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May the Valar Protect Them  by Nilmandra 54 Review(s)
rgbjReviewed Chapter: 26 on 1/11/2004
Bregolas and his company now have first hand knowledge of the evil that has returned. They will have to cede the outer reaches of Mirkwood to the spiders and orcs. He has a really good relationship with his captains. They give him good advice and tease him as well. It must make his lfe a little easier to know they have his back.
All these resources being used to bring the lost ones home. Elves never give up when it comes to finding their own. At least they knew they still had hope through Lathron's visions.
At the camp they find evidence of men and orcs that have camped together. I could never get a handle on that although it is definitely canon. Despite Balak, Ban and Hazad I would like to think men are better than that. Maybe I'm not as cynical as I think I am.
Hazad never accepted responsibility for his actions. How modern of him. He went to his death blaming Tathiel. He never truly got the better of her and that must have galled him so much. The elves never even discuss him or what happened to him. It really is over now.
So now we are on a long camping trip so that the younglings can acclimate to communal living. This is especially good for Legolas because he has no frame of reference. He is a very friendly elfling especially when everyone dotes on him so much.
Oh dear they have found a prime ambush spot and go back on a battle footing. And get surrounded and everyone has to fight. Tinania can now kill orcs with her bow and arrow. At least she can protect herself but it's said that she has to do this at such a young age.
That was a bad battle almost everyone is hurt but they were saved in the nick of time. Not by one group of warriors but by two groups. And Tinania shot the prince. She'll never live that down and neither will he.
As far as Bregolas meeting his brother. It was so sweet and not all tears are from grief. I think a wizard told me that once.
Oh poor Meren. Shot in the posterior. She isn't going to live this down either. And Tinania will break all her records in archery. That's OK Meren. I get the distinct feeling you can distinguish yourself in battle. With shadow back there will be many battles to fight.
What is the first thing Legolas will do when he gets home is meet ada. Lathron has told him ada is waiting for him. You can bet the farm on that one. They can't wait to get him home.
Well onward to home and ada and the siblings. This will be such a wonderful homecoming for everyone.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/11/2004
Oh frabjous joy it is spring and the snows and winds of winter are behind us.
I liked the discussion of elflings in the midst of a war party. No tales where the elflings were the reason for the war parties since Elrond and Elros. Nice touch to bring history into this tale.
Sardon must feel so close to Legolas because of Alagos. Then Legolas runs out of gas and cuddles with Tathiel and Rawien. He is sure that Rawien is a good elf now.
Ellyth are still jumpy and haunted with bad dreams. There Nana has much anger at those who have brought this shadow to them and their dreams.
Very powerful about the bond Tathiel has with the ellyth and Legolas. She had gladly given up the ellyth to their mother but the bond makes her ache with it's severing. I would think that the bond could never be wholly severed. She will always be a part of these three elflings lives forever. They have had their fea sustained and strengthend by Tathiel by her giving of her fea. Her fears and worries about relinquishing the prince to the king even though that has been her foremost thought through this whole ordeal. I would be afraid that this would weaken her spirit even more.
Rawien is so patient he reminds me of Dobbin in Vanity Fair but he must realize that even patience must have it's reward so he will not let this go on forever.
Your description of the four warriors making the elfling carrier was so funny. How long did it take Tathiel, four hours. It will take them days to get their act together and take it on the road. Rawien's horse has a good take on the carrier question. Rawien, Tathiel and Legolas belong to him and only him so there is no call for anyone else to fuss. He can handle this just fine.
The discussion of how their clothes were ripped brought out new information. This type of disclosure will continue for awhile until they have shared most of what happened. They don't want to distress their mother but they will never be free of the pain until they share and then put it all behind them. This is a good start.
Choosing rings for Rawien and Tathiel. What fun.
And the shopping garnered some very interesting news. A wife and child are missing. Just one child? Hazad still up to us old tricks. The ellyth sense the warriors are up to something and are they ever. They will accept men's justice since the perpetrators are men also. Kidnapping is very seriously viewed in Dorwinia so they won't be let off easy. This could spare the ellyth, Tathiel and Legolas from ever having to confront the men again. Although having Legolas say Bad Man in court would soften the heart of the toughest jury.
Well they are back and the orcs took care of things nicely. But Tal-Elmar died of his wounds. Only Hazad survived. Tal-Elmar did not deserve to die but misquoting a certain wizard some who die deserve to live and some who live deserve to die, but we are not the ones who judge and decide. I sure wish I could get my LOTR back from my daughter. Then I could quote accurately. This is another hardship on Tathiel to cope with this nice man's death. Anyway it is truly over now. They can to a certain extent put this all behind them.
Legolas let Meren hold his most precious wolf. He is such a sweetling. And Galithon is weary of everyone mothering him and trying to heal him. He wants out of there.
This is it, they have left the camp, he gets down on one knee and pops the question, she blushes and he gives her the ring and they KISS. It is a home run for Rawien. Legolas has to get in on the act also and learns that Tafiel loves Rawen. How romantic. They will never get rid of Legolas. Tafiel will always be his.
This was a good, satisfying chapter. Lots more opening up and resolutions for everyone involved. It was great. I was so excited at all the happenings.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 24 on 1/11/2004
Varandil was very good with the ellyth, the prince and Tathiel. He has great bedside manner even if it was a bedroll instead of a bed. He sure drew Legolas right in. But as far as their physical condition. Tathiel would be dead if she weren't an elf. They have so much more stamina. Of course a lot of that was leeched away by supporting and nursing the prince. The ellyth are young and resiliant but Tathiel is very staunch in her goal. Return the prince to his father in good shape and if it kills her then that is the price she will pay. I liked the warm, safe environment but that is not right here so we better get moving. Their mission has changed now. Get their precious cargo home safe and sound and fast.
Also Varandil's take on Legolas' dreams was interesting. Children are so accepting. But Legolas accepts these dreams and the subsequent knowledge he gains as normal. I think it is good to normalize their experiences as much as possible. It will keep him focused on family.
Riawen likes warm baths better but Legolas doesn't even know what he is talking about. Is he in for a pleasant surprise.
Legolas likes his fruit. Too much fruit and he will be back in elfling diapers. He thinks he is to big for that. Not gonna happen he feels indignantly.
The turmoil in Tathiel's mind over food, the future and planning. She has to plan for the worst because so far that is what has happened. But she is no longer solely responsible for her little crew. She has let go of the ellyth now let the warriors help and support her and Legolas. Oh how romantic again. He called her nin meleth.
Well Legolas can't stand for any of that romantic stuff with ~his Tafiel~. Rawien gets beat up just for that. And doesn't everyone hate to be laughted at. But Tathiel likes hugs from Rawien and best of all you can hug Rawien as hard as you want, he won't break. So now another fun thing to do with Rawien. Maybe having the warrior around won't be so bad after all. Which is a good thing because Rawien has no intention of letting Tathiel go anywhere again except his arms.
Lathron is like having an imperfect web cam. He knows they have been rescued and that it was tumultuous. That Legolas is quite the little possessive toddler elfling with 'his ellyth' and 'his Tafiel'. Well let's be truthful what toddler of any race is less than possessive.
But oh dear what is this. DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!! Oh sorry wrong story. But anyway Lathron senses danger and ada has learned it is good to listen to what Lathron dreams. And Bregolas knew that a long time ago so we are going to get a rescue party for the rescue party. Can't be too careful after all that has happened up to this point. After all they thought this was all a done deal about a year ago and we are still on the road.
Lathron even knows where they approximately are. By the Sea of Rhun. I am so proud to say that I got my map of middle earth (a leftover from the seventies)out and checked where their journey took them. I now know kind of where they are also. I didn't need a vision to tell me either.
So nice the king goes to Legolas' room to be and tries to imagine his little elfling home at last. Sigh.
AN - I thought you did a good job explaining the process of childbirth and the strengthening of the mother by the father clearly. Most writers don't bother to research enough to get details like this straight. There is a lot of elf rape out there and humanizing of the elves. The writers are human after all (well I hope so) and it must be hard to pull away and try to "think" like an elf. I feel you do a commendable job.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 23 on 1/11/2004
Pushed to the end of their endurance. They lost their meat and have no one to buy food from with their money. The are in dire straits aren't they? But the title of the chapter gives hope that there is some good news coming up soon.
No elflings have ever saved their own lives and those of the son of a king. That perked them up a little. They will have tales to tell when they get home.
Legolas dreaming and his little leaf shaped ear. I read a discussion of which leaf would be used as a template for those ears. The choices got very bizarre and funny. But the upshot of the discussion was that the ear had a tip to it so that they were very different from human ears and probably somewhat pointed.
His dream was sad. He has all these things waiting for him at home but he is hungry now and his tummy hurts. He is sad though not cranky and making everyone miserable. What a reasonable little elfling. He still says thank you for the shreds of what they have left. No more food.
But now RESCUED!! In the very nick of time. That's always the most exciting. NANA'S here. Ethiwen angry because she sees her children are battle ready. They wouldn't have to be except for those who had stolen them away. Well that was a hard battle but they prevailed without too much loss. Poor horses though
And Rawien was so romantic with Tathiel. I am not into romance too much but they both deserve some after all they have been through.
I like the horses thoughts. Why don't they just ask me? And agreeing that no one can ride her right now.
Bad Man to Rawien. Here we go. Things are going to be very strange for Legolas and maybe even the ellyth. They will have to get used to communal life now or again and that will be a change for them all. A good change for Tathiel who has born the brunt of all this.
So Legolas has to get used to Good Elf and learn to trust that they won't hurt him. Too tired to trust right now and then when he wakes up he's not in the mood to be trusting. But his tummy is empty and he has other needs that have to be taken care of right now so he decides that discretion is the better part of valor and gives good elf a try on. So cute the prince trying to match Rawien's footsteps. No wonder elves cherish their elflings. They are just too sweet.
Tathiel gets to let go now. Let others be strong and capable and she can just rest after her arduous ordeal. The ellyth have their Nana, Legolas has fruit so he is happy. He even says thank you again. Such a polite elfling.
Oh he does get shy in the big middle of all those elves and his ellyth have to rescue him. Too cute.
He got nice fresh meat, lembas and fruit. What a feast for them.
Now we get the long and painful tale of their journeys. The dagger and what could have been but now ~It Is Over~.
Well we get to see them go home through all those orcs but now they have warriors to protect and feed them. This will be much easier on them.
What a great heartfelt chapter. We have been longing for them to meet up and now they have and yet we still have a lot to go before they get home to Mirkwood so our tale is not nearly finished yet. Good, I get so caught up I hate to see it end anyway. Although I do want them home and safe.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 22 on 1/11/2004
Just when you think it can't get any worse you end up in a cave with several hundred orcs. Don't you just hate it when that happens? You sure have thought up a lot of gauntlets for them to run.
Pushing Legolas into sleep. Those Elves and their mind games.
I would have been more than just retching. I would have been hurling big time. In the movie the orcs even smelled bad and I was just looking at them.
Tathiel knows now that she could cut their throats to save them from the abuse and torture they would face at the orc's hands. She has had to grow stonger and hard these last eighteen months.
Lathron and using his abilities. He needs to learn to use it and guide and direct it also. Lovely foreseeing. That will bring some comfort to adar and hope for gaining their lost ones back safe from their long journey.
No humor in this situation but they had to smile. Gallows humor indeed.
Poor Leges wet. Well he couldn't help that could he.
Oh they are in the snow. Good thing they aren't overly affected by the cold.
This was a kind discussion about courage and bravery. Sometimes just doing what we know is right takes so much courage. But it will never be noticed except by ourselves. That is true bravery.
I think it is neat that Lathron is teaching Legolas about his family while he sleeps. The prince will have a link with them through Lathron that will help ease his homecoming.
So both Earundra and Tinania showed bravery and courage of the rawest kind in saving Tathiel. Poor elflings. When they go home they will be very different after all their experiences. Their innocence will be gone and they will have a far different view of the outside world than any of the peers. Sometimes this is hard for families to understand.
Well this was an orcy chapter. Very lively also. I suppose it will only get more lively as they get closer to Mirkwood. The orcs seem to be trying to really take over. They can try their days are numbered.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 21 on 1/10/2004
'Zad is truly a bad man. There is just no way to justify what he did. Since Tal-Elmar has never seen his father act this way there must be something about elves that really brings out the worst in him. That may be a reason but it certainly is not an excuse.
He must not have been able to get any money from Sarn for Tinania helping so he figures he will sell the two girls off. It is actually quite common for farming families to 'rent' out sons and daughter for the harvest. They help with cooking and field work. The money used to go to the parents to pay for expenses but now it usually goes to the children who do the work. So I have problem with them working for other families but Tathiel knows that Hazad will not care who they go to and could go to ones who would abuse them.
Also for the first time Tal-Elmar stood up to his father and took his "wife's" part. Hazad must have felt he was losing control of his son as well. Tathiel is such a bad influence on Tal-Elmar.
As long as they stay there they are not safe. Tal-Elmar can't be with them all the time. I thought it was very telling that Tathiel had never hurt anyone so this happening must be so shocking and unreal to her.
Well they are fleeing at a really bad time. Winter is just too close and they only survived last winter because someone watched over and took care of them. They really have little choice though they have to flee. Sarn was very kind. Tathiel was very unfortunate to end up in the wrong hands both times. But then of course we need a story don't we?
A gut feeling got the rescuers this far so just go with it. It was so sweet when Galithon asked "What does a mother's heart tell you?" and then when she answered he back her up. Long weary search for the elves. At least the Dorwinians were kind to them and very helpful.
It is near the winter solstice when they meet up with Sarn. It has been a long time since Tathiel and elflings left.
I loved the bird calling to each other. So neat the Tinania had taught Sarn one so he could let the elves know that he knew they were there. I was glad that there were a few humans that were helping Tathiel et al out and that Sarn and Balwyn were trying to find elves to get Tathiel and crew rescued.
The elves left no footprints and then were behind Sarn in the barn. Having elves around would give me a heart attack. You would never know when they were right behind you until they spoke and that startles the heck out of me when that happens. Of course think of the nice things they could/would do to make up for that.
Rawien told Sarn and Balwyn everything! I was surprised because he usually is so quiet about everything. I expected him to tell them that he meant to make Tathiel his wife after that little incident about Tal-Elmar and his taking her to 'wife'. Got a little stiff and scary there.
And yes Tathiel has been very clever, strong, caring and adamant. She will make someone a wonderful wife.
The King thanked them with a bow and arrow set, that was very appropriate, and gold, that was practical. He didn't forget those who helped get his son back.
Great chapter because we got to see nice humans for a change. I do get very embarrassed when all we see are r*t b*st*rd humans all the time. I still cringe when Elrond says 'men are weak.' I like book Elrond better. He loved his brother Elros and his descendants and worked tirelessly for them. There has to be a reason and that is because most humans are OK.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 20 on 1/9/2004
Tal-Elmar is very wise compared to his father. It is good he won't take advantage of the situation. He did he get to be so nice?
The elves get to sleep in beds. After camping for four nights I need a real bed and a bathroom with a shower. A whole year of camping would be horrendous to me.
Oh so Legolas is a brave one but to too brave yet. He will be one day.
Hazad or Bad Man, a distinction but not a difference.
I loved staying with my grandparents on their farm and being around all the farm animals. I wish the elflings could enjoy this.
Until they went to town things were OK for them. I overlooked Tathiel can be a healer. She delivered Legolas after all.
And more congenital idiots show up. Tal-Elmar's brothers. Witless wonders like Guryn. At least Hazad has some sense. He doesn't use it wisely but it is there. His two sons on the other hand are single- and simple-minded. Actually Hazad is pretty much the same way. Can I say the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. Then how do we explain Tal-Elmar?
Bad men indeed. Even after the barn incident Hazad just will not see past his own nose. All the elves feelings of safety were false. They are in a no win situation that will only get worse when Hazad feels that Tinania can be married off. I wonder how old Tinania really is in human years?
I'm glad Tathiel was able to help the human mother otherwise all three of them could have been lost.
Good Tal-Elmar and Sarn have come up with a plan. I think Tathiel had better come up with one also and had better make tracks away from there unless she gets into more trouble and then she'd better wait until Rawien comes.
Wow lots of elf angst in that chapter. I hope they can get out of there in one piece and soon.
See some humans are nice and don't just want to take advantage of elves or people for that matter. For every bad man/woman there are more that are good. At least that is what I always hope.

Author Reply: It is enjoyable to see your reactions form chapter to chapter like this. Every so often you meet someone who is kind oand seems to have good values/morals and then you meet their parents/family and wonder where in the world they came from. Tal-Elmar is exactly that - perhaps there was some inheritable charateristic of his grandmother or his mother had some influence on him.

And yes, our little elflings and Tathiel have gone right back into the frying pan. Sometimes things do get worse before they get better.

Thank you for the reviews - they are a gift. ~Nilmandra

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 19 on 1/9/2004
Leges walked. Clever sweet elfling. Don't you just love him to bits. About the only cheerful thing that happened in this chapter that's for sure.
A month in that wagon. This gives new meaning to 'are we there yet?'.
Hazad covering his tracks. He is clever if short sighted. What is it with idiot men who think women are so much baggage to be bartered with no say in the matter. As Thranduil said what kind of man would use a child to coerce the mother into what is essentially slavery.
The Sea of Rhun. If they weren't in such dire straits this could be a really good adventure.
Hazad sure has a way with children. Not a good way mind you just a way. He has to assert his dominance.
When my daugher would get her baby shots I always had her nurse during the actual shot time. She would freeze and then desperately nurse until she calmed herself down. It really is a comfort to a baby.
The trees don't even recognize them. They are in far off territory. Hazad says elves never come there. Never doesn't mean forever never. He doesn't have a clue as to the motives of elves. Tathiel may have to wait but she can easily outlive him and his descendants.
Hazad is good at control and domination. He must have practiced it on his family for many years. No wonder his brother was so mean. At least Tal-Elmar isn't a tyrant like his father and has some doubts about the wisdom of this. Hazad is so smug in his ignorance of anything elven. Perhaps a human woman might accept this situation if forced too and so far away from home but not an elf. They don't have overweening pride for nothing.
How will Tathiel and the girls cope in such a patriarchal society? Although Tolkien's societies do have that late Victorian view of women also. He just hid it better.
Well that was a painful chapter. I get a litle frisson at what they will have to put up with next. Especially Tathiel.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/9/2004
Oh poor sweet elfling is scared too. Things are so much worse now. I know Tolkien said elves die if raped but if Tathiel had to stay alive for the sake of the children I wonder if she could manage it.
Tathiel's daydreaming was nice. Did Rawien care for her. Oh my yes.
Men sure can't meet elves eyes. Are they that intimidating? I always thought of them as aloof but generally calm and cool. Yes I have read the Sil and prefer to think of those elves as aberrations.
How much are the poor elves going to have to take. I am glad Hazad is going to get rid of the problem man, even if he is Hazad's brother.
OOH They are in trouble now. Thranduil is ranting. He must realize that they are dealing with the dregs of humanity. You know the elves don't have a much better track record they just live long enough to get better sense. Well here is the discussion of how Tathiel can survive forcible rape for the sake of the children. But what a horrible thing to go through and have a memory of forever.
Such a touching scene in Legolas' bedroom and then Lathron's vision. The king is very aware of how his grief and the children's also, is affecting their family life. He is trying but usually the mother is the heart of the family and would be so missed.
How shocking this behavior must be to both sets of children. Tinania and Earundra must live through it and Thranduil's family feel helpless to do anything to help. At least they have each other. Both sets have someone they can cling to when they are so frightened.
Well things have gone from bad to worse. From the frying pan to the fire.
I could go on here for a few more cliches but I won't bore you.
Well these frightening things are going to give long memories to the elflings and that is a pity. Also the king is going to have a hard time dealing with men again. Just when I was getting ready to see how Legolas would deal with being home and having a family we are back on the road again. Rats.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/9/2004
Elves are so clever to figure out so much from so little in the way of information.
Off on a wild goose chase again. I feel so sorry for the rescuers. So close and yet no closure for them.
The human messenger gets to see the king and his palace-cave. This is a real red letter day for him. And then he gets to see a group of fully outfitted warriors in a gallop. He will get free drinks at the inn for a long time on the strength of this.
Oh everyone is so excited they are really going to feel let down. So much work to make the returnees feel at home again. This was painful to read since we know what is in store for them.
The rescuers are correct, something is not right.
Again the elves are very clever to figure out what in all probability happened. So again a long journey by a lot of elves to gain back their lost ones. They are a persistent bunch. Good thing too.
I did like the healer saying that all elves looked alike to him. He was funny.
Poor Tathiel. From the frying pan into the fire.
This was a very exciting chapter from a standpoint of seeing how elves operate.

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