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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 32 Review(s)
JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Well there's a surprise, down again... (grin) Thank heaven for SoA! And what a geat chapter--Tinar really *IS* the most awful butthead, isn't he?? Snarking off to Ithilden is NEVER a good idea; even far less so when the subject under discussion is Ithilden's youngest brother.... You do realize now we must get at least a one-chapter one-shot of Eilian working with the Obnoxious One in Ithilden's office, don't you?? *Anime begging eyes of Doom...* :-)

Poor Eilian, in some folks' eyes he will always be that stern-faced Elfling getting into trouble and squaring his shoulders to go see Ada... while Legolas, bless his heart, keeps going from strength to strength as a sweetie. :-) Not that Eilian isn't a sweetie too--I certainly think he is!--but little brother seems to have the market cornered on being thrifty, trustworthy, loyal and brave... Do they HAVE a boy scout troop in Greenwood?? (grin)

And Celuwen as a royal advisor--PERFECT!! There, Ada, what do you think of THAT?? And she'll be very good at it, I have no doubt at all!!

VERY fine chapter, nin mellon. Thank you!

Author Reply: I think you're right. We do need a glimpse of Eilian, Tinar, and the aide in the office together. Eilian is bored and egging Tinar on for pure entertainment. Tinar is being Tinar and the aide is begin driven mad. Ithilden finally steps in and scolds them all like errant schoolboys!

My Legolas is a bit of a boy scout. I suppose he might not look quite so much that way if Eilian were not so wild. And Celuwen will be wonderful! I'll bet she doesn't hesitate to tell Thranduil is he's wrong and she has enough settler's stubborness for there to be occasional good riproarin arguments with Eilian running for cover.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Ah, Tinar has been taken down a notch. He is so arrogant that when he tells others what he is now doing, he'll make it sound like a promotion, that he is now Ithilden's right hand elf. Hmmpphh... I hope Eilian takes him down a notch or two as well.

I like that wily Thranduil now looks at Celuwen and sees an asset. I can see him enjoying the effect she has on his son!

Author Reply: Eilian will probably enjoy tormenting Tinar and thus drive the poor aide to distraction. Thranduil is not about to waste an asset like Celuwen. There might be some good arguments there though, don't you think? I can see Eilian ducking out of the way!

AnyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Thranduil's plans for Celuwen are very good! She will have that one year Eilian will be captaining the Home Guard to get acquainted to her new home and her new duties and when Eilian will eventually return to the Southern Patrol Celuwen will be busy attending to those council meetings, visiting some settlements and so on - she will be very useful and helpful plus her new role will allow her to continue serving her beloved settlements! So she will not have abandoned her duty completely for Eilian! And her father will probably have a reason to approve of her marriage, too! Very good solution here! Let's hope this will work!

I must say, even though I am happy for Legolas to have been promoted I also feel a bit sorry for him. Now he is the only one in his family who has no wife at his side (well, of course Thranduil doesn't have a wife at his side, either, but he had one for a very long time, so...). There's an air of loneliness surrounding him and I wish you'd bring Tuilinn back into his life some day :)


Author Reply: I thought this would work well for Celuwen. She's not the domestic sort like Alfirin is, although she can do that stuff. She has knowledge and experience that no one else around her has, and she can visit her family and the other settlements and feel useful. Also, it seemed to me to tie the two parts of the story together -- Eilian's bonding with Legolas's mission.

Legolas is a bit lonely, I think.

dr_seuss_is_coolReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004

I wish i could have like been right outside the room and heard Ithilden and Tinar.
Oh well, too bad.
I am very shocked as to Eilian's 'punishment'.
But in some ways, I am very glad that he will be staying in the Home Guard for at least a year because then that will give him and Celuwen some time together.
I am so proud of Legolas. I think he deserves it. I loved your insert about how Ithilden's wedding ring flashed in the light. It didn't seem necessary, but I absolutely loved it.
I rejoice that Celuwen and Thranduil seem to have a relationship brewing in the midst of all that has happened.
Thank you for writing.

Bye Bye.

Author Reply: Eilian is much better off staying home for a while. He and his wife can make their life together and let their love settle in so they are secure when they part. And Legolas has at last been promoted. Go him!

Glad you liked the wedding ring thing. It was irrelevant but it struck me as fitting, given that Eilian will get a ring that night.

Ms. WhatsitReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Hehehe...Tinar gets his comeuppance. Poor kid, he has to work under Ithilden's supervision. Though I'm sure many an elleth is jealous of him for that...

My real sympathy is for Calith, though. Eilian *and* Tinar? Damn.

It was nice to see some bonding among the brothers Thranduilion. The conversation between Eilian and Ithilden was nicely edgy, as was the contrast between Thranduil's motives and what Eilian *thinks* are his motives. And he gets to hang around and live with Celuwen! Yay. And Legolas getting promoted was also very sweet, and so was the hug. Aww.

I think my favorite bit was the Thranduil-Celuwen conversation, though. Somehow those two interacting make me laugh. I love how Celuwen cuts straight to the point while Thranduil sort of sidles up to it. And from what Celuwen's been saying it seems like she will, to Alfirin, be "one of the boys" to be clucked over rather than another maternal figure.

And this isn't the last chapter! Yay!

Author Reply: Ms. Whatsit, you are bad and Alfirin is coming after you.

I think that Eilian has gotten a pretty good deal but I also think he deserves it. And he will go home to dinner with Thranduil every night, which he may find a little trying after a while. Legolas is another step on his way to being Legolas of the Fellowship.

Thranduil is perceptive and willing to make use of what he finds in Celuwen. And it turns out that she needs the work, so it all fits together. I can imagine these two clashing on occasion, with Eilian stepping aside and keeping out of the line of fire.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Oh, bliss. Tinar squashed. Eilian manipulated. Legolas promoted. Thranduil and Celuwen coming to an understanding. Alfirin acknowledged. Ithilden in charge.

Love it. May come back with more later.

Author Reply: What a nice succinct summary! Yes, indeed, all those things are true.

Legolas4meReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
I am glad that Ithilden (this was probably fortunate for Tinar that he handled it instead of the king) handled that blasted Tinar. Perhaps we will learn some humility and learn to bridle his fresh mouthed tongue!

Legolas certainly deserved his promotion. What a wonderful family you have created in that Ithilden shared in his brother's joy and took pride in him. IT was a very sweet moment.

I think that Thranduil will certainly benefit from placing Celuwen as his advisor. She certainly was the wits to do it. It is also good for Eilian to be home for the year. It is not so easy being newlyweds. When I first was married it did take some time getting used to each other, settling in to new role of husband and wife, and getting into a routine. It was a wise decision.

Author Reply: Ithilden needed to handle his own warrior. Tinar is his responsibility and, in a way, his failure. The buck stops on his desk. And he intends to take care of the matter. I wouldn't want Ithilden taking me and my faults in hand, I have to say.

I sometimes think that I have made this family too harmonious, despite their occasional fights. There must be some sibling rivalry. Or maybe not. Maybe the long gaps in age reduce it.

Eilian and Celuwen will both benefit from his year at home. It makes up for the year's betrothal they didn't have.

ElentariReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
*jumps up and down*
I was so glad to see you have updated! Celuwen was unoficcially(as of yet) added to the team of royal advisors! I loved the way she cut to the heart of mthe matter, when Thranduil was walking around the bush. Poor king. He'll learn yet that subtlety is totally wasted on her.

Author Reply: She is wonderfully direct. I think she'll be very useful to Thranduil, telling him just what she thinks. I suspect there may be some good arguments!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Way to go Ithilden! It's about time Tinar got his comeuppance - though I still don't think he realises it's *his* fault! And Eilian is going to stay near home for a while, Celuwen has a useful role to fulfill, and Legolas has been promoted. Happy endings all round. I have the feeling this story is near the end, unfortunately, but hope you have another in the pipeline!


Author Reply: I find I feel sorry for Tinar. It must be truly awful to be him, but you're right that he doesn't see that the awfulness is of his own creation.

I think there's one more chapter although Nilmandra says maybe two. As you know, Jay, there's always another story!

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Thank you so much for raking Tinár over the coals... I was especially happy to read that part:-) Tinár drives me crazy..... lol...

A promotion, a demotion of sorts and a new advisor.... :-D Am happy to see that Thranduil is doing his best to try and make Celuwen feel at home hopefully.... :-) ... more chapters to come right?

Author Reply: I enjoyed having Ithilden intimidate Tinar. I'm not sure how much difference he'll make for when Tinar is out of his sight, but it's fun to have him kick Tinar around a little.

I think one more chapter, although Nilmandra says maybe more. She makes sure I don't hurry too much at the end.

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