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My Brother's Keeper  by daw the minstrel 197 Review(s)
Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Aarrgh, Elian really likes to push his luck, doesn't he?
What lovely interactions, your stories weave like the most inticate tapestry. Most enjoyable.

Author Reply: Thank you, Rose. Eilian is certainly making a public spectacle of himself. And I do enjoy writing the personal interactions.

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
I love all of the subtlties on your story! How Legolas makes sure that people know that he has a dagger. How he teases Ithilden about Alfirin without being obvious about it. Lovely stuff! Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Thank you, Lily. I'm hoping Legolas looks a little the right age here -- older than in "Paths Taken" and younger than in "The Novice."

AliceReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Uh oh. I have a bad feeling about this. Something tells me that the "something" missing from the infirmary is dangwath. Oh Eilian, whatever are we going to do with you? I really wish Legolas wouldn't have to deal with this. He's too young to be worrying so.

I really like watching Ithilden with Alfirin. He's so cute and unconfident. He's so in command most of the time but put him within ten feet of Alfirin and he doesn't know which way is up. Her being shy doesn't help either. Poor guy. Ithilden's so different from Eilian and Legolas with the girls. Eilian just smiles and maidens fall into his lap. Legolas is, as usual, a mix between the two.

I'm glad you updated today. School started this week so I'm glad you started a new story this week also. I look forward to the next chapter. Hopefully Legolas will sense that now is not the time to tell Thranduil that he is old enough to be unsupervised. Somehow I doubt that though.

Author Reply: Legolas is very young to be worrying about his brother, but he loves him so he can't help it.

Ithilden indeed has trouble speaking up to Alfirin, but at least he's talking in coherent sentences now! :-) He really needs Eilian to give him some lessons but Eilian has other things on his mind, unfortunately.

Your school starts really early! I don't go back to teaching until Aug 23 and I thought that was early.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Poor Eilian - humiliated in front of the warriors and his brothers, and then public humiliation at the feast. And Legolas is not seeing his brother at his best, is he?

Ithilden courting Alfirin is almost too cute for words. But though she might be hesitant in the public eye, I rather think she likes Ithilden, serious though he may be.

Author Reply: Eilian is certainly making a public spectacle of himself, isn't he?

I think Alfirin likes Ithilden too. But these are two rather reserved people who have everyone around them watching them. That can't help the progress of a romance!

nessieReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
I think Eilian took those herb things that they use for Shadow sickness, and he got a with them. Or he could have had too much wine too, but it could be both also. Poor, Eilian. I really feel sorry for him. It must be frustrating. But yay for Ithilden! He asked Alfirin to dance! I'm so glad they eventually fall in love! And Turgon! He's always looking for ways to getting his friends in trouble, although not on purpose. Well, loved this chapter and can't wait for the next one! Update asap!


Author Reply: Ithilden is at least talking to Alfirin now, rather than stuttering like an idiot. He's in a tough position because everything he does gets scrutinized. And he's used to being in command so fumbling around with Alfirin is really unpleasant for him, despite his growing attraction to her.

Now Turgon is such a problem! And that's not going to get any better and time soon, I'm afraid.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Oh, poor Legolas. And poor Eilian. Though on the funny side, our little Elfling is growing up! And the Ithilden/Alfirin stuff is funny. Ithilden would be a bit intimidating as a date, I think.

Now what will Thranduil say about Eilian's plight, I wonder. Hmm...

Author Reply: I think Ithilden would be VERY intimidating to date. He's Thranduil's heir and thus people watch him and tend to jump out of his way, and he's used to being in command. Alfirin is a gentle soul. This would all take some getting used to.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Things are not looking well for Eilian. When Eilian was being escorted from the feast by Ithilden and Maltanaur, I cannot help but think of a similar scene when Legolas was carried off crying and kicking by Eilian from another feast so many years ago. Only I think Thranduil will be little bit more unforgiving toward Eilian this time.

Something missing from the infirmary? Sounds rather ominous, especially when Eilian is displaying all the signs of being either drunk or high on something. I cringe to see Thranduil's reaction, and Ithilden will not be indulgent either.

I get a laugh every time Ithilden approaches Alfirin. Such a far cry from his usual dead calm as the almighty commander of the king's troops. Legolas seems to be more receptive of his brother's prospective maiden companion now - changing hormones or whatever else that makes an elf click?

Author Reply: Eilian is certainly not doing a good job of concealing any problems he might have. After this day, I imagine that everyone in the woods will know about them.

Ithilden is funny with Alfirin, I agree. Of course, I think he's in a tough position. He can't walk through the trees without people noticing him and Alfirin is not used to that. She doesn't seem like someone who would like being the center of attention very much.

And Legolas's hormones are undoubtedly stirring. Poor Thranduil!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Thranduil isn't the only one who sees Legolas as The Baby. Ithilden, too, is ignoring Legolas's observations about Eilian. He also seems to have inherited Adar's blind spot regarding the emotional status of family members, which is odd, because siblings tend to be fairly well attuned to each other. I wonder . . . Ithilden is radically older than the other two, right? And the younger ones are fairly close in age? I'll bet that's why Legolas and Eilian seem to have more of an understanding and why Ithilden can't figure either of them out. Legolas may be The Baby, but Eilian is probably also still A Baby to Ithilden.

And, as every adult around Legolas believes, since he's Just A Kid, he can't possibly know what's going on with Eilian, which is a foolish thing to think. Reminds me of an old "For Better or For Worse" cartoon where the grandmother has just died, and the father has just received the news over the television. The teenage daughter comes in and asks what's up, and the father, knowing that the little sister is just outside, tells the teenager in this sort of hush-hush tone, saying, "Shh, I don't want April to know." And outside, the little one, who has heard everything, thinks, "They always think I won't understand."

Despite Legolas’s claim, he was not certain he was going to get what he wanted with Alfirin, so he was moving cautiously. He did not want to make a fool of himself in public. Too late, Ithilden.
Although I did appreciate the snide commentary from both Ithilden and Legolas on the state of the other's love life.

Do I know Glarion?

I went through your sword drill while I read it, and it seems somewhat similar to a drill I did with a few of my coaches. It looks like it's based more on sabre than either of the point weapons, which are my specialty, so I'm not sure how well I got it. The foil drill that it reminded me of is a drill in evading the opponent's blade. The coach, from the guard position, moves his/her weapon through the four major lines of defense, and the student (Legolas) disengages his weapon to meet the coach's, but does not parry. All this continues, fluidly and quickly, until the coach suddenly attacks. If Legolas has been following well and has not let himself get confused by the coach's bladework, he will be able to retreat, disengage, parry and then riposte. It's a great foil drill, though my épée coach hasn't taught me an equivalent for that weapon.

Eilian is well and truly ill, no doubt about it. But no one seems to know what to do about it. Does no one else ever get this sick? Do the Wood Elves not know how to treat such a severe case of shadow sickness, or are they just intent on proving again that denial is not just a river in Egypt? Of course, Eilian, with that high-strung, adrenalin-junkie personality of his, is likely a more difficult case of shadow sickness than they're used to seeing.

Author Reply: Ithilden is quite a bit older than the other two. I'd have to go and look but I think the gap between him and Legolas is about 600 years. Eilian is 60 years older than Legolas. Legolas is certainly worried about Eilian and probably sees more than his elders would like him to see, despite the fact that Eilian is not turning up at home very much.

LOL about your comment that it's too late for Eilian not to make a fool of himself in public. And Glarion is new. I needed a gossip. :-)

It sounds as if the sword drill kind of made sense which is good given that I'm just talking through my hat.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Ai! I worry for Eilian and feel bad for Legolas. Excellent chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you, Karri. Legolas is confused and his family seems set on keeping him away from whatever it is Eilian is doing. But he loves his brother and he's worried!

DuchessReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/13/2004
Yikes! I'm thinking we're about to find out that Elves can become addicted to that plant too, aren't we? All the signs seem to point in that direction, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. Oh dear, oh dear!

Author Reply: If Men can become addicted to that drug, I think Elves can too. Their physiologies are pretty similar or they wouldn't be able to interbreed. It's a distressing thought.

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