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My Brother's Keeper  by daw the minstrel 197 Review(s)
sofiaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
good story so far. Is Eilian drunk? He seems that way...

Author Reply: Eilian does look drunk, doesn't he? We'll have to wait and see just what's ailing him.

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
This was such a really great chapter. I love Ithilden. I really, really do.

Legolas drawing attention to the fact that he has a dagger is very amusing. He probably never forgave his brother for taking the last one from him.

I like the way Legolas confides his worries about Eilian to Ithilden. I think telling Legolas that Thranduil won't send him south until he's fully healed is probably the most reassuring thing that Ithilden could have said.

You made me laugh when Ithilden suddenly speeds up when he spots a certain maiden. “She just does not yet realize that you always get what you want.” LOL! How completely unromantic. Still, at least Legolas doesn't seem bothered any more by his brother's interest in Alfirin. Interesting that Ithilden isn't quite as sure as Legolas is that he will succeed with her.His communication skills around her have vastly improved, I must say. I can only imagine the look he gave that poor messenger.

"He did not want to make a fool of himself in public." That's hard, isn't it. I mean, it's bad enough trying to find out if someone you're mad about actually likes you without having to do it under public scrutiny because you're the king's son.

Eilian's in a bad way, alright. What a pity Glarion had to witness his suffering. I bet Ithilden wishes he'd just ushered Glarion in the moment he arrived. I suppose Calith immediately realised what would happen but couldn't very well tell Ithilden. It must be quite difficult for Calith to sit in the same office as Eilian. Actually, I thought you did that scene very well. I know Eilian has never been one for sitting still but presumably he could make some effort at it under normal circumstances but now he seems completely on edge. A very close friend of mine suffers from a form of depression and I can always tell when she's about to suffer a bad attack because she's exactly the same - constantly moving, can't sit down for more than a few seconds, has to be doing something. Anyway, I really get the sense of Eilian starting to spiral out of control. It brought tears to my eyes when he had such difficulty with his bow. How frustrating for him. And in front of everyone! At the moment it's probably hard for him to see that he will be well again and that he is only making matters worse for himself by pushing himself and then feeling like a failure.

Siondel is right, of course - Ithilden probably heard about the incident straight away. I must say, hats off to Ithilden and Thranduil for being so understanding. They seem to accept the fact that Eilian isn't around for meals, even for the one at the Summer Solstice. I don't know how much longer that'll last, though. There's only so much a family can take when a member is only hurting himself by shutting them out.

Ithilden on the edge of his seat waiting for the dancing is just so sweet! He's really fallen for her if his ultra-professional manner is starting to slip a little. I imagine he's amusing his father no end.

Ah, Miriwen and Aerlinn again. I love watching them all so awkward with each other. It's so true, the boys going quiet and the girls pretending not to notice. I bet the two ellyth dared each other to walk back that second time...

Something missing from the infirmary? Eilian with perhaps too much wine? Was there aught in that wine, then? *sigh* I'll stop thinking about it and just wait and see.

Aagh, lunchtime is over. I really enjoyed this chapter. I hope what I wrote made sense 'cos I'm in a bit of a hurry! :-)

Author Reply: Ithilden took a while to develop in my head, but I'm loving him now too. He's someone you would want to have around in a emergency, but he can also do things like observe Legolas and his friends watching the girls. And you are so right that the girls probably dared one another to walk there again!

It must be hard for Ithilden and Alfirin to get comfortable with one another. When I matched Eilian with Celuwen, I had them be friends from childhood and I think that made a tremendous difference. But Ithilden is just feeling his way along here and he's a guy who does not like to look stupid.

Eilian's behavior is certainly going to be known far and wide after this.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
" One more time,” the sword master said, and Legolas nodded, rolled his shoulders, and slipped into a defensive stance. The sword master started with a slow overhand strike that Legolas brushed away, but then he advanced with vertical and diagonal blows that gradually increased in speed. Legolas blocked and danced out of harm’s way, as he had been taught, waiting for the horizontal blow that meant he was to attack rather than simply defend. When it came, it was such a departure from the rhythm of the vertical and diagonal strikes that he almost let it reach him. But he managed to dodge beyond the sword’s reach and then immediately press forward, coming in behind the sword master’s weapon and stabbing at his belly."

Daw, dear writer, are you taking fencing lessons? this sure is interesting to read . . . I just love it; the imagery is fabulous and it is so vital to Legolas's life story . . . But there's more detail to the swordfighting here than our gentle minstrel might be expected to show us. What's up, songstress?

"Eilian and Maltanaur were walking along the edge of the green, and Eilian was talking animatedly and waving his hands about."

Oh, no. Not Eilian. Not our gorgeous, brave-hearted, beautiful Eilian. Oh, please don't say so. (Esamen hides her eyes and only peeks between her fingers at the next chapter.) Update soon, now, or your readership will all die of suspense, and then where will you be? Love across the miles, and happy typing (hint, hint).

Author Reply: I'm not taking fencing. I just read about it on the internet! I put the detail in just for realism. I wanted to give a sense of what Legolas's life is like.

I posted this chapter about half an hour ago, so I can't say I'm working on the next one yet, but I'll get to it soon!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
stitched wound - wound - sorry.

Author Reply: I knew that. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Oh happy day. More story.

Dear little Legolas and his boot knife - and making sure he rubs in its (legal) existence to big brother. It would seem as if Legolas has begun to grasp the difference between boys and girls and has finally understood why Ithilden likes to talk to Alfirin.

Legolas won't be the only one worried about Eilian - he seems in a very bad way. Shaking hands, restlessness, bad temper, irrational outbursts. And yet, unfortunately, nothing like a broken bone or stitched would which would make him rest - and which he could blame for the rest. He is an accident waiting to happen - and I am fairly sure the train is approaching. (Is the mood-enhancing drug supply missing???)

Legolas is good at recognising that Turgon is remarkably persuasive, isn't he? He has even spotted that when Turgon is in full flow, he makes the problems and likely trouble disappear from the mind. (Turgon's career, had he made it to a sufficient age: working in advertising. Or selling encyclopedias.)

Not easy for Alfirin to be courted by the Crown Prince - he will have to be very clear that he is not just doing an Eilian (meaningless flirting) or she will not be prepared to endure the difficulties. Although possibly it is not only Ithilden who always gets what he wants!

Lovely surprise at this time of day. Look forward to more.

Author Reply: Yes, I'd say Legolas has noticed that girls are different. He's still hanging back in the safety of the guy pack, but he's looking! It's funny that he can recognize the problems Turgon makes but still is not willing to walk away from him. And I think that to Turgon, dismissing his arguments is the equivalent of walking away. I wonder what he would have done if Legolas had stood firm as Annael sometimes does?

Alfirin is a bit self-conscious with all the attention that Ithilden takes for granted. I think Ithilden could be a bit overwhelming.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/13/2004
Yes,” Legolas agreed, “but I did not think Isildur or his warriors would have let that happen very easily, and it would have been wrong for Elrond or Círdan to kill Isildur. And then, I thought that the Men and the Elves might end up fighting with one another, and I did not think that would be a good thing. They were supposed to be allies.”

Daw, you continue to amaze me. This is a great story. I always love all the different family story lines (I have a tender spot for Eilian's sufferings), but this way of working in the history of Middle earth is pure genius. Fantastic! I love reading your work. Thanks for sharing your vision with us.

Author Reply: Thank you, easmen. I thought that at this age, the son of a king would be learning about history and politics, and his tutor would be encouraging him to think about them with increasing sophistication. So a question with no answer is always good!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/12/2004
Good Lord, daw! Turgon on the loose? Think of ALL the time he'll have to plan stuff...not good! I'd say his parents need some parent classes, but that would indicate they care...this is just plain neglect, and has been for some time.
Push ups and running the warm up track - sounds like running bleachers and wind sprints to me!!! Yuck!
I enjoyed Legolas' lessons - have had essays like that set answer, but you'd better prove where your answer did come from! (As for my solution to Isildur, I probably would have tried to turn him into the M-E version of an island sacrifice to the fire gods!)
Elian is not in good shape - I'm worried about him and his shaking hand, and your little intro to the dangwath plant...hmmmmm...........Then he shows up in black...what's up with that? Thranduil needs to take a long hard look at his middle son (which I'm sure he will, but sooner, Sire, would be good!)
Great little tidbits of information inserted here and there (beginning with the title), daw, and I foresee some upcoming unpleasantness for several unsuspecting elves!


Author Reply: Turgon with time on his hands is a scary thought, isn't it? We don't know, of course, but I thought it was possible that elves might not have formal schooling for very long because they have forever to learn things and also a lot of their knowledge seems to be passed along in songs and legends that are around them all the time. But no kid needs that much freedom to "amuse" themselves.

One of my students takes karate classes and says she's had whole classes where they did push-ups because someone displeased the teacher in some way. That's what I was thinking of with the archery class. But the tutor's assignment about Isildur was kind of fun. Legolas is a king's son and he's at an age where he's becoming a little more intellectually sophisticated, so a question with no 'right' answers is good for him, I thought.

Eilian does look like he's still sick, doesn't he?

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/11/2004
Lots of stuff going on here - I always like to see comparisons between the present (Turgon) and history (Isildur), and I remember that Eilian is not at his wisest during this period.

I do recall that Isildur had decided to give up the Ring when he made his way north to Imladris, but I doubt he could have actually done it at the critical moment. And even if he had, I have to wonder if Elrond could have destroyed it. Legolas passes Galadriel's task, but he is a very different elf from Elrond.

Author Reply: You are so clever, Erunyauve! Yes, Legolas has lots to think about in terms of what someone should do when they see a friend going wrong.

Somehow I missed that detail about Isildur deciding to give up the Ring. Do you know where it is? I suppose it doesn't make too much difference for my story. I wanted Legolas to ponder a question with no 'right' answer partly as a sign of his growing maturity and partly to connect this small story of mine to the larger Tolkien canon. Elrond would have had to take it all the way back to Mt Doom, right? There would have been lots of time for the Ring to work its corrupting magic.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/11/2004
Hi Daw! Oh, this is great, a new story! Looks like both Legolas and especially Eilian are headed for trouble in this one. Great start, can't wait to see what happens next!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thank you, Barbara. And thank goodness both Legolas and Eilian are heading for trouble! I would have no story otherwise. :-) But there's always Turgon to stir things up.

nessieReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/11/2004
Yay! Another story! This just gets me excited all over again! Aww, and now I'm even sadder 'cause of Galelas and Turgon. Poor Eilian. The Shadow really must be affecting him than he would like to admit. I just hope he feels better soon. Loved this and update asap!


Author Reply: Thank you, Nessie. It is hard to see these young elves with their lives in front of them when you know what will happen.

Eilian does seem to be in bad shape, poor guy.

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