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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 79 Review(s)
Sophia SilfaeryReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/22/2005
In addition to saying how much I enjoy this story and how wonderful I think it is, I would just like to express my utter astonishment that it hasn't had more reviews. You write so well and conjour up the atmosphere in which your characters move with amazing clarity. Well done!

Author Reply:
I have said it to other authors and I try to take my own advice. You must write because you want to tell a story, not for reviews. They are only the gravy.

That said, I admit that when I go to KFC, I always order an extra gravy.

Now, *you* should be working on *your* Celebrimbor! Put up another chapter and I'll bring a whole pint from KFC or Boston Market if you prefer. :)

Thank you for the compliments! I really appreciate them and your review.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/22/2005
Well - at least the note at the top let me know that Hrassa and Celeborn were too busy reuniting to stop by here!

I'm not sure I like Laerlínath. She seems a bit too much of a social climbing snobby type. Unless she grows on me, I'm rather going to hope that she gets well squashed by the Lady Galadriel. She seems to be giving Aurthôn rather a hard time - and I'm not really too keen on 'girlish'.

On the other hand, I'm taking to Celebrimbor. He seems to have a pretty good understanding of his own strengths and weaknesses and is prepared to let other people do what they are good at.

And I love the idea of the three of them having trouble with 'whiny bourgeoisie with clout'. And, actually, picturing elves who are not lords or their staff but who are bourgeois. (Elven society so often doesn't seem to have any depth or breadth.) But perhaps Celeborn should watch who is exposed to his sharp tongue - 'worse than wealthy dwarves', indeed. How to alienate two races in one simile. It's great to see Celeborn keeping two descendants of Finwe in line with his line in sarcasm.

'He always did enjoy the happiness of others as though it were his own.' What a nice Celebrimbor. I agree with Galadriel. Generosity of spirit would certainly draw a line between Celebrimbor and his father / grandfather.

This chapter certainly has my curiosity aroused. I hope it's not too long before it's satisfied!

Author Reply:
Sorry about switching scenes. But, there are a great many people in Celebrian's life and Hrassa and Celeborn have a lot to talk about.

*Sigh* Laerlinath is who she is, but Aurthon loves her dearly so I cannot be too mean to her.

Everyone gets down on poor Celebrimbor for being Feanorionath. Tolkien tells us he has a conscious and he still fell under Annatar's influence. So, he was swayed, but only up to the point his inate goodness would be compromised. After all, he did break with his family over right and wrong, not greed or ambition. He is destined to atone for giving into temptation as will Boromir in a later age.

I think one reason people react badly to what Celeborn says is that what he says is usually very true. And who wants to hear the truth about themselves?

Eregion had to be based on trade and that means middle-men and shopkeepers. I like to think of it as a Renaissance Italy in Arda. Acceleration of the arts and sciences is almost just a side-effect. Heh, I can easily imagine a Romeo&Juliet affair between two Amanyar and Umanyar families with the Lord and Lady simply trying to keep the two sides from killing eachother, all set in the midst of an opulant society. 'She does teach the stars to burn bright' Ah, but I have already be chasitized for the eldar-violence going beyond the pale.

I am in the process of polishing the next chapter, but it is a tough one. Absolutely no plot development, just talking... talking... talking...

Thank for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/8/2005
Oops. Elmo's line, certainly.

(But isn't Elmo's line part of Elu's house? His is the senior line of the family - it's really quite complicated deciding when a line becomes a house. Because I wouldn't consider Olwe's family to be part of Elu's house, even though he, too, is a younger brother. But Elmo stayed behind . . .)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/7/2005
Oh, I do love this. Hrassa might be tough, but standing up to Celeborn when he's playing intimidating is clearly not easy. Of course he's a bit side-tracked by the presence of little Celebrian.

Who would have thought being punished by Galadriel would be a relief compared to being on the wrong side of her Ada! But Celebrian certainly seems to think so - and Hrassa is in agreement.

And after all - what's 500 years to an elf! Hrassa just wanted to go walkabout - but he simply can't resist little silver-haired ellyth of Elu's house. She snagged him!

Even though he was . . . sort of faded? 'I am sure you chose to let her see you.' References to being lost? And madness? And now he's back and things have changed - but there is still Celeborn and an elleth of his house.

I look forward to discovering more.

Author Reply:
It's great to have you taking an interest in this tale. Hrassa does like to let people think he is... unsophisticated.

Well, Celebrian obviously thinks she can get around her naneth more easily than her adar.

Elu?! I hope you meant to say Elmo! Elu's children are all dark-haired like Melian. Hrassa was never a bowman to Thingol. And we have yet to see if Hrassa will remain in *anyone's* custody.

I am sure that if wood-elves can seem invisible in the forest there is no reason to think they cannot do the same in just about any environment. Maybe they go into some crazy sort of 'non-entity mode'. Hrassa lost? Yeah, right. You know, sometimes you just have to take what someone says at face value. If you press too hard, you may not like what you hear.

But, I think you are right. Hrassa would not have stopped to check Celebrian out so closely if she were not an elleth like Nimloth. A little ellon would have only reminded him that there were still Sindar princes in Ennor.

Thank you for reviewing - again!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/6/2005
I find the story so far to be fascinating and exceedingly well written. It is wonderful to see the realm of Eregion detailed in this manner, the history of Celeborn so examined.

Author Reply:
Thank you! I blush. Now, if I can just keep it going...

Sherlock21bReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/6/2005
Wow! I really love how this story is progressing.

Best of all are the small details. Galadriel is so often portrayed as the more temperamental spouse, so I loved the scene when Celebrian's thrilled because she's gotten off easy by getting sent off to be punished by mom instead of dad.

And the relationship between Celeborn and Hrassa is fascinating (I can totally see Celeborn defending the concept of will over fate). Can't wait to see the next installment.

Author Reply: Ah but, I like dwelling on details to the point of the plot not progressing. :P I am trying to avoid doing that but it's tough.

Celeborn just does not seem the type to let things get *too* out of hand. And Galadriel is rather temperamental, if you ask me.

Thank you so much for reviewing!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/6/2005
Well, you've certainly caught my attention! The richness of detail in your story, and the fullness of the characterization, makes it a real joy to read. I can't wait to find out more about Hrassa. Hope you update soon!

- Barbara

Author Reply:
Oh thank you so much! Right now I need all the encouragement I can get! Yep, Hrassa does have some history with Celeborn and family.

And your wish is happily granted! Check it out. ;) Though the Chapter 4 may take some time...

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/23/2005
I do like Hrassa. And little Celebrian - definitely her parents' child. What a resilient little toughie. Well, except when it comes to being caught where she shouldn't be by her Adar.

And she speaks Silvan!

I think she has captured Hrassa. He might have served Nimloth, but I'm not sure he had much choice in the matter - and now he has another princess.

Celeborn isn't going to manage to remain wrathful for long. Especially with Hrassa deliberately diverting him. Although both Hrassa and Celebrian are fascinatingly nervous.

More soon, please. I'm longing to know what happens next!

Author Reply:
Thank you so much for reviewing!

I like Hrassa too. ;) Apparently, so does Celebrian. At least, enough to *sneak* him home.

Makes sense that Celebrian speaks the language of the Galadhrim since that is where she has lived until now. Hrassa would not have known that though.

Hrassa does have a lot of loyalty issues when it comes to the Lindarin princes. But, he is aware of his strengths and weaknesses. And Celeborn knows exactly what they are too.

Hope we don't disappoint.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/12/2005
This is intriguing. And although Glamien's reaction to someone looking at Celebrian seems a bit extreme, in the situation of lawlessness and violence you have set up, it is very understandable.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Author Reply: You are right. The idea of lawlessness and violence among elves is rather daunting. But, this is the Second Age, not the First or Third. Eregion is neither Aman nor a homogenous eleven kingdom. The Valar have totally withdraw and no more benevolant Maiar are visiting Ennor. They have been freed of the Dark Lord and (I think) cannot conceive of another arising. In this colony, there is no tried or even true ruler watching over his people as they settle here. So, Celebrimbor arrived on a frontier 'wilder' than what Oropher or Amdir ever encountered. I always considered how Annatar was able to just come in and take up residence an indicator that the government was very different in Ost-in-Edil than in Lindon.

Thank you very much for the review! This story may not be full of action-adventure or romance, but I am hoping that some readers might find it a little thought-provoking.

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