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History Lessons: The Second Age  by Nilmandra 19 Review(s)
KarriReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Ai!'s a narrow call, but I think I still feel worst for Ada Elrond. Elrohir is a close second, though. The wee ones have been through sufficient trauma already, without the added guilt, fear, grief, anger, etc. of parental strife added to it -- and no doubt Elrohir is going to take it to heart most of all. I feel for Celebrian's position, but I side with Elrond, and I think it was most selfish of her to confront Elrond within view of the children (but people are not always reasonable when they are angry and distraught, are they...) Celeborn's protective daddy mode was nicely done. Isn't that just the way of dads. ;-) Galadriel was wise, as would be expected of Galadriel. An excellent chapter overall, as would be expected of Nilmandra. Thanks for perking up my Saturday. :-)

Author Reply: My heart goes out to Elrond too. I understand Celebrian's anger and how these days of travel and not seeing or being able to hold her children has stressed her, but I am afraid she is not thinking rationally. Not sure I would be either, in her position! But Elrond is feeling her anger, Elrohir's pain, Arwen's terror, Elladan's frustration and he is exhausted. I think Celebrian will come around, though :-).

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Ouch, there's nothing like watching your parents have a fight. That's all those kids need. As much as I empathize with Celebrian, she really needs to get a grip and put her resentment aside for the time being. They're immortal beings, after all- she has eternity to nurse this grudge, but for right now her kids need her! I know Galadriel (wisely) wants to keep out of it, but maybe she could just pull her daughter aside for a little chat...

I really enjoyed Elrond waking up to find that Galadriel had erected an entire encampment around him while he slept...

lovely chapter, Nilmandra. Thanks!

Author Reply: I am in agreement with you, Meckinock. Elrond is thinking as a commander of forces, someone used to missions and he made his decision as such. I feel for Celebrian, but she does need to get over it and she will. I've always seen Celebrian as a very loving mother and wife, and I hope she doesn't fail me now :/ Thanks for the comments!

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Oh dear. I didn't know that it was this bad between them. That may take a while to mend. Poor elves. Elrohir is certainly not doing all that well. Hopefully the issue with his parents will be resolved soon so he can feel better.

Author Reply: I think Elrohir would be much improved if he did not feel as if he were the cause of his parents fight. Poor thing. I do think both Elrond and Celebrian are smart enough to see the pain they are causing, though.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
What an emotional rollercoaster! The different POVs with Celeborn on one side, Galandriel seeing another perspective, Celebrian with her feelings and Elrond living with his decisions had me clenching the keyboard and feeling right along with the characters. Elrohir and Arwen seem to be thinking like a lot of children that their parent's fight is their fault. Seeing the children reacting to her anger should give Celbrian pause. Though it probably did her good to blow some steam (and I would have been steaming if that had happened to me), now she and Elrond need to find a solution to their differences. One that will allow the children see that something constructive can come of this.
I am like a lot of other readers, my knowledge of the Second Age is not very deep. Even though you are only hitting the highlights of what went on, Elrond's stories with Glorfindel's input highlight a lot of how the past is affecting the current times. Immortality must be a blessing and a curse. On one side you get to see lots of things happening and participate in a lot of them. On the other side you see a lot of mistakes made over and over again and even with your knowledge, you can't seem to make things better.

Author Reply: Oh, it really is a rollercoaster, isn't it? Hopefullly the older and wiser we become, the more we can see from several points of view - and in this one it is easy to identify with everyone.

I think you are absolutely right about living for such a long time - I think the second age was a particularly sad time. Some did find hope, but I think more found death and despair, unfortunately.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Oh, dear. I thought things were gradually improving, but it seems not. Elrohir's leg is still bad, and now he feels guilty for causing the rift between his parents.

However mad Celebrian was - and she was justified - she was wrong to have the argument in front of their children. It would be distressing for them, especially Arwen. But it must be hard for her to realise that at the time they needed Elrond more than they needed her.


Author Reply: I think Celebrian came in tired and overwrought, and all reason fled as she saw her children. Now she has made them feel worse, especially Elrohir. Poor Arwen doesn't know what to think. I think C and E will figure out they are making things worse for their children, though, and come to some resolution.

BejaiReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Oh, what a heart-rending chapter! But the anger between Elrond and Celebrian was quite real, and quite appropriate under the circumstances. I can see both points of view. For their sakes, and for their children's I hope they are able to work this out soon!

And like Elladan, I want to know what Celeborn and Galadriel are talking about! I'm very much looking forward to seeing how you write the Second Age. It's a very wide open, ambiguous area, and one that doesn't have nearly enough stories.

Beautiful, poignant chapter, as always.

Author Reply: Thanks, Bejai. I hope I can make my Second Age story as compelling and exciting as yours! I am looking forward to Galadriel and Celeborn telling their tale, too. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Wow, this chapter is amazing. Nilmandra, you have such a gift for writing about relationships, and for showing us that injuries and the need for healing are not always physical.

For some reason, I am utterly fascinated by this sentence, and can't stop thinking about it: "You have been tested as one from whom much has been expected, without reward or favor for what you have done." I think that's true for so many of us in life -- we rarely see reward or acclaim, but still quietly accomplish whatever we can. I hope you feel "acclaimed" enough for your incredible achievement with this story!

Author Reply: Thanks, Shirebound. I think what Elrond means for Elladan is just what you are talking about - much expectation has been placed on Elladan to be a rock, to do what is needed, to put aside his own feelings and needs to care for his siblings. And now with his parents fighting, those expectations might rise. I think that is how most of feel between work and home life!

Regarding acclaim, I am pretty happy to have a few people who enjoy what I write. That is enough acclaim for mer :-)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
As you know, I sympathize with Celebrian. I would have been spitting mad if my husband had taken it on himself to decide such a thing for me. But I also understand Elrond. He did what he thought was best, trying to take care of those he loves. That seems to be a theme with him. The kids are going to see that anger doesn't break a good marriage.

And in the words of Galadriel and Celeborn, the Second Age is finally appearing! Good. I'm pulling up a chair and taking notes because my ignorance is deep.

Author Reply: I think Elrond sees Celebrian being carried to her death, before her children's eyes, and he in his logical mind says he won't risk her that way. It may not be his decision to make, but he is a commander used to making decisions. Oh, they are both so upset. You know how I dislike unresovled conflict. I have to go write.

BodldopsReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/24/2004
Awwww... finally everyone is together again, and they're all perfectly miserable. I'd love to know what, exactly, Elrond was telling Celebrian in that last little exchange.

Author Reply: I think these elves are pretty stressed. Celebrian and Elrond need to figure themselves out and make peace for the sake of their children!

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