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Journey's End  by Nilmandra 31 Review(s)
rgbjReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/15/2004
The little prince was just worn to the nub and loved every second.
Elumeril feeling left out. She is in a large family lacking a mother and a new baby has taken her place. Too much emotional upheaval and changes. No one can fix this only time and love.
So nice to see good King Thranduil guide his family to solve a sibling's problem. He is a wonderful adar to encourage all of them to get involved without placing blame on anyone.
Legolas' first temper tantrum. Mark this day in red on the calendar. Adar having brought up six other elflings recognizes the burgeoning signs of temper and does such a good job of short circuiting it. He is a very strong elf and he uses that strength to help his younglings to be happy in their growing up years by setting good parameters for their behavior. They will be very good strong elves in their turn. And Tathiel can be relieved of the burden of Legolas' behavior. She has someone to depend on now, she is not alone.
Very nice chapter. It is nice to see all of them settling in without the huge problems they had in your first story. There has to be some tension and in family life you can't escape tension.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/15/2004
I have to go to the pool every day for an hour of waterjogging. It is truly heavenly and the hot tub is my ultimate reward. I can see how Legolas would be quite taken with his own pool/hot tub.
A very sweet picture of Thranduil and Legolas at court. Legolas hanging onto his adar's braid and Thranduil swaying to placate his elfling.
Nekkid elves are always a plus and we get all the males of the House of Oropher at once. It is too good to be true. How much better can you be to us?
I once saw a PBS series on English gardens and it mentioned the mud mixture that they used at the bottom of ponds that lasted for decades without any problems. I guess the elves got there first.
OOH The game of toss the elfling. He probably really enjoyed that. He does tire easily with so many to play with him he gets his fill.
Thraduil remembering Alagos and Narawen was very angsty. But after so long a time he has his littlest back and he can gain comfort from that.
Nice start to a cute and fluffy tale. I can't wait to read more.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/15/2004
Warning: This story will contain much fluffiness. Expect excessive amounts of elfling cuteness and domestic bliss. Do not expect deep plots, much political intrigue or too many bad guys. Tathiel and the elflings need a break.

I can't wait. There cannot be too much Legolas cuteness in all the ages as far as I am concerned.

FaerieQueenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/2/2004
Again, another beautiful little story. I will enjoy reading more about Legolas and his childhood, if you would care to write it. I enjoy your point of view on his family. Keep writing!

Author Reply: Glad you liked this as well. I am working on the next story, where I think little Legolas will be about nine years old (just a wee little elfing)....

LKKReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/25/2003
I'm sorry, Teacher. I meant to do my Second Age History Lessons review, honest. Only when I got to the library, I found this story, you see. One I hadn't ever read before. And it was about one of my favorite peoples when he was just a toddler. An' he was soooo cute and adorable an' he even talked like a toddler!

And, and, well, I just *had* to read it, don't you see?

And it was *such* a good story. With lots of cuddly moments and a swimming pool and a wedding and it even had a wizard showing up at the end! and ...

Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. I'll do my Second Age History Lessons review, soon. I promise.

Author Reply: LOL! You are forgiven :D Very hard to discipline a wayward pupil who writes such glowing things about my story. I do love little Legles. I am thinking about having him meet my other favorite elves while he is still quite small.

However, I do hope you like your History lesson. Glorfindel is tapping his ruler against his palm and smiling rather scarily. :D

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/5/2003
This chapter makes me all sniffully every time I read it. Any chance you have another sequel planned dealing with more with Legolas's lingering distrust of the race of Men?

Author Reply: heh - I have thought about it, but am unsure what to do with that, exactly. It might be interesting to show him in a position of authority or power as a warrior; or have him younger and have his father take him from the realm for the first time, where he could see Men. It is something to think about...:)

Brenda G.Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 9/7/2003
This is a wonderful story as a follow-up to May The Valar Protect Them (which was one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES--thank you very much!). Your writing places the reader inside the story. I almost feel as though I am an interested subject of Thranduil's kingdom, watching all of the comings and goings unfold in day-to-day living in Mirkwood. I rate your writings right up there with Daw the Minstrel. You both know how to have Legolas twine us around his fingers. How special it was to have our wizard friend show up in the last chapter of this tale - a real treat! How neat that he knew Legolas as a toddler and then later as a warrior grown and representative of the elves in the Fellowship of the Ring.

You are a marvel of a writer. Keep up the good work and hurry and post more grand offerings for your fans. You will find us eager and ready-set-go!


Author Reply: Thanks Brenda! I like writing about day to day life - it isn't always exciting - but it is what makes the characters real. I'd love to see Mithrandir remind Legolas that he called him 'Mifdir' - a nice little tale from Legolas' childhood - told to the hobbits, perhaps. There will be more when HL is done....:D

Fan81981Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/27/2003
I was re-re-re-reading and was surprised at how touching I still found it. I would have thought that since I am to quote Legolas I would find him irritating - but I don't.

The way he clutches onto his brother's/father's hair when he sleep is so cute. I am sorry but there is not other way to describe him. I want a baby like him. Even when he is throwing a tantrum he is adorable.

Any chance of a sequel to this sequel? I would like to see the more of the rest of his family. Especially the brother who built the pool (whose name I cannot spell).

You write so well - it is contructed well and the writing is very tight. No frivilous sentences anywhere - and I should know. I have read it often enough.

The only problem I have is the Thranduil's large family size. Some of the siblings seem to get lost and remain names. If you had fewer elves then you could have given them more time without feeling obliged to give time to others. Of course, this is my personal opinion since I am in love with your Lathron. He is such a sensitive soul. *sigh*.

Okay, don't have much to say except that I love the way you write. But I think you already know that.


Author Reply: Hi Fan - I am glad you still like it. Every so often I actually reread it myself :D. You are right about Thranduil's family - but once they were on paper and had names and personalities - it would feel like killing one of them to remove them! I mean, I planned to kill Alagos from the start and it still bothered me to do that!

I think quite honestly that I wanted to create this large, wonderful, loving family for Little 'Legles' to come home too. I killed his Nana off, and his 'family' on the road all had families of their own to go home to. I wanted him absolutely enveloped in love and surrounded by people who were his family, people who had waited for him and wanted him. If I was going to deprive him of his mother, I was going to make sure to make up for it with doting siblings and father!

IthilienReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/4/2003
Here we go. Another fic that I have missed reviewing until the bitter end. Ah well, I hope it is not too late to offer my heartfelt thanks for this wonderful story. It is great to see a happy ending was found for everyone in the party, and that Thranduil has decided that, though he is the most likely candidate to report for his realm, his presence was more sorely needed on the homefront. And whew, I'm glad too that he has decided not to bring Legolas along. That would be…well, Jasta's "Leaf and Branch" keeps springing to mind, and for the moment I am contented to see our little elfling remain in the warm bonds of his family's love. Gosh, you make him snuggable. I guess if I had any complaint whatsoever with this story, it's that we really don't get to see much of Legolas being bad. He is charming through and through, and though I adore kids, I know there are moments when they are not so charming but just dead-on monsters. We never got that in your version of his life, but then Legolas is an elf, and maybe elflings, being the perfected version of our own kind, really are just perfect little beings. No matter, as I want to hold him and play with him and cuddle with him in the state he is in here.

I'm happy too to see Tathiel has found her happiness at last. If there was anything I missed in "May the Valar…" it was a snippet of seeing how she had progressed as a wife in later times. But here, you have given us that glance, and we can happily say 'marriage is good for her'. Someday, I wonder about her bearing young, and it might be nice if you produced a vignette or two of that meeting between Legolas and Tathiel's child or other interactions at later points in their lives. You need not produce a lengthy fic, just a one chapter ficlet would be enough to remind people of these wonderful characters you have created and the adventure they endured. Ah, well, it is a plot bunny lobbed. We'll see if it takes.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful tale.

IthilienReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/4/2003
Here we go. Another fic that I have missed reviewing until the bitter end. Ah well, I hope it is not too late to offer my heartfelt thanks for this wonderful story. It is great to see a happy ending was found for everyone in the party, and that Thranduil has decided that, though he is the most likely candidate to report for his realm, his presence was more sorely needed on the homefront. And whew, I'm glad too that he has decided not to bring Legolas along. That would be…well, Jasta's "Leaf and Branch" keeps springing to mind, and for the moment I am contented to see our little elfling remain in the warm bonds of his family's love. Gosh, you make him snuggable. I guess if I had any complaint whatsoever with this story, it's that we really don't get to see much of Legolas being bad. He is charming through and through, and though I adore kids, I know there are moments when they are not so charming but just dead-on monsters. We never got that in your version of his life, but then Legolas is an elf, and maybe elflings, being the perfected version of our own kind, really are just perfect little beings. No matter, as I want to hold him and play with him and cuddle with him in the state he is in here.

I'm happy too to see Tathiel has found her happiness at last. If there was anything I missed in "May the Valar…" it was a snippet of seeing how she had progressed as a wife in later times. But here, you have given us that glance, and we can happily say 'marriage is good for her'. Someday, I wonder about her bearing young, and it might be nice if you produced a vignette or two of that meeting between Legolas and Tathiel's child or other interactions at later points in their lives. You need not produce a lengthy fic, just a one chapter ficlet would be enough to remind people of these wonderful characters you have created and the adventure they endured. Ah, well, it is a plot bunny lobbed. We'll see if it takes.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful tale.

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