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Life in the Angle  by Leaward 175 Review(s)
GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/10/2005
I usually wait until the end of the story I'm reading or the last updated chapter to review, but I think this story is too good to wait! You have such a way with words, you just bring the story to life. I am so glad there is more to read.
You're right about the nightmares, my grandfather survived Pearl Harbor, and he always had nightmares. When I was really little, he used to scare me when he woke up screaming. Thank goodness he has found the long sleep, even if it took cancer to get him there. I miss him, but at least he's at peace. I'll read the rest of this woderful story when I get back from silver cliff, so I'll review after that!
Until then,
Galimeril ;D

Author Reply: Oooh, I just discovered this and found I hadn't replied -- I'm so sorry.

The idea of Doron's nightmares was based on my grandfather who was a Royal Marine taken prisoner of war on Crete back in 1940 and spent the rest of the war in a German POW camp. He too used to wake up screaming and would strike out at anyone who got near until he'd fully awoken. And he has also found a restful sleep, God bless him.

It has been a very special chapter because most of my reviews have included people saying exactly the same thing -- my grandfather or father or father-in-law -- I'm glad I could make people remember the sacrifice they made for us. The themes of Tolkien's stories are not so much removed from our own lives, are they? Even now the shadow of darkness clouds over us. Let's hope we have our own Aragorn, Frodo and Mithrandir to help us out.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/10/2005
how his mother died???? That sounds very ominous. Along the lines of the children Titheniel didn't have.

I think she must have one of these syndrome thingies - something that means she is totally incapable of understanding another's point of view. Everything is seen only in relation to her. Racism is part of it, perhaps, but if she found it convenient to change (- you know, she was courted by an elf lord or something - or the King of Rohan, perhaps) - she might well be able to overcome her conviction that the Dunedain are the best thing since sliced bread.

She has to be placed at a distance from the Angle, I think - purely for everyone else's continued health and sanity - but it is difficult to decide what to do with her. Because she is clearly not going to undergo a sudden Road to Damascus experience - and (outside any remaining orc clans) there isn't really anyone who deserves to be inflicted with her. Especially as she needs to be somewhere she can be watched. Because she is irredeemably dangerous to anyone she thinks is in her way. In fact, she has become in some ways more frightening than she was before, when she was just plain nasty. It is just so much more convenient to polish off your baddies with some handy falling rock - trying to work out humane fates for villains is just plain difficult.

Author Reply: how his mother died?? I hinted at it in chapter 19 (A different Perspective) when he's talking to Barahir about how he is afraid for Poppi - that he can't defend her with his bow or sword. “I fought the Orcs who attacked Naneth and Daernana only to watch Naneth die from her wounds and had to listen to Haldon and Mallor say how I had failed her.”

I think you're right about the 'syndrome' Titheniel suffers from though I can't recall the exact term right now.

The next chapter (hopefully) will tell you what/when and why she took the leap from nasty to frightening.

MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/10/2005

That chapter got off to a heart stopping start!

I can never be sure with what you are going to do. I think you are going to keep Poppie and the babies safe. Part of me is always sure of that, but then you got and write a chapter that is so convincing in the other direction. I really was not sure of Poppi and the babies were going to come through that unscathed.

I like the way you build a story, the things you think of. Too many writers would not stop to think of the consequences of the hardships Poppi and Tarkil have recently been through. Too many would have stopped the story with Poppi being proven innocent and they all live happily ever after. That is unrealistic and boring. Two people fall and love and get married, but the real romance is in what comes as the years go by. It is in the hardships the couple faces and how they deal with them. It is the ever after that I like reading about.

Bravo on another wonderful, well crafted chapter. I have thoughrally enjoyed it.

MysteriousWays- What is so fun about tip toeing through tulips?

Author Reply: *covers face to hide the tears, whispering 'she gets it!'*

What a wonderful review, MW. Thank you.

Two people fall and love and get married, but the real romance is in what comes as the years go by. It is in the hardships the couple faces and how they deal with them

That was exactly what I was thinking when I started writing this story. So many writers do stop at the 'happily ever after.' Except after 28 years of marriage, I know there is no 'happily ever after.' It's constant work and how you (as a couple) deal with the problems life throws at you that can make or break the marriage.

Wow, I'd better climb off my soapbox. I've been very careful to always make sure that Poppi and Tarkil's love for each other never falters despite all the hardships that they've had to endure. Despite Tarkil's denseness and obliviousness to what he's asking of Poppi, despite Titheniel, and Elennië and Dagnir, despite Ragnor. I think that given what they've endured their first year of marriage, this couple will be able to survive anything, don't you?

This story has kicked my butt in so many different ways that I cannot tell you how vindicated I feel to have reviewers like you and Bodkin, and Karenator and all the others tell me that 'I'm getting it right.' Yesterday I felt like throwing in the 'writing' towel when this story finished, but you've renewed my confidence. Thank you in ways I cannot even begin to tell you.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/10/2005
Well - Titheniel is clearly raving. In the sense that the only thing she can begin to comprehend is her own point of view - and everyone else is merely an accessory to her ambition. Treated adequately if they do exactly what she wants, but available for sacrifice if they stand in her way. But very very dangerous. I don't hold with execution, really - better to have most offenders learn through service and training - but I really don't know if Middle Earth can cope with anyone so single mindedly, obsessively self-centred. Nothing touches her apart from her own desires. And she will threaten and blackmail and manipulate and steal and abuse to get what she wants. She is a thoroughly bad egg. I wonder why she turned out so vile? What sort of family does she come from?

Still, I enjoyed Aniriel countering her with Tarkil's sword. And little Poppi's hearty punch to the jaw. Never, moronic Titheniel, threaten a mother with young. They will take on dragons in defence of their little ones.

It's a shame about the house - but, if it is rebuilt, at least it will be Poppi's home rather than the ancestral pile. And it would probably be a good idea if Tarkil actually spoke to his wife about what she wants. And talking of speaking, what's going on in the minds of the Brothers Beautiful? What has taken them off to Imladris in the middle of a crisis? I shall be speculating crazily!

I hope Poppi is getting used to the names. I am. I shall be most distressed if she now goes and calls the twinlets something silly.

And Titheniel is going to have a moot of her own - and no-one to support her. I wonder if she'll notice - or whether she will still consider herself to be the saviour of Dunedain-kind.

Lovely moment with Poppi and Tarkil and their sons, all tucked up together, safe, clean and cleared of crime.

More - more. Please.

Author Reply: I have had others make suggestions that Titheniel be sentenced to serve others, but do I really want to inflict her on the Rohir or Breelanders? I think there's be a riot if she had to work at the Pony. ;) I don't think the Dunedain hold with execution either, although Tolkien does write in War of the Jewels that they do have a death sentence. It's been really tough to decide exactly how to punish Titheniel. And even now I'm wondering if my solution is strong enough.

And she will threaten and blackmail and manipulate and steal and abuse to get what she wants. She is a thoroughly bad egg. I wonder why she turned out so vile? What sort of family does she come from?

The names ... well, that will be resolved shortly. A few others are going to weigh in on the subject to help convince Poppi. And Poppi gets to decide if there is a difference between an Elf and a half-Elf much to Tarkil's and Haldon's disgust. ;)

Thanks for reviewing, Bodkin. I need to start reading yours -- two weeks away and there's been so much put up that I have to catch up with.

Author Reply: shoot, some of my reply got deleted -- I was editing myself and forgot to put it in.

And she will threaten and blackmail and manipulate and steal and abuse to get what she wants. She is a thoroughly bad egg. I wonder why she turned out so vile? What sort of family does she come from?

In her own twisted mentality (you'll see it a bit more in the next chapter) she thinks that she's 'saving' her people. The 'what sort of family' question is one that I worked out long ago but would have been too much to try to answer here. I have been thinking of writing a story about what happened ten years before, while Tarkil is courting Titheniel, and how his mother died. But I'm not sure how to approach it yet, so it may be a while before that gets answered.

It would be good if you could get into the minds of people like Titheniel. As I replied to the Karenator, sometimes racism is so deeply ingrained in a person that it colours everything they do. Is that insanity? Or can people just be vile by nature? I think probably for Titheniel it's a little of column A and a little of column B.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/9/2005
Oh my! Titheniel really did it this time. There's no way out for her now. I don't suppose she'll plead insanity, will she? Though I'd have to say that she's a good candidate for the Fornost Funny Farm.

I hate that the house burned. It was such a piece of Tarkil's family's history. Since there was a little left standing, I'm holding out hope that it can be rebuilt. Of course, now Tarkil and Poppi have to decide whether they'll stay or not. I'm sure Tarkil has torn feelings about what to do. Poppi hasn't said much about moving yet, but I imagine she'll have some feelings about what's best for her family. She's proven that she's a strong woman with a mind of her own. I think everyone was impressed with her right uppercut! Well, everyone but Titheniel.

I'm looking forward to finding out what happens at the moot in the morning. I don't envy the steward having to make the decision. Titheniel is obviously not playing with a full deck. Compassion is one thing, but he can't ignore what she's done and leave her to cause more trouble. He's got a hard decision to make.


Author Reply: I don't suppose she'll plead insanity, will she? Though I'd have to say that she's a good candidate for the Fornost Funny Farm.

Fornost Funny Farm, LMAO! I don't think they have an insanity plea. I think the Sauron's shadow really has turned her mind and she could use a good psychiatrist, couldn't she? But sadly I don't think it's insanity but pure hatred and racism that is driving her. Unfortunately, we still have examples of people so driven.

Yeah, it was tough to burn down that house, Tarkil was really angry at me about that. But you'll see in the next chapters that they may end up with something better ;)

Thanks for reviewing, Karen. I hope the final chapters live up to everyone's expectations -- now the pressure is really setting in for me.

SulrielReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/9/2005
It's an intense chapter, but I especially love the last little bit, of Tarkil and his peacefully sleeping family. I've always loved snuggling sleeping babies, I think that's one of the sweetest things in the world.

... wonder what in the world those Twins could be up to?? *EG*

LOL! about Poppi's right hook!! ...about d*m time!! I *knew* she had it in her. ... :)

Author Reply: My husband used to fall asleep with the baby on his chest with both of ours. I even have pictures of it. So whenever I think of Tarkil holding his sons, I think of that picture. I think he's going to be a good Ada!

The twins are asleep in the cradle ;) OH, the 'Big' Twins. Gee, who knows with those two ... I guess you'll just have to read the next chapters. They still need to convince Poppi about the names after all. What (or who) do you think might help sway her about that?

And yes, I think Poppi as a strong farm girl probably has a heckuva right hook. (all that milking the cow back home probably did it. And kneading dough -- that takes a lot of strength/muscles/stamine too. And carrying water. Gee, these pioneer women were waaay stronger than we are today. Well, maybe not a certain horse breeder, I know.)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 23 on 8/9/2005
Tarkil really is weighing some difficult choices. How heartbreaking to see that old house go up in flames -- so many memories.

Author Reply: Yes, it is. All that history. And lovely carving. But then I've been hinting at it since he first brought Poppi home.

Tarkil is facing some choices now, isn't he? But I think he's now learned that Poppi needs to be involved in those as well. At least, I hope he's learned that ...

Thanks for reviewing, Daw. Always a pleasure!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 22 on 7/21/2005
I'm so far behind in reviewing! Forgive me for being so tardy, but I am keeping up with reading.

Another good day of moot! Ah hah! The Wicked Witch of Wicked Ways has been caught! Finally. Almost. She's seems to be missing. The old girl couldn't have gone to far, so I have faith that a couple of resourceful rangers will find her in no time flat. And I can't wait!

E2 were amusing when they found out about nicknames. I'm afraid that Tarkil is probably right that the big twins are going to be very persuasive in trying to take the little twins with them. I believe the sons of Elrond have become attached to the little guys. And who can blame them?

I hope your vacation was relaxing and fun...'cause when you get back we'll be waiting on a Titheniel update.

Good show,


meckinockReviewed Chapter: 22 on 7/21/2005
Elladan and Elrohir definitely need a hobby. Or a job, or something. They're frightening me with this possessiveness about these babies. If I were Poppi I'd check their saddlebags very carefully when they leave...

I'm ever so glad that Poppi is off the hook but a little concerned about the reliability of the chief witness. But all well that ends well, I suppose. Tarkil is right about giving Poppi the choice of where to live. He's grown up a lot since he married her. He'd probably make a good farmer. I'm still waiting to see him settle accounts with Haldon, first, though. Great chapter.

Author Reply: LMAO about checking the saddlebags. I think the twins would realize they'd need to take Poppi with them because they need to 'bring the milk' along. ;)

I think Gwenel is probably a lot more reliable than her mother as a witness. You know the old saw about 'out of the mouth of babes.' I'm glad you think that Tarkil is growing up ... that's what I've been aiming for so I can now heave a big sigh to know that has come across. (Although I'm not sure how happy he'd be as a farmer.)

Only a few more chapters to go ... they're at the beta's now, but I'm away for two weeks, so there will be a delay. Thanks for reviewing, Meckinock!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 21 on 7/21/2005
Wow, does Ragnor sit up at night thinking of new names to call Poppi? What a...spectacle. Yes, Galathor is right. Character assassination, rangers drawing swords on each other, Tarkil and Haldon coming to blows. Oh, yes, please, Elladan, appeal to the King! Quickly! He'd make short work of Ragnor, Titheniel, and the whole ridiculous nonsense about branding Poppi. Galathor was starting to impress me until he went down that road. But in the meantime, I'm for locking Ragnor and Titheniel in a very small room together. A little half-time entertainment for the good folks of Celutoss - they could do a little wagering on which one starts scratching and biting first.

Author Reply: Very un-Dúnedain like behaviour, isn't it? But poor Galathor is stuck in a corner ... the laws are that she would have to be branded, but give him a chance, he's going to see what he can do; he's Halbarad's son ... if Poppi is found guilty, he'll find some way to help, I know! I'm sure Aragorn would approve of him changing a few laws, or setting a few of his own precedents in strange circumstances such as this.

And, as always, thanks for reviewing, Meckinock!

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