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Far Horizons  by Bodkin 178 Review(s)
rikkiReviewed Chapter: 28 on 9/8/2004
What a great ending to your story. I have truly enjoyed the tale and the characters really came to life, whether they were wood elves in the forest or Noldor in the city. You neatly ended things with lots of room for future sequels - (hint, hint) with twins on the way and a whole new land to migrate to and develop. I am happy that Calion has grown up and made his decision about following Thranduil into the forest. Maybe Hithien will want to continue their friendship. I do hope that you will consider writing about building in the forest and the reunion between Thranduil and Laerwen.
Minastan. What does one do with a criminally insane elf? Too bad they don't have mind swipes where he could start over again. And going to Mandos Hall to be reborn at some point would not help as Minastan would have his previous memories and that would not be a help. I could see the Valar taking on this project, as leaving him in secure lock up would not be a solution as the elf is immortal. After all, you did have the High King say he would seek a higher authority for answers.

Author Reply: Thank you. Lots of blushing. Yes - I'm already thinking that something terminal needs to happen to the bad elf, before he escapes and does something else nasty. I don't reckon the Valar could take him to Mandos without him being dead really, could they? It would set a bit of a bad precedent.

I don't know that I will be able to resist the urge to write about the building of the new realms - just looking for a plot to provide a thread.

This writing stuff is completely addictive!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 28 on 9/8/2004
Ah, lovely! Everything is resolved. I had a good time watching the twins and Legolas approach home, knowing how suprised those waiting for them would be by their arrival and their news. Thranduil took it well, I thought. Never underestimate the Elvenking. I liked the fact that Elrohir's wife knew him immediately. You can see the twins separating a little, I think, as each of them finds someone else who is first in his heart. And Galadriel adjusting to having another Lady around is a wonderful thought indeed. But she's wearing green. She seems to have changed.

A very nice tale, Bodkin. I enjoyed every line of it.

Author Reply: I think most things are sorted out - though I agree with Jay that Minastan's fate is a bit wishy-washy. I just couldn't think of any better, elvish solution to the problem he presents.

Legolas and the twins were excited to be home - and their families were very happy to see them. The elven bond must make it relatively easy to tell the twins apart - and they have different responsibilities now, in a way. The extended family thing, and the fact that I see them still living together in a big - not really stately home - it's too grand, but together anyway, probably keeps them closer than modern-day identical twins. Well that and having spent several thousand years in each other's company.

Thranduil is quite happy, I think. Perhaps less shocked than Legolas.

It might be interesting to see Galadriel dealing with an equal who is not her mother or her daughter - and has a strong power of her own that is quite different from Galadriel's. She is wearing green - well, white in the forest - so impractical. I think without the ring and with Celeborn's return, she is more relaxed and perhaps a bit easier.

Thank you for reading and commenting. It's been fun.

One more snippet to come.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 28 on 9/8/2004
There are some very satisfying endings here. I like the reunions - thank you for including Sirithiel's meeting with Elrohir - and the resolutions. I was afraid that Calion would still be rejected by his father, but thankfully Artamir still has a little sense. Thranduil's joy when Legolas confirmed that Laerwen was in the forest was great - I look forward to seeing him with her.

The only disappointment is Minastan. I know the elves can't do anything other than imprison him, but stuffing him down a warg's throat has a certain appeal, though a little hard on the warg - even if they could find one!


Author Reply: I did extend the Sirithiel / Elrohir reunion a bit (since you wanted to see them!) Artamir is not happy and I still don't like him, but perhaps his sense of self-preservation will encourage him to be a bit nicer. After all, Calion now has a bit of royal favour - so I suppose that means it is better to accept him. I think Thranduil was quite pleased!

Minastan. I thought about handing him over to the Valar - I would quite to see him go to Mandos and expiate his sins, maybe undergoing a sort of eventual rebirth - but the main problem is that I can't see either the elves or the Valar cutting his throat. It just isn't an elvish response - if he were killed while being captured, maybe it would have been OK, but they just couldn't do it in cold blood. Then the problem with the warg solution - no wargs! or orcs! or, indeed, anything nasty to feed him to. Exile within Valinor wouldn't do - he's too unbalanced and dangerous. Getting an eagle to drop him in Arda - same answer. If you think the first solution is workable, in some way that avoids execution, I would be happy to adapt the text.

KageReviewed Chapter: 28 on 9/8/2004
*does first review dance*

Ah, this chapter is so fluffy and sweet. The pace is perfect, love your talented writing.

Author Reply: Swift response to swift review!

Thank you very much. I really enjoyed writing this and I shall miss it a lot. I hope most holes have been filled, although I am not entirely sure yet.

One final bit to come.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 27 on 9/6/2004

This is why women should run things, and why they should work with diplomats like Glorfindel, who isn't a diplomat at all. Kind of figured she'd have this all planned out - as a matter of fact, I sort of bet Finarfin sent word to her that they were coming and he trusted her to figure it out :D:D

Author Reply: It makes it so simple, doesn't it! And she's in charge at the moment, but she doesn't mind sharing. After all, why not? There's plenty of space.

(Though it has to be said that many of the women who do end up in charge seem to get there by being worse, meaner, nastier, more ruthless and more cruel than the men.)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/6/2004
Two things struck me in this chapter - Finfarfin showing Thrandiul that he is not a fool - a chance for the Middle-earthers to learn that wisdom does not come only at the hands of continued pain, loss and grief....and then Ancalime who in her pain, saw that others had suffered as much or more than she had and Galadriel might just know how she felt.

Nothing like a little understanding :-)

Author Reply: It might be Valinor, but the oldies like Finarfin have experienced quite a lot of misery, even if it was a long time ago. It's only the brats who have grown up in endless peace and harmony (well, no wars or Dark Lords, anyway). It might be some consolation to Ancalime that there others who understand what pain is. When my sister died, my mother was contacted by a group (called Compassionate Friends) of people who had also lost children - because, although they could offer no solutions, they could offer shared experience.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 27 on 9/6/2004
Apparently male elves are as merciless in teasing their friends as male humans are. Here you give us this ethereal Legolas and all the others want to do is make fun! But the political implications of this are interesting. Did Legolas's mother intend him to be seen as Crown Prince? That didn't seem to have occurred to him. I guess she wouldn't use those terms either but she clearly does want things settled her way.

I have to admit that, like Legolas, I'm amused by the thought of Thranduil as a queen's consort.

Ambantor is coming along nicely. He seems to be buddying up with Loareg rather than Minalcar, which I think is smart. It's kind of fun that Loareg gets into trouble about as much as the brats do. Or maybe they have a bad influence on him.

Oh my goodness, Haldir has been bold and bad! And it turns out that all three of the lords have their spies. Now why didn't I realize that before? It makes sense.

Author Reply: Teasing - the male way of showing affection. That and punching. Do boys (even elven boys) appreciate ethereal?

I suppose Legolas's mother would want things sorted out her way, really - it is her home, but she probably meant less by the show than, say, Thranduil would have done - I don't feel it was a political introduction, more an emotional one. Yes, I don't think Thranduil would make a good consort to a queen regnant.

Ambantor, Loareg and Minalcar give me a late teenage boy feel - much of the fun of life is bound to get you into trouble.

Haldir just confessed to me as I was writing this. Lord Celeborn sent him, he said, for a purpose. The lords get on - but they all want to be sure they know what it happening.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 27 on 9/6/2004
It's about time that E2L went back home, especially Elrohir and Legolas. It will be interesting to see Thranduil's reaction to the news. BTW, I rather like the idea of the twins adorned with pink flowers. Very nice!

Minalcar just doesn't learn, does he? Now he's disgruntled because no-one respects him for being his father's son. Has anyone ever dared tell him that respect needs to be earned? I'm liking Ambantor more and more, though, and it's no wonder he is increasingly irritated by his colleague. I hope they do manage to lose him!


Author Reply: They will be home soon! Do you think Thranduil will be pleased? They would look pretty in pink - no pink for boys is supposed to be quite a modern thing.

Minalcar will sulk now because he's being left out - some people just take longer to learn. You wouldn't really want him to be lost in the forest, would you? How cruel.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/5/2004
Minastan is just SCARY! The more his history is revealed, the scarier he gets! *shivers* A murderer, a stalker, you name just keeps getting worse and worse. Calion's memories of him being in the background, always watching....I'm glad they caught him and I'm relieved the ones who took him into custody had the sense not to be taken in by his devious little efforts to get away, or shift the blame to Macar! (I still feel sorry he was so badly treated as a child, but what he has become will be hard to redeem...if that is even possible! I look forward to seeing how you plan on dealing with him!)

I'm glad Thranduil has decided to keep Calion with his family...I'm sure Hithiel appreciates it too! LOL He's done a good job of proving himself to he can shoot straighter, even if he's not as good as Legolas (sorry...those little snippets just tickled me, for some reason *g*).

The exchange between Thranduil and Elerrina (how do you keep all the names straight!?) was a nice scene - she's really become a daughter to him, and that's good. He needs a female to keep him in line :-)...So he can feel his wife's song strongly now...he knows she's somewhere close! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! :-):-)


Author Reply: He is a sad case - you can see how he became the way he was, but that doesn't make him any better. I sort of feel he needs to go through some process of purification and start again (with the death/eventual rebirth thing) but I can't see elves indulging in the death penalty.

Calion has found somewhere he wants to be and something he wants to do - which will help him a lot. He has turned out to be remarkably good-humoured about the teasing.

Thranduil is fond of Elerrina (even if she is of the Noldor). They both love Legolas and that makes a strong bond between them. More soon.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 26 on 9/4/2004
Thranduil is so scary when he talks about cutting off the head and so on! Why is it that I get the feeling he might do that literally??? But it seems the elves of Valinor have some sort of enlightened open 'prison' system. :-) I guess that would work with most Elves because even when they're criminals they're more honorable than most humans.

And then Thranduil is once again ticked at the idea that Finarfin has been using him in the case of Calion. And then Galadriel's mother points out that a marriage between them would have been a 'disaster.' That is such an understatement that it's almost laughable!

And yay! The bad guy gets captured but Nessa's father has not killed him, for which I am relieved.

Author Reply: I'm sure he would like to. But I just can't picture elves needing or enforcing an 'eye for an eye' system of punitive justice in Valinor. I tend to think most offences would be relatively minor - and could be dealt with using community penalties.

Finarfin's cunning plan worked quite well, though, didn't it? And there's more to successful marriage than both being the offspring of kings - I doubt whether anyone within miles would have survived an attempt to match Thranduil and Galadriel.

It would have been convenient for Nessa's father to kill the baddie - but it wouldn't have been fair on him.

Thanks for reading. Not much more now.

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