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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 79 Review(s)
perellethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/4/2005
Lovely relationship between Celebrimbor and Celebrían! He's such a pleasing uncle!And the girl has her own personality here, she's kind of glaadriel in short version, so amusing in her discerning and commanding attitudes! :-)
Laerlínath's game is very well prsented, attempts at flattering and gaining position in such a court, gossip and false smiles are perfectly rendered and well in place in such a city!

I bow tou your ability at writing details and situations, Redha, it is amazing how perfectly in place everything seems, almost effortlessly!!

Author Reply:
Ah, but she's her daddy's girl too!

Just as long as you don't like Laerlinath herself too much!

Hmm, I guess once in a while I can talk a good game. ;) But, writing fiction is hard work for me and I am just such a snail... slimely trail and all.

You are so kind to review each chapter, thank you!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/4/2005
Wow! I enjoyed very much your description of the palace, and, above all, celebrimbor's artistic "restlessness", and his utter disregard for anything beyond his artistic pleasures. You've made him such a wonderful character! I particularly liked his reasoning for his not being better smith! Smart guy! And that remark about his relishing others' happiness...I think this suits well with a Nolodirn elf completely enthralled by a fair maiar offering healing for the ailments of arda, and makes Celerbimbor's demise even more painful. Good job!

Author Reply:
Thank you so much for the compliments!
I actually like Celebrimbor very much and never thought of him as unlikable as so many other authors depict him. He has to have a few self-esteem issues, but does not have to deal with them by being overly-superior. Certianly, he has an artistic arrogance, but he has seen the same disdain practiced without any basis by his fellow artists and teachers. He has seen what Feanor's incredible obsessions and resentment did to him. Without those kind of people around him, Celebrimbor would be more content, it seems.

However, if talent is in his blood, so are some accompanying flaws. Which in my book, makes him all the braver at the end.

Thanks again for reviewing this chapter!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/4/2005
I like your suggestion that Celeborn and Galadriel had trouble conceiving children, don't ask me why, but it seems quite fitting to me. I cannot imagine how loved and cared for this Celebrían was, and we rarely get to glimpse their pain when she was attackd, and then sailed away...

Hrassa is such a steady, stubborn and resilient old one... it reminds me of those old servants in ancient families that keep the silver bright and shiny and are constantly reminding you of the "hows", and "whens", even when all protocol has long been abandoned...but yet his devotion to the line is heartrending, as it is his pain when he hears that the elmoi are no more... yes, exactly like the old butler who is sold away with the manor...poor one. I hope his wild blood help him shake a bit Celeborn's calm and composed facade! :-)

Author Reply:
Hmm, most people are turned off by this idea. But, I too like it as an explanation where Tolkien simply needed a mother for Arwen.

Hrassa is not as old as all that! He was born in Beleriand and served Denethor, not Lenwe. But, he is a family servant, for sure. And yes, very important to Celeborn's wilder side too.

Thanks for the review!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/3/2005
Oh! it is amazing how little we know of Celebrían ( a line or two ) and how well you have managed to depict her by delving into her parents' characters! Lively, stubborn, charming, caring, daring, she's plainly celeborn and galadriel's daughter, but also elrond's wife- to- be as well as Arwen's mother!I'm impresed!

I like this grim wood elf, who seems so stubbornly set on his loyalty to the elmoi! Celeborn has received a big surprise, but.. a nice one, too?

Author Reply:
Wow, thanks! The ego is quite puffed up now. ;)

I think Celeborn likes having Hrassa come back. Though he may change his mind later...

Thanks for reviewing. I am glad you are finding it interesting.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005
Here I am, at last!
I love the description of the market, first, and the atmosphere in the city later on. You are very good at details of day to day life as well as building a believable background. I can see perefectly how the city went out of Celembrimbor hands in a moment. I agree taht he would be mainly interested in his craft and less worried by ( or apt for)ruling, and the discovery of that mother lode of Mithril was not an easy event to manage. I, too, like how you portray the subsequent chaos. It very much looks like the gold fever at the beginning of the xxth century! :-) and how the LOrd and the lady came to solve the problem. It is uncommon to read of Celebrimbor thinking of Celeborn and galadriel as "old friends" though, I don't think there was never cause for them to be such, Celebrimbor being, above all, a Feanorian... but I take it as part of the story, I don't find it disturbing at all....
btw, this Celebrían is so cute!;-)

Author Reply:
Kind perelleth, I apologize the the late responses, but you know about the RL stuff. Thank you again for those much needed Hugs.

Thanks much, and I did have a 'gold rush' in mind writing parts of this.

In regards to C&G being friends with Celebrimbor...
Well, he has more reason to be a friend then not to be. There are only two factors to consider, he is Feanorian (as you pointed out) and he expresses a bit of jealously that Galadriel chose Celeborn over him. In the varying snippits in UT and Silm, he severes his ties to his family at Nargothrond and stays with Finarfin's kin. He probably lived there after Gondolin and before that defining incident. He would have met Celeborn when he was there visiting his lady, in-laws, or otherwise conducting business with Finrod. His pining for the Lady can be taken as courtly rather than passionate since he met her long before Celeborn and she still did not consider him for a husband. Not marrying does not seem any indication that he was fixed on her, considering the other characters that apparently also end up alone. Also, in one version, he is included in C&G's following and not on his own. Yes, he is seduced by Sauron until it gets down to the same moral fortitude he showed with his own father. Like Boromir, he will not be entirely lost to his obssessions, but be ultimatly faithful to his noble nature and redeemed. The very sort of person C&G would respect and, with persojnal observation of his own family to compare to that of other's, he would know exactly why Galadriel left everything behind and probably agreed with her.

Yeah, I guess you might say that Celebrian is cute... at least, most of the time. ;)

Thanks much for reading and reviewing.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/3/2005
Poor Hrassa - tortured by incongruous carnival music. How could Celeborn be so cruel?

Except for Galadriel. But, he knew that was because she had liked him at first sight. It suddenly occurred to him that maybe her daughter had reacted to him in much the same way. Good - there's more to Galadriel than spoilt Golodhrim and I'm glad Hrassa sees it! Perhaps she sees in Hrassa someone who recognises the same Celeborn that she does.

Don't you go dismissing Elrond though, Celeborn - or the fates might turn round and bite you in the foot and make him your son-in-law or something!

Only once had Gil-galad tried to do that to Galadriel. Only once. Now that is a confrontation I would like to see!

A tale of fragmentation and division. And like Hrassa, I am left groping to make sense of it all. More please - I need the complicated answer to the simple question to unravel - lots of pieces have been laid out, but I need Celeborn to assemble them into some kind of order. Are we talking eminences grises, powers behind the throne, making things happen without the need for thrones? Power from the people; held but not imposed directly? I need to read again from the beginning. And have some more chapters.

Are they planning on escaping the prison yard? Hrassa would probably feel more at ease if the guard didn't keep popping out as if he was a threat. He might be, I suppose, but he's not that kind of threat.

Enjoyable - tantalising - more soon, please.

Author Reply:
I do apologize for the very late response, but you know about that RL stuff.

Ha! Alliteration! Love it! I really liked that other phrase you used in your Ripe for Change response as well: "responsibilities that outrank romance".

Galadriel can see into people hearts, can she not? ;) Something in there pleased her.

Well, Celeborn has not completely written off Elrond, not yet, I think.

I doubt it was on the same paar as Feanor's and Fingolfin's confrontation. Seeing as Celeborn might easily step back and calmly offer an equal - and more direct - threat. And, who knows what might happen if the cappo of the nothrim decided, like Thingol, to call for some santions against the young king. Much better to stay on friendly terms. ;)

Next chapter will continue their discussion. and still little enlightenment...

I agree with you that they simply cannot stay where they are. Anyway, Celebrimbor would be put out royal to have to track them down here.

I simply cannot get over your liking this story!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/13/2005
That was a very elven 'toss-the-baby-in-the-air' moment. More juggle with her! While she squealed with delight. This is a wonderful relationship of love and trust between Celebrian and Celebrimbor. Child and elf lord both disregarding protocol and just being happy to play together.

Unfortunately - under the spiteful and speculating eye of the gossip-mongering, place-seeking, social-climbing elves who just can't bear to believe that sometimes it is impossible to find scandal because there is no scandal to be found. I haven't taken to Laerlínath at all.

And I'm interestingly outraged by all the speculation about Celebrian's parents - although I have to agree with Aurthôn. Anyone who thinks that Celebrimbor is the father of this silver-haired elfling needs his/her head examined. Although the throwaway suggestion that she could be Amroth's sister is clever.

You are doing a wonderful job at making the Noldor immigrants seem arrogant and only too willing to accept all the kind of 'baby-eating' rumours that so many colonists seem to adopt about the indigenous peoples. Grr - I can feel steam starting to rise!

I'm intrigued to know why mention of Hrassa can take the smile from Celebrimbor's face. And delighted at Celebrian's enquiry as to whether she can keep him (as her bowman, of course. Certainly not as a pet.) And I half-hope (only half, because it would be unpleasantly cynical, even of an elfling) that Celebrian is taking Laerlínath with her to Galadriel for head-removal surgery.

And Celebrimbor is scheming to have Aurthôn become friends with Hrassa. I can't imagine why! But I'm fairly certain that Laerlínath won't like that at all. Actually, that's a good enough reason for me. Probably not Celebrimbor's though.

This has really left me hungry for more. What happens next? I want to know!

Author Reply:
Most people want to see Celeborn and Celebrimbor at each others throat when there is no reason, at least not until much later, for that to be so. And in UT, Celebrimbor never seems to actively dislike anyone. He's generally an OK guy. In one version, he is actually one of C&G's followers.

Laerlinath rubs you the wrong way? :) Cool! She does sorta represent some of the reasons C&G eventually have to leave Eregion.

Well, in my view of things, Amroth is Amdir's son period. LOTR trumps UT. I had to throw it though. Gil-galad is not the only elven-king with excursive origns.

Some would disagree with me about bringing the Galadhrim to Eregion instead of Galadriel bringing it's culture to them. But, Tolkien is quite clear that the Silvan in the both Greenwood and Goldenwood are influeced by Sindar culture with some Noldor followers tagging along. And I simply cannot see the Nandor accepting Galadriel without Celeborn's aegis.

Celebrian is a clever child which can be a sore trial for everyone when not properly guided. I have a feeling her ada, and her naneth, would be very indulgent if only they could be. After all, she did get Hrassa arrested, didn't she? And escaped her guard on a whim to check on her prize. Who knows how long she would have taken to go to her mother if her uncle had not set her on her way. Typical smart kid, if you ask me, and as capable as her grandtwins will be. They didn't get it all from Galadriel...

Hrassa has history with this family and Celebrimbor is part of the family. That's the answer to their relationship. They both care about C&G and now Celebrian.

As to the next chapter, sorry but back with Hrassa and Celeborn still working out their relationship after so long an absence.

Thank you for reviewing. We mean to entertain and its good to know when we do.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/1/2005
I'm glad you found this chapter even a bit interesting.

More than a bit. (I like debate.)

I've (intelligently?) noticed a pattern to the chapter titles, too.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/29/2005
That's a very strong reaction to being trapped - I can't imagine how bad it must have been for elves like Hrassa to be imprisoned by the Big Nasties of ME. They can't have remained sane/alive for very long.

I love Celeborn and his tongue-twister - nice lightening of the mood.

The royalty thing is fascinating - because it's all linked in with the noblesse oblige bit. Who is royal - the ones who tell you they are? Royalty imposed? Or those who are claimed by those ruled? Royalty chosen? It would seem that the Elmoi are unable to set aside their obligation to protect and direct, even if they want to.

Although Celeborn would, it would seem, be able to accept it better if Hrassa would only concede that, as Olwe's granddaughter, Galadriel is in the magic circle - by right rather than just (reluctantly) by marriage.

I love this - 'As part of his odd humility, he did not seek the affection or approval of everyone he met. Therefore, to many he seemed careless of their feelings. Hrassa would say that they came to that judgment by unknowingly wanting to find favor with the Lord only to feel rejected. So disaffection and disapproval were what his prince often received.'

It's such a good explanation of why Celeborn stands back and lets his wife get the superficial glory.

I really enjoy seeing these two together - and how their relationship develops. Hrassa seems a bit one-sided in his views - and I can't see him taking to Celebrimbor much. Or the Lady whose name I have forgotten. But he should make things interesting.

I'll have to read again to pick up more nuances. Good chapter.

Author Reply:
Well, claustrophobia can be controlable when you are prepared for it. When you know you cannot take it, you avoid it. As a group, the Laegrim tended to retreat into the forest rather than fortresses. There was a recent story by Soledad where she explores a long confinement and it is not for the faint-hearted.

*g* I just think the quendi would appreciate word games and puns. If they were more into actually keeping pets, parrots would propably be their first choice. Especially for the Falarthrim. Yoho. :)

Being american, royalty and leadership are both interesting to me. I think there are two factors that still play a big part in shaping our social order. The instinctual understanding that certain talents come with the chosen breed and the advantages of a familial apprenticeship. (Just as a bad simile... There are real differences between a working dog, a lap dog, and a show dog. One of which is that a good working dog is driven to do his job.)

Yes, I think young Galadriel wanted glory. Her first real lesson in the difference between renown and respect was the Helcaraxe. She has not yet learned her last lesson. However unlike Artanis, I think Celeborn did not have to compete in court with his older sibling or cousins the way she did and simply turned out somewhat indifferent to it. That doesn't mean he doesn't like having things his way.

Thank so much for reading and commenting. And not being too angry at Hrassa for being prejudice in return against the Noldor. I'm glad you found this chapter even a bit interesting.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/23/2005
I find myself enjoying this hunt myself. Ah, the politics of ruling!

Author Reply:
I very glad to hear that. :) Love, Religion, and Politics. We argue about them because they are important. We read about them because they are entertaining. We write about them because they are interesting. But, only in the order they are listed and politics is definitely last.

Thanks for the review!

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