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Dreamflower's Mathoms I  by Dreamflower 19 Review(s)
esamenReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/23/2004
After the third day out, he had complimented them on their helpfulness, and Pippin had carelessly said, “Oh, that’s what family’s for; we love you, after all.” And Merry had nodded absently, as though such were taken for granted.

He had shaken his head at this artless answer, and realized that the affection went both ways. He had pondered on it since, and he finally realized how the two had dealt with being among all these strangers.

They simply treated them all like large hobbits

hello again -- you are probably sick of me by now --

but I have to tell you how much I enjoyed this chapter. I most enjoy stories about love, but right now I have so many family members visiting for Christmas that I have had to retreat to the peace and quiet of the workplace in order to stay sane. This chapter is inspiring to me. I'm going to go back home and treat everyone like large hobbits.

Thanks! Bless!

Author Reply: I would never get sick of reading such lovely reviews. It's like having a nice little visit with someone who shares my hobbity tastes.

I think if everyone in the world were to treat one another like hobbits, it would be a far more peaceful and delightful place.

Have a Merry Christmas, and enjoy your family!

lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/22/2004
A truly lovely take on how the hobbits accepted and grew on the big folk. I really love the way you write and hope to read many more stories such as these. tree

Author Reply: Thank you very much--I appreciate knowing that others like what I write, and find it very encouraging.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/22/2004
Nicely done!
A nice story on how the hobbitts treat each other as well as friends. Merry and pippin serving the bowls of stew,saying the big folk didn't serve themself a big enough portion.
Pipin told him that is what family is for, and we love you...Treating them like big hobbitts...

Nice story...

Author Reply: You've put your finger on it: it's how the hobbits treat one another--they take care of each other, and they are companionable, loving closeness with their friends and kin. Hobbits tend to show their emotions very freely, compared to the other races of Middle-earth.

sleepy_orangeReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
oh, that was nice! and funny! i couldn't help but laugh at this line 'they simply treated them all like large hobbits'. thank you for that! :)

Author Reply: I really could not imagine Merry and Pippin doing anything else. They've never really known anyone else but hobbits, so how else would they treat them? But it must have puzzled the others until they got used to it.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
This is lovely. I had not seen it before now. I like Aragorn's POV on the hobbits. I would love to hear the stories that Merry is attempting to shock Gimli with. LOL Also like the idea that the hobbits are deciding the portions that everyone should eat according to their own standards!

Author Reply: Thanks. I love showing the Big Folk's POV of our hobbits, especially the rest of the Fellowship.

I'm not sure what they are, but he doesn't want Pip to hear, and Frodo would probably wash his mouth out with soap, LOL!

I can just see them murmuring among themselves, and Sam saying "see what tiny portions they took? Maybe they don't like my cooking!" I think the relatively small appetites of the Big Folk must have shocked the hobbits.*grin*

DAYNAReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
LOVELY! I never cease to be amazed at the depth and knowledge the authors here at Arda show for Tolkien's characters! I am constantly amazed, and you are no exception. :) Very good little ficlet. I really liked it.

Author Reply: What a nice compliment! I try very hard to honor JRRT with my stories, so it is always nice to hear someone think I may have succeeded.

EruviluiethReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
Excellent chapter, excellent characterizations. Loved the ending, especially.

Author Reply: Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed it.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
I love it. Adopted hobbits - of course they are. It explains a lot! (Arwen might like furry feet. After all, she adapted to furry chin. And wild hair.)

Author Reply: Well, certainly the hobbits adopted the rest of the Fellowship--*grin* it's the hobbity thing to do, after all!
Well, personally *I* think she might, but I guess Aragorn would be hesitant to put it to the test. LOL!

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/21/2004
Oh, lovely and sweet and precious all rolled together. Definitely smile-inducing! :-)

Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad I made you smile.

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