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History Lessons: The Second Age  by Nilmandra 17 Review(s)
Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
I love the story, and the commentary at the end is cool too. Hope you appreciate reviews and write more, just as the cook in the story appreciates clean plates and prepares more food!

Author Reply: Thank you! Reviews are much like a cleaned plate - they are inspiration to continue on and try new things. So thank you - I do appreciate them. :-)

BeautyIDReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
Hello! I was linked to the first 'History Lessons' by a friend, and I've been hooked ever since! Now I'm finally reviewing.

I just want to congratulate you on a couple of absolutely brilliant fan fictions. Your writing skills and your grasp of canon are excellent. I can tell you've put *a lot* of work into this story. The plots and characters are so engaging.

This is truly one of the best fics I've come across, and one of my favourites. You can't imagine how excited I was to find a new chapter today.

Further more, Elrond is now my favourite character, because of this fic. I never really thought about him before, but this story forced me too. The same goes for many other characters that I'd never really paid much attention to. You bring them all to life so well.

So, incredible work! You should be very proud! And I will be anxiously awaiting the next chapter. Thank you!

Author Reply: Thanks, BeautyID. I am glad you like it and took the time to tell me so. Elrond is also my favorite character, but I admit to being love with many of these elves now. I like writing about the twins, because they are a blank slate.

nanethReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
Even though I don't have lots of time to review during this hectic month, I just wanted to take a minute to tell you how much I am enjoying this story. I'm always so excited to find that you've updated. I am a "confirmed" twin lover since reading your stories! Wonderful job as always-can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Thanks, Naneth! I am glad you like the twins and the story. They are fun to write - and they have more adventures in store for them too.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
Fascinating, as always -- especially in the analysis of wisdom. Will you be going into the crafting of the Elven rings, and how their bearers were chosen?

Author Reply: I think so - although, as I sketch out the fate of the elven rings, it seems their bearers were chosen in some haste as Eregion was taken. But I do want these rings to be crafted differently - which means I think I am back to the ring mythology books :S.

KellenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
Ok, I sat down and, in the last week, I have read "History Lessons", "May the Valar Protect Them" and "Journey's End" as well as what you have of this story. If I weren't impressed with you, I wouldn't have read all that. :o)

I love your History Lessons and the way you weave the present circumstances -- which are always interesting -- with the intrigue of the past. There were a few things where I'd read yours and I'd think "I missed that!" and would go back to the Sil. Your conjectures are spot-on, I think. Tolkien left so much up to the imagination, but I think you've truly captured the spirit of Middle-earth's elves in your re-telling of their history. :o)

You writing is descriptive without being overwhelming and the humor is LOL funny. :o) I eagerly await the next chapter. And the one after that, and then the next one... :o)


Author Reply: That is a lot to read! Wow, I am impressed. Thank you for your very nice words, too. I do try to keep Tolkien's greater themes in mind when I write, as well as trying to flow with the tidbits of history he did give us. If you think I have achieved that, then I am truly thrilled.

Thanks, you made my week :-)

KarriReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
An outstanding chapter, as always, Nilm. Hooray for Elrohir. It will be wonderful for him to be a bit more mobile and have some of his independence back.

Author Reply: Thanks, Karri - Elrohir needs to feel better. I am trying to picture him trying to ride his horse with his leg in a cast. Why do I suspect he will accomplish it, likely when his parents are occupied elsewhere?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/18/2004
I like the Third Age family. You have made me see Elrond clearly and love him, and given life to Celebrian too. Erestor is also starting to assume a character. But it's the Second Age stuff I find the most fascinating. Annatar is just so slick and Celebrimbor makes me want to slap him even though I know bad things are going to happen to him.

But it's Celeborn who is really drawing me to him in the Second Age. He's a fitting mate for the powerful Galadriel. I love him. Yes, I do.

Author Reply: Oh, if you have fallen in love with Celeborn, then I feel like i have accomlished much! Sometimes I don't know which of these characters I love more. I am afraid Celebrimbor does meet a bad end, however. I am not looking forward to writing that.

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