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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 24 Review(s)
dr_seuss_is_coolReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/19/2004

i've read all your stories...just never had the time to review
and i wanted to say that i love them
i love how you've created your characters...they rock
and i am very worried about Celuwen...i would cry if she died
i am glad that Thranduil is placing all this trust with Legolas...i think he will do well
anyways...thank you for is very awesome

thanks again!

Author Reply: Dr. S--

Thank you for the nice review. Don't worry too much about Celuwen. If the source of her grief is removed, she will get better, and you can see her turning toward life again already, I hope.

Legolas is proud of the trust his father puts in him too, even though he's a little worried about carrying it out. We'll see how that story line goes more in the next chapter.


rikwenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/19/2004
Poor Legolas. He comes home to recover from being on the Southern Patrol and then goes right back out on a mission of mercy. Being of the royal family doesn't mean one gets the cushie jobs either. (Thinking of Legolas going to Rivendell to explain why Gollum escaped the woodland elves). Thank goodness his mother was Silvan, 'cause I think Legolas is going to be sorely tested by the settlement elves. Somehow I can hear you thinking *Wet and cold is Legolas' world*.
Double poor Eilian. So near to Celuwen and yet so far. Will we hear why she has been fading? And how did she get a letter past her father? Solith certainly wasn't expecting this visit. It was rather funny how Celuwen's mother just reached around her husband for those rabbits. She sounds very practical and maybe she will help out the two love birds. I don't think Eilian is going to go home with less than an engagement and a future wedding in his future. I can almost feel sorry for him as Eilian will have to overcome the reluctance of Solith and make some major concessions in his life in order to even get Celuwen to agree to marry him. The Southern Patrol is *NOT* the place for a new husband.
I love the description of the settlement and Celuwen's home that you give. They sound very practical and plain, almost Quaker or Shaker in their being. Nothing grand or flowery. I can see one nice long story here or even two because you have got to tell how Celuwen makes it past the cultural shock when she goes to meet the rest of the royal family in the caverns of Thranduil.

Author Reply: Thranduil's sons definitely do not get the cushie jobs. Legolas is going to learn some stuff that should help him when he has to go to Rivendell.

I am going to explain about the fading. Eilian and Solith need to talk about it, I think. He was only watching the incoming messages. I think that Celuwen's mother probably looks at Eilian differently than her father does. Her mother is a female, after all!

The palace would certainly be a shock to Celuwen's system, when you think of it. We'll have to see how these two work it out.

sheraiahReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/19/2004
daw, I just love Eilian! Celuwen's father, however, has got to be the densest elf I've ever encountered. His daughter seems to be fading and he still won't get a clue! Sheesh!

Great story, hon! I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

Author Reply: I think that Solith is about to get told just that in no uncertain terms. I'll throw your message into the mix!

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/19/2004
Daw! That wasn't sizzle, that was what happens on the Weber when you give it a good squirt of lighter fluid. I think my eyebrows are singed...

Author Reply: Excellent! That's the setting I was going for.

These two have been in love and apart for a long time. Things have had a while to build up.

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