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May the Valar Protect Them  by Nilmandra 54 Review(s)
rgbjReviewed Chapter: 16 on 1/9/2004
I can imagine that meeting the 'dawg' was the highlight of Legolas' visit to Karan. What a shock a town must be for the elfling. He has neveer really interacted with anyone other than Tathiel and his ellyth. He is so sweet. He hides so he can still see but thinks he is invisible to the crowd.
The healers were very nice to Tathiel. If she had stayed with them they could have slept in a real bed and maybe had a real bath. Those two items would have decided the matter for me.
The clerk at City Hall was very rude. I hate men who call women little lady. It is demeaning. That is probably the point you wish to make.
Oh Oh Hazad is up to no good I can tell.
Well there were elves at Karan in the fall. That is a good sign for Tathiel. And the note will get results as soon as it is received. She feels much better now that home is within reach.
The trees are able to give them good news. They were so close to being rescued. If they had only been delayed a few weeks they would have been
found by the rescue party. Groan.
Elfnapped again. Will this insanity never end.
This was such a nice hopeful chapter and then we get to the end and it starts all over again. More trials and tribulations for the little group. And the ones who are looking for them and those wanting them home. Urgh!

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 15 on 1/8/2004
The ellyth have both grown a lot since they were elfnapped. Tinania has really matured for her age. She is now a leader, strong and confident. She really helped out during the time they were in the cave. Her parents will be proud of her. Earundra needs to get home to get proper care for her broken bones. Even elves can be grievously hurt. She has been strong and doesn't sound like she has complained at all. Legolas is growing like a weed and talking up a storm. The young grow up so fast, even elven young.
We are getting ready for flooding here also. The snow will be melting fast the next three to four days and it is so flat here there will be no place for it to go but out. It would be a disheartening sight if one had to walk to get out.
Oh the watcher will miss them. And the trees rejoiced over the elves presence. I love trees and the link they have with wood elves.
Legolas is going to walk soon. I love Booees off and Ada King. He is just the sweetest elfling.
Time to go at last. So many good things from the watcher. The most important a map that directs them to the Greenwood. The watcher knows a lot about them by now.
Boy almost nine months in the cave. I am sure thy really appreciate it's safety and comfort. I would go nuts without something to read but maybe elves are more into other things.
Oh Legolas got to see the watcher and say good bye. How sweet.
And the poor searchers are miserable but still searching. They are havin git rough.
Well I am glad they are on their way home. I hope they don't run across any orcs or easterlings. That would be so bad.
I am enjoying this story so much.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 14 on 1/8/2004
Orcs again. So the Easterlings are probably in league with orcs and shadow. Maybe shadow is from the east as well.
They finally are getting it. Maybe Tathiel didn't go east. She may have gone another direction.
The endless speculation as to who their benefactor is. Arguing in circles. Not too much to do when you are snowed in. Some games, lessons and lots of attention for Legolas. And the prince has his first temper tantrum. He sure has a thing for hair. Elves do have some weird thing going on with hair so it is his heritage. A writer told me that. She had researched it. I so appreciate it when they do all that work and then share.
Here the wolves come. The watcher saved them from the worst of it. Elves love all life even if it is trying to kill them and eat them.
The watcher doesn't want them to go anywhere and I can see why. They are very vulnerable right now.
More presents for the little prince. And a watershed moment he crawled and spoke his first real word. His poor family is missing out on such good stuff.
Now the rescue team is six months behind Tathiel. Of course Tathiel hasn't moved to far away. Spring is pretty close so she should be able to move her little group closer to safety.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/7/2004
OOH Horsie bits, how gross.
Snow, I would say Whee but today is the first day I have gotten out in three days due to snow and ice. All elflings need snowball fights. Legolas likes snow a lot. A good thing because I think they get a lot in Mirkwood.
The watcher is concerned about good and essentials for this little group.
Oh it just figures. The worst winter in recent years. Why does this not surprise me. I love that elves can walk on snow but they are stuck where they are. Too much snow and no winter clothes to wear. I am amazed they have any clothes to wear at all with what they have been through.
Hungry wolf. Not good at all. The watcher knows there is an entrance in back of the cave. With wolves about this is not a good thing.
Baby booties and rabbit bunting for an elfling. How sweet. Well not for the bunnies but if you want an omelet you have to break some eggs.
Legolas being so happy as the center of attention. He is sure a good little elfling and all babies of any race appreciate having so much love poured out on them. They need it.
AAh The winter solstice. Going to have their own party and look, pesents from the watcher. He certainly is elvellon. Great presents too.
Wolves again. There is always something to take the frosting off the gingerbread.
Back to the Great Hall. We haven't been there in awhile. We need to see how they are coping with Nana and Alagos being gone.
Lovely scene with ada and offspring. They are so afraid of ada, not. They don't want to hurt their adar and he doesn't want to hurt them. Catch-22.
The King and Queen sure had great offspring. That takes a lot of work.
I liked your ceremony at winter solstice. It amazes me what writers come up with in AUs. I love it.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/7/2004
They are wise to be careful. A rockslide can be a very unstable area for some time. We have them all the time around here.
Oh good she found a nice dry cave with wall slits for air and light. Eru might hav made it just for them.
Tinania says she is a warrior and she can be depended on. Elflings are more in control at a younger age than humans according to Tolkien. Tinania is going to need all this to get through the winter. And after this hard day, to sleep is a reward for them all.
OOPS Legolas missed a meal and lets everyone know about his unhappiness at this oversight. Testy little prince.
Yes Tathiel the gift of Iluvator to the First Born is quick healing and immortalality while the gift of the Second Born is death. Is anyone aware of an imbalance in this equation? Or is it just me.
Baths are such a good idea when camping. They can be a godsend as well. It was nice that they nicked some cooking pots from the humans when the escaped. It isn't as if the men are ever going to use them again. Cynical old me again.
And a baby bath tub. When we hike we find the most amazing wood objects. If they weren't so cumbersome my home would be full of them.
The horse could be a definite problem. It will attract scavengers when the smell gets just right.
Someone is watching!! Scary. And the path is cleared and the horse is gone. But the trees sense no danger so maybe this will be OK. We don't need anymore elfnappings or terror.
Great chapter and I am glad they are all OK.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/7/2004
The rescue party is heading the opposite way. Sigh!!
At least the elfnapped-no-longer group is all still alive. And Tinania was able to get them all out with a lever. Clever elleth. Tinania and Earundra are very brave here despite pain and fear.
Their first break (you should pardon the expression) is that Tathiel has only a simple fracture not a compound one. Legolas and Earundra get knocked out to keep them from being in too much pain. Tathiel though has to soldier on with her pain. And poor Earundra doesn't get a break or rather she gets too many of them. This is going to be a bad winter.
Oh the poor horse. I hate it when animals get hurt especially when they are helping people. I am such a wuss.
Tinania is certainly ber min. She will have to be their legs for awhile. Go get food, water, find shelter. She is taking on adult responsibilites and growing up too fast. Needs must when the devil drives.
Well I am glad they are all alive albeit hurt as all get out.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/7/2004
The elves are so out of there. So Tathiel is hoping that this gives Balak a way out, a way to save face. I wonder if it would have or just made him so angry he would have stopped at nothing to get back at her. At least we won't know now. He won't be able to do anything at all. Too bad she doesn't know this. She could get home much faster.
What a good elfling Legolas is. So quiet and content. And they have a nice horse even if it isn't elven. So much rests on Tathiel's shoulders. Always having to think ahead to the future and plan things out. I know the elleth will do all they can but she is the adult elf here. The trees will help. I always enjoy when a writer uses the link that wood elves especially have with trees. These trees haven't seen elves in a long time. Elves used to be everywhere but they have gone to the West or the Hall of Waiting or retreatedd to an elven stronghold. Sad loss for the trees. All men do is chop them down they can't talk to trees or appreciate them much except for their practical uses.
The little novice warrior is going to go hunting. She is very resourceful. Now frsh meat is back on the menu.
So nice for them to look forward to telling the Queen about little Legolas. Being elves they will never forget. The elleth are so sweet.
Blueberry and rabbit stew sounds horrible to me but I am not an elf.
If Tathiel only knew the men were dead she could have chosen a faster way home.
Now for Ban and retribution. How does Rawien recognize that clasp? Could he possibly have been paying more than the usual attention to Tathiel? Oh I think so.
Nothing in Ban's fears prepard him for four angry elves hovering over him.
OK Balak and his men are no more. They have lost a lot of men now in the village as well. That is a bad thing. The more hunters you have the better you eat in the winter when you need them the most.
So one horse went east, one west and the rest south. I think Tathiel went west so they are going in the exact opposite direction. Well they are doing the bet they can to find the lost ones with the information at hand.
If Ban only had let them go he would have been shown mercy. Not Balak and his men but at least Ban would have.
Oh no a rockslide. We have them in my area and they are bad. This is what Ethiwen felt.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/7/2004
I forgot about the human tracker. I remember now you mentioned this tracker I just over looked him. Well he is no more. I think it was good of Thranduil to remember his family, I take it this was in the form of renumeration for them.
Ban has an anxiety attack and a well deserved one I must say. His pride has caused him to slip into grievous error and he fears the outcome. Too late for that now. He made his choice and must face the consequences of it.
The men are not afraid to kill, they are unpredictable and that is dangerous. Rawien must have had dealings with humans before.
That was a nice scene between Ethiwen and Galithon. Focusing on the elleth with their family once again. The warriors have that to cling to and that makes them even more determined.
Even nicer is the portraits you have painted of Lathron's and Bregolas' personalities and how they deal with life and loss. Lathron has a vision of their baby brother and knows he is a sweetie. Survivors guilt is made worse by the visions. The only ones to blame are the ones that killed his mother and brother. So hard though not to take blame on self. This is part of the grieving process and has to be worked through.
Poor Thranduil. I suppose a mighty king of an elven realm would be proud of his ability to protect his people and here he made the choices that ended in losing his Queen, a son, a warrior and an infant son he has never seen. He can't be easy on himself.
Oh Oh something happened to the elleth.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 8 on 1/7/2004
The elves are good at tracking. And the ones they are tracking left plenty of signs for elven eyes.
I felt sorry for the first village. They were in such bad shape but made very poor choices. You do not mess with elves you will never win. That is probably a sub theme of this story.
It is easy to intimidate a women by threatening her children. But this does not make you a man just a worm.
Tathiel is always making plans. I wonder if this is an elven thing or do they teach it to the she elves in case of trouble or is this just her personality?
Gonna knock 'em out. Good for her.
Yes the elf beat him after all. I feel no sorrow or remorse for Balak or Ban when he finds out his son is dead. They had chances to remedy the bad they had done and each time they made the wrong choice. You reap what you sow and they did.

rgbjReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/7/2004
Balak fears them as well he should. At least he can't kill them to get rid of the problem. But he won't set them free so he will sell them as slaves. Too much pride to admit he has made a mistake. And yes his actions will definitely hurt his village in the long run. He will let someone else decide what to do. Works for me.
What a choice set before Thathiel. How do you decide when it is time to give up hope and make the choice of Mandos' Halls? One would have to be so very desperate. So she chooses life. Good choice, hope over despair.
In the village they are like wild animals on exhibit. Can you imagine a life of such total isolation? The elves must be like world travelers compared to the villagers.
Ban knew what he should do but let pride cause him to act on the elves outward appearances so he hardened his heart and showed them no mercy. Not a wise move to make.
Well this trip will not be a walk in the park for the rescue team. They have had a run in with orcs already. This will be a long long rescue.
At least the elves have a roof over their heads and some privacy. They can get cleaned up and make plans. Tathiel also needs to set the elleth's mind at ease over the death of the Queen and Alagos. In a small close knit community like the woodland realm everyone would pretty much know everyone else so each one who fell or left would be known at least a little by everyone. They need to recoup their energy for what lies ahead. Escaping so they don't get made into slaves.

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