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Masquerade  by Elendiari22 139 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/9/2004
I don't think Gandalf's hint is going to keep Pippin's nose where it belongs. But if he leads Eowyn, (trained burglar), into trouble he might find that Faramir can be rather more dangerous than he thought.

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/8/2004
Eowyn the lockpick?!? Whatever will Faramir say? :P

Continues to be fun!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/8/2004
I'm enjoying this story so much! Your "hobbits" in Minas Tirith" stories are always delightful. (I especially love how the Big Folks are as full of mischief as the hobbits.)

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/9/2004
Ooh! Another story! I am escited to see all this ball stuff. But I must say that I am very curious about these deserted corridors and things that have fallen into desrepair. I'm guessing Aragorn's warning isn't going to work too well, at least I hope it doesn't because I want to know as well! Looking forward to more!

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/8/2004
Hehehe, nothing like being told to stay away to pique the ol' curiosity! Can't wait to see what they find. :D

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/8/2004
Why do I get the feeling that Merry and Pippin have no intentions of "letting the past lie" ? :)
Thanks for clarifying about the balls!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/8/2004
This sounds very intriguing. Because there's no possibility - absolutely no possibility at all - of Pippin and Merry minding their own business. None.

I look forward to the heap of trouble they are bound to attract.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/16/2004
This looks fun - I like the idea of Pippin dressing up as Frodo . . . Frodo could don Pippin's armour and go as the Prince of Halflings. (Although the difference is that Pippin wouldn't mind.)

And Pippin the page - munching on cake as Arwen has her frock fitted. I like Aragorn's threatening glare.

Elves as theatrical costumiers? An interesting career change!

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/15/2004
I think I agree with Pippin - this is "going to be a party to remember!" I look forward to the rest of the story.

There's one point I'm a little confused on though - are there going to be three or four balls? At the beginning, Arwen says "I propose that we have the ball for four days...We could have one ball each evening" which lead me to think four balls. And Legolas says "There are four days worth of dances, and each has a specific theme" - again, sounds like four balls. But then later Legolas says "As I was saying, there are three balls, one each evening" so there it says three balls. Which is right? Is one of the four evenings not really a ball?

Author Reply: I'm sorry! This is what happens when you update during midterms, lol. Yes, there are four balls. One is a fancy dress ball, one is heroes of lore, one is a plain masked ball, and one is myths and legends. I'm sorry for the confusion; I've fixed it, and thank you for pointing that out! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

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