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A Walk to Remember  by LOTRFaith

Disclaimer: See default chapter.

Chapter 4


The first thought that came to Legolas' mind when he regained consciousness was the fact that either Thalion or his father was going to kill him. It wasn't a pleasant thought but it was one that Legolas knew was entirely his fault. As he blinked his eyes, he saw his fellow warriors sitting, tied up next to him. They were all bound and gagged neatly. Trying to straighten up, Legolas found himself bound just as tightly.

"So they are all awake."

The voice jerked the elves up. They looked up to see a tall, dark featured man standing over them. He was dressed in what looked like a long, gaily colored robe that encased his entire body and had a turban around his head. There was a long sword strapped to his side as well as a dagger. He had dark paint around his eyes, which gave him an evil look. But Legolas could sense that it just wasn't the paint that gave the man such a foul look.

He roughly untied the gags. "You picked the wrong night to try and sneak upon a band of Easterlings." He laughed harshly, the sound grating on the fine elven ears. "I am Govi." He stepped backwards. "I am the leader of this band." He bowed his head formally. "I welcome you to my camp."

The young elves scowled at him. One of the elves, Taithar spoke up suddenly. "A fine welcome indeed! I demand you untie us immediately."

The other elves stared surprised at the young elf, but then again, Taithar was a son of a snotty elven lord. Even to the elves he was very arrogant. Taithar was used to getting his way, as did his father. It did not really surprise Legolas that Taithar spoke up so rashly. But perhaps he could use it his advantage.

Isorfir exchanged quick glances with his prince. He could sense Legolas' thoughts quickly running each and every way. But what he was planning Isorfir had no idea, just an inkling. So he quickly grabbed the open opportunity.

"How dare you kidnap us!" Isorfir spoke up suddenly. "I demand our release."

The Easterling stared rather surprised at the bold statement, before he began to laugh. "Aye." He sighed. "I have not had such a laugh for a long time."

Isorfir narrowed his eyes. "Release us now!" He demanded.

"And what if I don't?" Govi asked folding his arms across his chest.

"My father will kill you." Isorfir replied haughtily. "He will not leave a single man alive."


Legolas could tell the Easterling was turning the idea over in his mind. "And exactly who is your father."

"Lord Belaraldur" Isofir said proudly "His is the chief advisor to King Thranduil."

Isofir could feel his fellow elves shock, but was relived when none of them said anything. Hopefully Legolas would help him out here.

"Indeed." Govi smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile. He reached for Isorfir.

"Do not touch him." There was pure venom in Legolas voice.

The Easterling gave him an amused look. "And who do you think you are to demand such a thing?" He purred.

Legolas swallowed. "I am their bodyguard."

"Not a very good job of body guarding." The Easterling laughed rudely.

Legolas allowed blood to rush to his fair face, as the Easterling turned to the others. "Is this really your body guard?" He questioned.

The others nodded confidently, though they had no idea what Legolas was trying to do.

"Where I come from." The Easterling clasped his hand behind his back. "If the body guard didn't protect those he was supposed to be guarding, he was flogged." He smiled.

The elves stared at him, shocked not really comprehending what the Easterling was saying.

"Shall I show you how we do things?" He asked maliciously. The Easterling smiled cruelly, then reached down and grabbed Legolas, hauled him to his feet then proceeded to drag the resisting elf to a nearby tree.

Words of protest were on each elf's lips, but Legolas quickly shook his head. It would do them no good if they kept at the Easterling.

They watched in horror as the Easterling ripped Legolas' tunic and shirt off, revealing a smooth back. He sent a loathsome smile to the bound elves and proceeded to uncurl the many thronged whip used for punishments such as this. He snapped the whip several times, enjoying the elves reaction to the sound.

He tested the fibers of the leather as he contemplated aloud. "A body guard not guarding those under him should receive at least." He tapped his fingers against his lip, putting on a pretense of thinking. "Let's see, at least seventy-five lashes."

"Seventy-five!" Isorfir gasped unable to stop himself.

Govi nodded. "You're right. Seventy-five is a rather small punishment." He smiled malevolently at the horrified elves. "One hundred will suffice." He stepped back and with another snap of the leather whip, began to count.




Sheer terror could only describe the next few days for Thalion and his patrol. They were constantly on the move trying to evade orcs or spiders. They had found that many of the flets were still there and hadn't yet been found. Though each time they settled to rest, something always had them fleeing from their once safe haven.

Returning to the palace was not an option. They could only hope to draw the enemy further into the south. Four elves had already died, much to the horror and dismay of Thalion. The deaths weighed heavily upon the prince's heart and continued to torment him whenever he had a chance to sleep.

They were all nearing complete exhaustion from their many battles and nights on end without sleep. The supplies were still plentiful, but their bodies were wearing thin. Many could not sleep because of the nightmares plaguing their dreams. They had each seen something so appalling evil that few could just shake it off.

But they made their way further and further into the deep, dark, evil places in the south. They slowly made their way to Dol Guldur. A place that all never wanted to go, but each knew it was probably the only way to rid themselves of the orcs hot on their trail.

It was becoming harder and harder for them to keep escaping the many orc attacks. Fleeing unscathed was all but impossible. Each had various wounds from the many battles that they patched up while fleeing. Arrows were made from the dead wood around them, often the point being only a sharpened end instead of a proper arrowhead. There were slowly but surely running out of arrows and were slowly relying on their knives, daggers and swords. And for that, they had to be in hand to hand combat.

Thalion leaned against the tree trunk exhausted. Two more elves just died brutally. Orcs had surround them and stabbed them to death. 'At least.' Thalion reflected soberly 'They hadn't been captured to be tortured.' Though it had been hardly a week since they had left, they had made overwhelmingly good time from the palace to their currant position. 'Though.' Thalion thought ruefully 'Lomion probably wouldn't be impressed.'

Thinking upon his family, Thalion realized how much he truly missed them. Quiet Lothgil, playful Tasari, strong Lomion, gentle Lainiel, his proud ada, roguish Legolas, and Miriwen. Beautiful, strong, gentle, loving Miriwen. Thalion's heart ached at the mere thought of her. If he would die what would happen to her? Lomion and ada would take care of her, but what of her heart? Would it break? Would she die?

He sighed, looking up into the twinkling starlit sky. "Elbereth give me strength." He whispered. "Valar watch over my family." He swallowed. "Especially Miriwen. Give her strength."

"Prince Thalion! They are attacking again!"


Miriwen sighed as she stitched the hem on one of Thalion's shirts. He had accidentally torn it when he was training. Now that she had more time on her hands she had decided to sew anything that needed sewing.

She gently ran her hands over the soft fabric. Gone only six days and already she missed him so much. Then lifted the shirt up and pressed it to her face, inhaling deeply. Ah, she remembered that scent. She remembered when she had first lain eyes upon her handsome husband.

He had been very serious. Too serious for her liking actually. He rarely laughed and almost never teased or was teased anyone. Except Legolas. He had been the one who always seemed to make anyone in the royal family laugh. He had made the light come out in the king's eyes as well as Thalion's. He pulled numerous jokes on anyone including Thalion.

Legolas had shown her the Thalion that he knew. That he cherished. And then he had shared him with her. After he had asked her hand in marriage Lomion had changed drastically. He laughed more often, teased unmerciful and showed his affections in every way.

Miriwen's cheeks flushed red as she thought about those many long, warm night snuggled against her husband. Then sighed sadly. Now their bed occupied only one. Her. She had no one to snuggle with and it was rather frustrating and heartbreakingly excruciating when she rolled over at nights to seek her husband only to find a cold empty space. So much so that she had seriously contemplated on seeing if her younger sister could move in with her. Just so she could hold someone, instead of a pillow.

"Please come back to me Thalion." She whispered. "My days and nights are lonely without you."


Lomion threw down the quill discouraged. They had had no word from Thalion or from any of the other patrols. Worry gnawed at him endlessly. Not only for Thalion and the patrol members but for Legolas as well. Both Thalion and Legolas were rash when it came to making quick decisions. They were both known for leaping before looking and usually spent several days in the infirmary because of it.

Lomion shook his head smiling. Thalion and Legolas. They really should have been twins, but the Valar must have known what trouble they would have caused then. He closed his eyes. Legolas had little or no idea how much like Thalion he was. And of course they had both gotten it from their mother. Ada had often told Lomion how mischievous his naneth had been during their courtship. Indeed Lomion could often remember her laughter ringing throughout the palace.

He sat down, fingering a nearby map. His nights were filled with worry for Thalion and Legolas. Not to mention Miriwen. Though she tried to keep busy, Lomion knew that her nights had to be agony for her.

He sighed once more, hauled himself to his feet and continued to check the various possible locations of the patrols in the south and north.


To say his head was pounding in agony would be a slight misunderstanding. Thranduil had been listening to a pair of idiots for several minutes, listening to one of the many bickering in front of him.

How Thranduil wished he could yell at them to just shut up and leave him alone. He hated court. Hated it with a passion. His father, Oropher had a hard time to get his son to take his place in the court sessions. Perhaps that was why Lomion refused to take his father's place during the court session. It was certainly understandable.

His mind was wandering today and it wasn't something that he needed at the moment. He released a small sigh not noticed by anyone except his advisor. Who seemed to notice everything.

Thranduil was slowly loosing his hold on his famous temper. Not that he had much of a hold on it before. He usually lost it over small insignificant disputes such as the one currently before him. Just as he was about to explode the doors slammed open.

"King Thranduil!"


Tasari wearily rested against the fence post. Training horses were something that took time, but once done they were always ready to ride at anytime. A soft nicker in his ear turned his head to see his favorite mare, Coreil. She was a beauty. He had raised her from a colt and had formed a close bond with her.

Thalion had always teased him that horses would forever be his bride. Tasari hid his smile against her mane. No that wasn't true, for lately his eye had caught another's. Her name was Arielle; she also loved horses and often would sneak out to the pasture to greet them with carrots, pieces of apples and sugar. It had been in the pasture that Tasari had first seen her. She had golden hair that fell past her middle back, and her eyes. Tasari sighed. Her eyes were of the lightest blue so soft and gentle. Like a clear summer morning before the sun fully rose.

His lips slid up in a dreamy smile. Arielle. Hmm. Perhaps he would ask his ada if he could speak to Arielle's ada. He sighed happily. Dare he think it? Tasari and Arielle.

His eyes widened and he clamped his hands over his mouth glancing around cautiously. Had he spoken aloud? Seeing no one near he allowed him to ease up and buried his smiling face into Coreil's mane. Tasari and Arielle.


Startled Tasari looked up to see a good friend, Cordon running over to him. "What?"

"Hurry!" Cordon gasped. "Your ada wants you to come immediately."

"Do you know why?" Tasari asked breaking into a run.

"Only that something terrible happened and Lomion and your ada are very upset." Cordon replied.

'Something terrible happened.' The words repeated in Tasari's mind. 'Something terrible. Terrible'

What was that something terrible? Thalion? Legolas? Had something happened to Lothgil? His heart pounding with fear, Tasari burst through the entryway and jerked to a halt seeing a bleeding elf in his Ada's arms. He was gasping something out. Moving closer Tasari heard only a few sentences in gasps.

"Prince. Thalion.. Nazgul.. attacked.Going.. further.. south.. Dead.." The elf convulsed in agony.

Tasari could see blood pouring from a stab wound from the elf's stomach.

"Dead." He gasped out, convulsed one more time, and then slowly relaxed as his last breath left him and he slid into eternal sleep.

'His face.' Tasari thought rather distantly 'wasn't full of pain anymore, but rather peacefully and full of wonderment. Like a child looking at the stars for the first time.'

Thranduil gently laid the brave elf on the steps and folded his arms across his chest. "Ea na Gwil." (Be at peace) He toned softly. He gently pulled a handkerchief from a pocket and gently laid it on his face. "Ea na Gwil."

"Ea na Gwil."

Review responses.

Aly: Your wish is my command;-) As you have probably seen in this chapter I have included Lomion, Thalion, Miriwen, Thranduil and Tasari. I will try to get Lothgil and Lainiel in next chapter.

Yes, I have both brothers in trouble. I hope Tasari will stay out of trouble! lol.

Legolas' dream. hmmm. Well, it kinda will to a point, a mere fraction of a point, but some of it will come true. But only I know exactly which part will;-) You guys are all left hanging. :-D lol. Thank you so much for reading and posting a review. It means so much to me.

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