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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 32 Review(s)
KristyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/25/2004
Sorry I've missed reviewing the last couple of chapters. I have read and enjoyed them!

This was an aptly named chapter.

Yay for Thranduil! He gets major points for showing Celuwen that she is valuable, respected, and welcomed in the family. He's also given her a job. I was very worried that she would go from her useful busy fulfilling life in the settlement to frustrated, boring idlleness in the plalce. That kind of thing can be miserable. And make you doubt you worth. Thranduil has prevented that.

I do not envy Ithilden's job at all. But he does a very good job of it. You can see his affection for his family and the relm in his actions and decisions. And I will thoroughly enjoy watching him bring that thick-headed fool Tinar in line.

Eilian is mature enough to see the good sense in Thranduil and Ithilden's plan for him. Or maybe he just wants plenty of chances to finish what he started before he was summoned this morning ;) Seriously, he did handle the decision to keep him home for a while well. I'm proud of him.

Legolas got promoted! Good for him. That's a fitting reward for the great job he did in the settlement. It also has the added bouns of being sure to irritate Tinar.

I'm hereby adding my vote/pleading to the request for Elian and Tinar in Ithilden's office stories. I think that could be howlingly (is that a word?) funny!

Great chapter! I can't wait for the feast!

Author Reply: Thranduil did well by Celuwen, and he will reap a reward I think. She'll be useful and happier, and that will make Eilian happier too, although he may not like his wife being away and leaving him home, even though that's exactly what he was planning to do to her. Ah, irony! The author's friend!

Ithilden is good at what he does, and I, for one, would not want to be summoned to his office. I wonder if Alfirin occasionally has to remind him that he's not in his office anymore when he comes home, and he should ask nicely please, rather than command.

Eilian has plenty of motive to accept staying home. I think Celuwen will be a great ally to Thranduil in settling down his middle son. And Legolas is now an officer, one who is trusted and respected. My inner fangirl sighs appreciatively.

I think that 'howlingly' is a word and it's an apt one!

JebbReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/25/2004
So Tinar is to become Ithildens bane for a while or is it the otherway round? I was pleased to see Tinar get what he deserved what a foolish elf to talk back to his commanding officer although I do think the words banging head and brick wall will be coming into play for Ithilden with Tinar and Eilian in a confined space!
Eilian is far more fortunate than he realises Adar has been very kind and thoughtful although having his second son under his feet for a year may be trying for them both thank goodness for Celuwyn who is beginning to find her place once again at the behest of Adar what a good father he is to all his children
Congratulations to Legolas on his promotion he must be feeling lonely now with both older brothers bonded and the celebration will probably bring that home to him even more!
A lovely chapter

Author Reply: Ithilden is scary when he's mad, and he was mad at Tinar. The next few months in Ithilden's office should be interesting.

I am getting ready to write about Eilian's meeting with his father. I'm going to try to do it today, but it's tricky. I want them to reach some sort of greater understanding, and they have such trouble doing that.

I think that Legolas is lonely. Actually, I think he's probably lonely in the south, not just because he's away from his family, but also because Arda is darkened there and wouldn't speak to him in the same way. It's a good thing he has Beliond and other warriors who share his days and understand the strains.

Camp6311Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/25/2004
Yeah, Legolas finally gets his promotion!, and I liked this line: “I like Sórion, and I would do my best for you even if I did not.” Sounds like an elf who could be part of a fellowship with a stinky dwarf.

Author Reply: It does, doesn't it? Legolas has been less central in these last few chapters than I would like, because really this series is all about him and how became Legolas of the Fellowship. But Eilian had some needs here!

LamielReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/25/2004
Legolas is promoted! Yes! Hooray! Break out the Dorwinian, because with that and Eilian's bonding, there's plenty to celebrate! Plus there's the added benefit of seeing Tinar brought down a peg or two. Hee hee. Oh, I did like seeing Ithilden discipline him. Although I fear it might take more than that to get some sense into that Elf. He might be good at weapons, but he isn't the best. And it takes more than weapons skill to make a good warrior. I do feel sorry for Ithilden's assistant, though, having Eilian and Tinar as office mates. Oye. And the clashes when those two come together . . . watch out, daw, you may have started a whole new warren of plot bunnies breeding.

And bravo to Thranduil, too, for finding a useful and profitable role for Celuwen in the palace. Now there's an Elf who doesn't let anything pass him by. Brilliant.

Now on to the next chapter! Let's party!


P.S. Please respond to this review in the next chapter's posting on, if you feel so inclined, daw. I try to be consistent and only review at one site, but since is down currently I'm over here. But I'll likely see your next chapter back there.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Ah Ithilden's morning. I'm glad that nothing spoils his meals or breakfast would have been a nightmare.
Tinar - Smackdown time for sure. Ithilden is going to put him on a very short leash. He is a walking disaster as far as having any kind of ability to get along with people. I liked Ithilden not losing a battle of wills to anyone except his king/adar. I have always said don't engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent and I don't think Tinar is armed here. He just kind of folded up his tent and snuck away. It is sad in a way. With his skills he could be a real force to reckon with but his upbringing has put up a huge blockade in his way. I doubt he will ever be anything other than what he is now. No one would watch his back in a battle if he were their commander. I appreciate you telling us that yes Tinar has a wife. Can you imagine how she would feel if Tinar were home all the time. I would think that she would like him in the South Patrol. I may be maligning her.
Eilian - Ithilden's bad timing again. Smirk. What does Eilian really want. Does Eilian ever really know except he wants a lot of excitement. Now he is going to have to think about life, the universe and everything. The answer is not going to be 42. He realizes the answer may be Celuwen. Ah amibivalence as to where he wants to be. Being newly bonded does that to you. He never really thought about Celuwen and the role that she would have. Hindsight is better than foresight. Eilian seldom uses foresight so at least hindsight is 20/20. The bottom line now, Eilian will be Captain of the Home Guard so that he can have his year with Celuwen. And yes it was adar's idea. Good for him. If any elf in Arda needs some time to make a new life it is Eilian. I think Celuwen will be the making of Eilian but it isn't going to be easy for either one of them. I hope they wait for elflings so that Eilian can grow up and be ready for them. In time he will be a fabulous father. Adar's insistence on family and bonding time is so in keeping with his love of his family. Ithilden would have tried to do this for any other warrior so Eilian can put away his over zealous protect the realm persona and put on his happily bonded self.
I'm glad Eilian is beginning to realize that Celuwen is going to need time to carve out a life for herself at the stronghold. She needs him so much right now. Yes there will be great benefits for both of you Eilian. Enjoy them.
Also Ithilden notices that despite the bad news he and Eilian are more comfortable with each other. See Celuwen is having a good affect already.
OK set up for your next chapter. Eilian now gets to go see ADAR.
Poor Calith, his life will definitely not be dull and boring.
Legolas - Finally good news for Ithilden to pass along. Our favorite warrior elf got a promotion. Tinar will be burned about that. Everyone who works with Legolas gives him great praise. Although this news is bittersweet because he will lose Eilian as his Captain. He is so sweet though he will do his best no matter what situation. You can count on him and all of Middle Earth does in the future. You are doing such a good job with him.
Celuwen and Adar/king - Nice little scene here. My the king doesn't let any moss grow on him. He is quick to set his plan in action. Slowly leadig Celuwen into the path he hopes she will take. Call me adar. Oh yes. He is really good at getting the best out of his family but of course first he has to see where they will be able to do their best and he excels at this. Celuwen is no slowpoke about things either. I think she will be very good at this. First she has to see the whole picture. At this point she knows the settler's POV but there are other POVs she is going to have to be open too. No one is wholly right or wrong but there has to be a happy medium that will work for everyone. Can she do this? We'll see.
Yes Adar I too think that Eilian has more than met his match. I can't wait to see how this all works out.
My daughter will be going to Oregon Institue of Technology. She wants to be a Radiological Technician. She will be doing ultra sounds, mammograms and MRIs. She was going to go into computers but got very sick and one of the tools used to diagnose her was an ultra sound. That changed everything. It sounds good so I hope she is happy. She does a lot of writing on the side and is very good so I hope she keeps that up. Maybe one day she will write fanfiction. That would make me happy.
Thanks for such a nice chapter. I await with anticipation the "party". I love parties. And this one should have it all. Angst from the king and family about Lorellin not being there, Legolas having to leave almost immediately to go to the South Patrol, Eilian not leaving for the South Patrol, Solith and the king doing who knows what. Wow the possibilities are just unlimited. Ain't we got fun in store.


Author Reply: I gave Tinar's wife a name once (in "The Warrior") but I'd have to look it up now. They were betrothed then and he thought she was timid and needed guidance. ;-) It's too bad I sent him away with a message to the northern border patrol because otherwise I could have them come to the party as a couple and that might be fun. Maybe I'll have to have her come on her own. She'd have a better time that way anyway.

I think that for Eilian the answer to Celuwen may occasionally have to be "sorry for the inconvenience." But for him, you're right. She will be the making of him. I think they would wait for elflings until times were a little safer. There is a nice little slot of time after "The Hobbit" when Sauron has been driven from Dol Guldur, many Orcs have been slaughtered, and the woods are safer again for a while. Perhaps then. That was originally when I planned to have them marry, but I couldn't wait.

Legolas has not been as central to this story as I usually like to have him, but he has done well and is still growing and learning.

Sending my son off to college was nearly as painful as sending him to kindergarten. Congratulations to you both on reaching a significant moment and my sympathy to you for the same thing, FarFlung.

sol 3Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Well done, Thranduil! What a terrific way to welcome
his new daughter into the family -- load her down with
work of the realm. At least she knows she is welcome,
trusted AND appreciated for her own strengths. Clever
King, that :)

Author Reply: I think Thranduil did do well. He needs to wait until Celuwen is in better health (and has a chance to spend a lot of uninterrupted time with her new husband) before he sends her off to schmooze with the settlers, but he has at least given her a good sense of what kind of future she can have. I love that Elven king!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
If Eilian has met his match in Celuwen, then so has Thranduil! I'm glad he's decided to make her the Mirkwood Intern, but I wonder what his reaction will be the first time she makes a recommendation he doesn't like!

As far as Eilian goes, bravo for Ithilden and Thranduil for making him pay the piper. As much as I adore seeing his adorable little Elvish tushy in danger, it's about time he learned to think about someone besides himself, and that time-honored "Sorry about leaving to go back to my patrol three days after dragging you off to live in the palace, dear - duty calls, you know" excuse isn't cutting it. A little one-on-one time with his old man might do them both some good, too. Or else Eilian will find himself the next Mirkwood Ambassador to Far Harad...

Ithilden made short work of Tinar, though I was surprised the miscreant whelp was dumb enough to show Ithilden attitude. Maybe Ithilden really should re-evaluate his IQ, after all. But has Ithilden bitten off more than he can chew this time? Will Tinar and Eilian in his office on a daily basis be enough to upset his well-ordered world? Will we get to see if he inherited Thranduil's bellow?

I'm staying tuned...

Author Reply: I doubt if Celuwen intimidates easily. She has that settler stubborness. But I think Thranduil is perfectly capable of ignoring advice he doesn't like. There could be some fun arguments with Eilian cowering in a corner.

Eilian might find himself *married to* the next Mirkwood Ambassador to Far Harad. He could host the other ambassadors' wives to tea. ;-) He does need to stay home. He can do that much for his wife whom he dearly loves.

I would imagine that Ithilden can kick butt if he so chooses.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
Another wonderful chapter! Ithilden was great. Orc dung! How apt when it comes to Tinar, but unfortunately I don't think Ithilden really got through that thick wall of self-importance that Tinar apparently had built over the years. I must say Ithilden is very courageous to take on both Tinar and Eilian under his direct command. I think he'll need the patience of a saint. I am surprised that Eilian accepted his new post so calmly. Married life is already having an effect on him. This chapter really made me realize what a heavy burden Ithilden carries. It's like being father, brother, commander and friend all rolled into one when it comes to dealing with his younger brothers. Cannot be easy! I am glad Thandruil is making use of Celuwen's abilities. Hopefully it will help her adjust to her new role within the Royal Family. I guess there's one more chapter before this wonderful story ends?

Author Reply: Tinar is not going to change from a ten minute scolding. Probably the best Ithilden can hope for is putting him where he can do the least damage and then kicking him around a little the rest of the time.

I think that Eilian was beginning to worry about Celuwen and also he really would like to have a few nights with her in a bed with no one walking in on them or rousting them out early!

Ithilden does carry a heavy burden. Thranduil is proud of him and grateful to him.

One more chapter, I think, unless Nilmandra tells me I've left some threads untied.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
"Ithilden let the silence lengthen while he sat immobile and looked unsmilingly at Tinár. Tinár met his look longer than most of those whom Ithilden summoned did, but eventually he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and flicked his gaze to one side without turning his head away."

I loved this description - Ithilden is definitely his father's son. I almost feel sorry for Tinar. I feel more sorry for Eilian having to occasionally put up with Tinar. But I think I feel most sorry for Ithilden, who will have both of them on his hands.

And Thranduil gets a sensitivity medal for realizing that standing up when you are in the middle of sewing something disturbs everything. And I love the idea of Celuwen serving as an advisor. The Silmarillion is full of wives and daughters who clearly played an important role in their realms (or gave good advice which their husbands and fathers foolishly ignored).

Author Reply: Ithilden is arrogant and very scary. I'm glad he's not giving me the benefit of his direct supervision!

Celuwen will be very useful to her father in law in a number of ways, from diplomacy to helping him curb her husband's most impulsive behavior. Thranduil should bless the day Eilian married her!

Dragon-of-the-NorthReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/24/2004
No time for many words once again - but the last chapters were absolutely lovely, and this one had me LOL almost all the time! Poor Eilian! Why did I see something like that coming...? ;-D But one sentence had me absolutely ROCL - "“I believe that time in bed with one’s wife is particularly useful in healing a hip wound.”" - Why does that make me draw strange conclusions about Ithilden's, hmmm, most private behaviour mirroring his professional style almost too perfectly? Ignore my musings - it is very late, and this will not be a logical review, but this is still a very wonderful story, and I still enjoy the portrayal of all characters (especially Thranduil) thoroughly. And it is good to see Legolas rewarded for his successful mission with this promotion - more responsibility will do him good. :-)

Author Reply: Ok. I don't know what you're imagining about Ithilden but I wish I did. ;-)

Ithilden has had a long morning here and he has a belated wedding to go to that night. What a day!

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