sequels (I think there are five now!). It's nice to imagine a peaceful, happy pre-Quest 'universe' for our favorite characters.

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