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Life in the Angle  by Leaward 175 Review(s)
SulrielReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/22/2005
>> “Halboron has your eyes, your smile,” Poppi said

**Lalean** ... yes, SneakyLea, very good. I always love to see the finished chapter even if it's one I saw in progress - but this special tidbit caught me by surprise. - a perfect touch - . ... - You've done a wonderful job with Haldon and Poppi's relationship, so much emotion, and so well conveyed through the nuances.

Poppi is finally settling in, I love that she can tease the twins like that, I don't imagine anyone else could get away with it, and Glorfindel adding the comments about not shorting the names during the essecarme. - those are the kinds of personal touch that make your writing sparkle and come alive for the reader. -And what a perfect solution of Tarkil, to be able to Ranger *and* be home with his family.

Gosh - what else to say - what a wonderful story. I know you must be exhausted after such a long tale, I know how much work you put into them. The ending is perfect. I love the resolution - both as a reader, with the ends nicely tied up, and as a writer, where I can see future potential. I know you've talked about taking a break, but I hope not too much of one.

Author Reply: Good, one of my beta's pointed out that he wasn't sure what I'd implied when Haldon said 'Does Tarkil suspect?' so I added that line My beta's are the best!

I know you must be exhausted after such a long tale Yes, very exhausted. I was just running the numbers. Since the end of October 2004 when I posted my very first story to SoA, I have written 51 chapters over 5 stories, for a total word count of 231,421 words. I'm takin' a break!

But I'm sure you, and B7, and Rohirric Warrior, and SeenTheLight, and Galimeril, and Bodkin and Mysterious Ways and the Karenator and all those who have spent the time leaving me reviews will keep prodding me for more.

Thanks, Sulriel. It's been one heckuva year! And it's not done yet!

STLReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/22/2005
*sniffles* I loved it! Everything is so neatly tied up. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. And PLEASE write some more about this tiny family.

God bless you,

Author Reply: Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a review STL. I am writing more but about Tarkil's parents and a story about Haldon along with a few other projects that have been shoved onto the backburners for the past six months! Oh My! Yes, it has been that long this has been going.

I am going to take it slow with those stories and make sure I get them right, but I will put up a notice on the SoA Yahoo group when I put them up. And you'll have to keep checking back. It'll be a few more weeks I'm sure before I feel ready to release anything more. But I am not leaving, don't worry.

Thanks again for your kind comments and the support you've shown. I really love getting these reviews!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/22/2005
It looks like Tarkil and Poppi are determined to be happy, and they have a better chance than most, I'd say, because they're strong people who love one another. It's been a long haul, Leaward, but congratulations on finishing this entertaining story.

Author Reply: It's been a VERY long haul, Daw. I had the story pretty much finished (I thought) when I started putting it up and then I learned more and more and started tweaking and with real life inserting itself (How rude of it to do that), it's been quite the year.

I'm so glad to see you think they are going to have a better chance than most because that's what I've always thought too. If their love could stand everything they've endured this year, I think they're going to have a good strong marriage.

Thanks for following along on the journey, and for the advice you've given along the way. It really has helped.

GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/17/2005
*Sigh* This is such a good story! I have been following Tarkil through all of your stories, and I find them to all be so realistic and they all have the quality that makes the reader burst out laughing or just sit and cry. I love your stories, and I can't wait for your nextt chapter, and I hope there are many more stories to come!
Galimeirl ;D

Rohirric WarriorReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/17/2005
Excellent chapter as always, Leaward! :)

First of all, I must say I am glad to see the SCBW get hers. Though, I'd rather the door be cleared and the Dunedain throw her *in* the mines, but what she gets is good enough I suppose. :)

And the "roofing scene".... You women and your fancies. There's nothing wrong with them, but.... (Tentatively holds up a flame shield) I'm going to venture my opinion. I think that men look their *best* when they are rugged, scarred, and hairy (Though I suppose it is easy enough for me to say so, being rugged, scarred, and hairy myself). That is the way our Creator made us, and thus being our natural state I believe that is how we should look.

*Gingerly steps off soapbox, still holding flame shield*

Of course, you ladies are free to like whatever you want. But if it meant looking like an Elf to get the attention of women, I would consider it a rather hefty sacrifice.

Oh, and I think I've only met about one or two women in my entire life like Aniriel and company that actually seem to enjoy looking at men. If I knew more women like that, I'd be a much happier man. :)

Most times I'm just told we look disgusting and repulsive. *Shrugs shoulders* Well, not much we can do about that, is there? :)

And as for your bit on "size"..... I have no comment, as I don't know what I would say. But you do know you drive us mad with that, do you not? :P

Lastly, that conversation at the end between Haldon and Tarkil. You always seem to strike *extremely* close to my own personal thoughts and experiences, and by complete accident yet. I wager this is because of your extraordinary writing talents (Of which, I might say, I too have urged of you to continue to employ, offering my support whenever I could), and also because you have a much grander understanding of such matters than I do. Which should be no surprise, as I have not yet even reached twenty and five. But anyway, I shall not comment on this part of the story, nor dredge anything up. I shall only remark once again on how magnificent your writing is, and how I marvel at your accomplishments with it.

I look forward to reading the next chapter, as I ever do. :)

Rohirric Warrior

*Note: This review was written in a lighthearted manner, and contains no malice whatsoever. :)

Author Reply: The 'roofing scene:' Well, I think Aniriel and the other ladies appreciate a good looking Dunedain man too, but they rarely are treated to a topless Elf. Or Half-Elf for that matter. And size? Well, I may have meant the Peredhil's rippling shoulder muscles compared to the 'sleek elven' muscles ... were you perhaps thinking I meant something else? ;) (I have to admit at the cottage there was one guy who kept canoeing past every day who did catch my attention ... broad shoulders, huge arms ..Oh, right, back to the review!) Anyway, Poppi is going to be quite happy with Tarkil, and his scars won't detract from his 'handsomeness' in her eyes at all, no worries there. Titheniel on the other hand ...

The conversation between Haldon and Tarkil: thanks, I had worried a lot about the 'Haldon' sections but Haldon was very insistent that they be left in. I'm glad I listened to him then.

And thanks also for your lovely comments about my writing. But without encouragement from people like you, and Bodkin, and Beethoven's 7th and Mysterious Ways and a whole host of others, I wouldn't try so hard. You make me try harder. Thanks!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2005
Poor Gwenel. I know she's better off without the Fruitcake of the Angle - but how is she to know that in thirty years from now? She could do with some Counselling and Gentle Encouragement. And a thoroughly chastened grandfather. And believing that her father, at least, was a brave and noble man.

Although dumping Titheniel by the west gate of Moria doesn't really seem definite enough. I can see someone of her blind frenzy taking over the leadership of a mountain-full of goblins and training them to polish off Breefolk. She is bonkers enough that they might see her as leader rather than lunch.

Poor Haldon. Why isn't he happy? Should I know? Is there More To It Than Meets The Eye? He needs consolation - and to find true love.

Still. The ladies of the village have got several somethings to take their minds off the stress of recent weeks. I like to picture the men keeping their shirts on - rather grumpily - because they know they can't take the comparison. Poppi will have sweet dreams after a bit of a charm offensive from the elves. (I hope they are winning her over on the names. I've got accustomed.)

Good stuff.

Author Reply: Gwenel Hmm, I have a few ideas about Gwenel's future ... you may see her again. which leads to ... She is bonkers enough that they might see her as leader rather than lunch. You may see HER again too. I haven't yet decided. That's why I didn't want to sentence her to death. (Besides I didn't think the Dunedain would do that even though it would be canon according to War of the Jewels.)

A wee bit more about Haldon and why he isn't happy will come out in the next chapter, but I think you may have missed some hints. You'll see I've told Mysterious Ways, I have another story I'm writing about Haldon that takes place 14 years before. (hint hint) And yes, he needs to find true love. He and Poppi are going to have a conversation about that in the next chapter.

And the twins' names will be resolved in the next chapter as well -- Glorfindel will see to that!

Thanks for reviewing, as always, Bodkin. I am looking forward to getting this story done with so I can get back to reviewing for the MEFA's. The voting closing date is coming up and I gotta get my butt in gear.

MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2005
Ding dong! The witch is banished, the wicked witch is banished! It is good to see Tithiniel getting her just deserts. Will she be banished without any means of caring for herself or will she be allowed gear to give her a chance at survival? I am just enough of a softy that I would like to see her be granted even the slightest chance at surviving and maybe learning the error of her ways. The the woman seems to be rather mad as it is. Left in the wilderness she will likely just harbor her resentment and madness. All sorts of ideas are coming to me on what could become of Tithiniel.

What is a girl to do? Comfort Haldon and help him find that illusive "conection" or sit under a tree gazing upon half naked elf dudes? How about short but meaningful relationships with all of them, but not neccesarily all at once. (mwahahahahaha)

Haldon is a definate source of plot chickens.

I am going to make a guess as to what Poppie chooses to do by way of where she and Tarkil end up living. The girl was looking for an interesting life style when she went off to Bree to work. She settled herself into The Angle quite nicely despite the adversity she faced. I suspect that she is going to decide to stay in The Angle, travel to Rivendell to stay while the house is rebuilt. Tarkil will leave behind the Ranger life. Freed of that responsibility perhaps they will take to traveling to see Poppi's family at least once a year, and maybe in the future traveling to Gondor. Poppi is a strong woman with a spirit of adventure, I just can't see her going back to Bree without there being a promise of something outside of the daily care of family. The plot chickens commeth!!!

Now, about those baby names? That situation is still not settled and I am really rather clueless as to how this will frinally be settled. I still am campaigning for the elven names.

Congratulations, this has truly been another wonderful chapter. My only complaint is that like all of the others it ends long before I am ready to. This whole story continues to be one that I wish I had in a nice book form. It is a rainy day today, where I am. I would very much like to curl up with this "book" and read it cover to cover today. Still, I am grateful to have this chapter. It brightened my day, which I needed. :)

Thank you,
MysteriousWays- *sigh*

Author Reply: What is a girl to do? Comfort Haldon and help him find that illusive "conection" or sit under a tree gazing upon half naked elf dudes?

Can't you do both? *sigh* Haldon AND half-naked elves? Not all at once. Or maybe ... Hmm, this is a family rated site ... strike that.

Baby names. That will be resolved in the next chapter.

Will she be banished without any means of caring for herself or will she be allowed gear to give her a chance at survival? I see them leaving her with a good knife, but not much more. Definitely not a sword. Anything else will be up to her to forage. And there are still plot 'chickens' as you call them hatching about Titheniel's future, but I'm not ready to tackle that one yet, LOL.

Haldon is definitely a source of plot bunnies (he prefers bunnies not chickens, but then he would ;) ) I have been working on another story that will have Haldon in it (without Tarkil) that takes place 14 years before this story that will explain much of what is going on in these last couple of chapters. But I'm going to give myself some time off because I've been writing constantly with a chapter every week for close to a year. But don't worry, I have THREE stories in the works still, I'm just going to give my beta reader a rest.

I am going to make a guess as to what Poppie chooses to do by way of where she and Tarkil end up living. Um, hoping you haven't seen the final chapter I've already sent off to my beta reader and your sister, you're right on some points, wrong on others, but I'm not telling. :-P You'll have to wait for the next chapter.

This whole story continues to be one that I wish I had in a nice book form. It would be a THICK book! It's almost 140K words so far! I wanna go back to short little tales but I just seem incapable of single chapter stories.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2005
Titheniel is just off her nut. It's hard for me to imagine how she came to the beliefs she holds, they're so bizarre.

So Poppi and Tarkil have to decide where to live. I don't know. I wonder where their sons will do the best. That's what I'd be worried about. I wouldn't want them subject to prejudice, but I'd also want them to have every chance to learn that they can. A hard choice.

Author Reply: Titheniel is just off her nut. See what happens when you throw over the 'good guy'? Yes, she is off her nut. But then history is full of people like that unfortunately.

Anyway ... your concerns over Tarkil's and Poppi's sons makes me wonder if you've been peeking into my hard drive and reading my next chapter. Poppi and Tarkil discuss exactly that. I hope you'll be happy with their decision. And I think Elrohir and Elladan are going to ensure that the boys know all about the history of ME, as well as the heritage of the Edain. *sigh* to have such tutors ... although I'm with Jay and still would like to see the difference between an elf and a half-elf ;)

SulrielReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2005
*sigh* .... What a wonderful chapter, but my heart just breaks for Haldon.

... I think I need a little cheering up ... *going back to re-read about the roofing*

Author Reply: Well, I've got more heartbreaks planned for poor Haldon, but not until another story. Haldon will be choking with laughter at the end of the next chapter, no fears.

Thanks, Sulriel!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/15/2005
I'm very glad to see that Titheniel has got her just desserts - though I'm relieved that Elrohir will be escorting her into exile. I still don't trust her.

I loved the scene where all the women were ogling Glorfindel and the twins. I don't blame them at all. But what *is* the difference between an elf and a half-elf??

Author Reply: I don't think there's much to trust anymore about Titheniel. ;)

I love the 'ogling' scene too -- I wrote that scene months ago and I actually chopped it once, figuring the story was just getting too long, but my betas insisted I put it back. And I'm glad I did. It does lighten the mood, doesn't it?

As for the difference between and elf and a half-elf? Hmm, well, Poppi knows but she's just smiling at me. She says, 'it's whatever you'd like it to be but size does count.' ;D

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