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Twin Mischief  by Cierah

Chapter Eight

Elrohir knelt beside the small waterfall on the boarders of his father’s lands, and scooped up a handful of water, splashing it on his face. He quickly snatched his hand out of the water however when a childhood memory flashed through his mind. He glanced nervously at the small pool, and remembered once a long time ago he and his brother had swam in this deep blue lake. Frowning he briefly touched his ankle, where a small ache resurfaced. He cleared his throat and stood staring at the rippling water with reawakened fear. He had never stepped foot into the lake after the accident those many years ago. Taking a deep breath, he stepped back one.

His brother stood against a tree his arms crossed, a look of anger on his face, as he argued with the crown prince of Mirkwood. The night was new and the stars shone in the blackened sky above signaling a clear night free of storm and rain.

“I do not agree. Once we find your brother’s trail then we shall proceed. It is foolish to wander around aimlessly.” Elladan grumbled.

“We need to find them, this is absurd. I cannot stand around while you and your brother banter back and forth, as though this is no important matter to you.” Galen hissed.

“Elrohir and I banter back and forth to ease tension in the air, foolish one.” Elladan shot back. “The stress flowing from you is enough to dampen a roaring fire.”

Galen threw his hands up into the air. “I have had enough.” He turned and wandered over to a large boulder by the river.

Elrohir looked over his shoulder to his brother, and raised an eyebrow. Shaking his head and strode over to the two arguing elves. “Calmly brother, do not allow the stress to dampen your spirits. I feel it when you are upset over something and it effects me much the same as it does you.” He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We have always been able to keep our wits about us, when hunting, do not allow this to distract us in our tracking.” Elrohir glanced over his shoulder and looked at Galen who sat on the boulder frustrated.

Elladan followed his twin’s eyes and sighed nodding in agreement.

“The dark wood prince is impatient and careless. If we follow his lead, we may miss the simplest of signs to indicate where the other princes have gone.”

Elladan flashed a grin at his younger brother. “You have always been able to ease a worried mind, always calm, and collected. You miss nothing.”

Elrohir returned the smile and winked at Elladan. “Come, let us scout and find out where those two have gone off to.”

Elladan placed his hand on his brother’s arm staying his movements. “You don’t suppose this is some prank of theirs do you?”

“The possibility crossed my mind at first, but Galen is either great at showing distress, or is truly worried about his brother’s.” The younger twin nodded in the crown princes direction as he spoke. “He appears to be distraught. I will not take the chance however that they are pulling a stunt and dismiss the search.” Elrohir shook his head.

Elladan sighed. “Let us keep our eyes open and keep our wits about us none-the-less.”

The only response the older twin got was a snort of a reply, as his brother disappeared into the trees beside the falls. “Your highness, if you will.” Elladan mocked scornfully.

“Save it half elven!” Galen growled back, causing Elladan to raise his eyebrow angrily.

A voice drifted into the small clearing. “Will you two stop your ranting? It is growing quite tiresome.”

Elladan turned and sprinted into the trees, locating his brother in a tall birch wood glaring at him. “You can be so childish, Ella.” Elrohir jumped down in front of his brother frowning. “Come let us make haste and find those two before day. If father finds out he will have our hides.”

Galen strolled into the clearing his movements stiff. “That would be a sight I would give jewels to see.”

“I bet!” Elladan smirked.

“Stop it both of you!” Elrohir barked. “We have a situation here, that must be remedied. Now this question for you Galen. Is this some sick stunt you and your brothers have planned? If so, then I will waste no more time on this, I will return home to bed.”

Galen walked up to Elrohir and put his face close to his. “If this was a prank, then do you not think it would have been planned better? I find being so close to either of you to be more then my stomach can handle. I have better things to do then take a stroll in the woods unknown to me, in the dark, and argue with either of you Peredhil!”

Elrohir narrowed his eyes. “Then what exactly did your brothers say to you before they left, so that we may find them and make this trip end quickly, seeing as our half elven blood disgusts you so.”

Galen sighed taking a step back. “They only thing Erysyn said was that he and Legolas were going for air. He said that he saw a waterfall and wanted to fish. I am presuming this waterfall?”

Elrohir also took a breath calming himself. He rarely lost his temper, but lack of sleep and the insults were grinding on his nerves. “This is the only one close to Rivendell, besides having to trek up the mountains to gain access to the others. This one lies on the boarders, and keeps the home safe from outsiders who do not know the area.” Elrohir pointed to the trees around him. “This forest also keeps things out of sight. The woods I am fearing your brothers have decided to travel to, lay beyond these ones, and are dreary.”

“They said nothing of going to a forest, so what makes you think they went there?” Galen frowned glancing at the younger twin suspiciously.

Elrohir shook his head. “If we are to do this we must work together. I have never been to those woods, but I felt drawn to them somehow. Elladan also felt it before your family arrived. Something about those woods-“Elrohir’s words trailed off. He shrugged. “That is where I am heading to find signs of them. Follow if you choose. If not, stay here with him.” Elrohir pointed his finger at his twin and strolled off towards Gur woods.

Galen looked at Elladan, then at Elrohir’s retreating form, and sprinted towards the younger twin. “Wait for me.”

Elladan chuckled, following more slowly.

Elrohir entered the field and faced the mysterious woods and stopped stooping to his knees checking the ground for signs of travel. Elladan moved off to his brothers left, also searching for signs, as the crown prince of Mirkwood stood and stared at the woods curiously.

“By the Valar, you were not kidding about these woods.” Galen whispered.

Elrohir nodded slightly, his eyes catching a clump of earth, signaling an elven step. “Ella?” He called to his twin switching to their twin language. “Take a look at this.” Elrohir pointed to the footprint glancing at his twin as he approached.

Elladan sighed. “Well we now know where they went.” He murmered following his younger brother’s lead with his words.

“Should we inform father?” Elrohir stood slowly glaring at the woods.

“Are you mad?” Elladan narrowed his eyes. “We cannot. If we find Legolas, and Erysyn and bring them home safely, then perhaps we will be allowed to explore these woods, and find out why the elders fear them so.”

Elrohir closed his eyes briefly. “Alright, then let us go. I wish to sleep still this night.” He flashed a smile at his twin before stepping forward towards the dark, menacing woods that lay before them.

Galen watched the two brothers whisper to each other and felt a sense of dread enter his heart, as one, he wasn’t sure which one, walked forward waving his arm for him to follow. Galen gingerly took a step then another, watching the trees, as they grew larger, and appear more frightening then even his own home. A few of the trees appeared dead, the leaves withered and hanging limply from the branches. The bark wasn’t a healthy brown but a mossy grayish green. The bushes, which should have been lush and full, were lank and dying. He watched as the twins slipped into the forest slowly, and swallowed following more slowly. The shrill voice of the trees caused his hair to stand up on the back of his neck, and he felt himself shiver with a feeling of fear he had not yet experienced.

The warning the trees cried out to the three strangers who entered, were left on deaf ears, as they slipped unnoticed for the time being into the dead woods of Gur. Sadly, the trees who sat on the glades edge, watched the elves disappear from sight, and knowing that they would never be seen again, they cried out in anguish as memories from long ago entered the song of the trees. The only words that were hissed into the night air were the names of three elves who had once entered.

Elrond, Thranduil, Sîralda.’

Elrond lurched up in bed, shivering. He felt his skin grow cold as a hissed warning drifted in from the windows of the Last Homely House. He glanced around him, confused, and slowly stood up to exit his rooms before he disturbed his wife’s sleep. As he opened his chamber doors he felt something impact with the door and he heard a loud thump and a disgruntled ‘umph’. Elrond poked his head around the oak door and saw Thranduil rubbing his head his eyes narrow.

“Sorry. I actually wanted to come looking for you, but it seems you have sought me out.” Elrond muttered. “Something is wrong.”

Thranduil nodded and both elves wandered to Elrond’s study, whispering softly to each other in the darkness.

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