A poem for Thanksgiving.....
At last I have arrived….. My hurts are healed, my skin anointed my bones rested, my guilt assuaged and gratitude settles like a blanket woven of shifting shades of aurora, summer gardens, ripened fruits, flaming leaves, richest stones and in its warm weave I see the smiles and shapes of those who walked my path despite all thorns and swords and storms, bearing me when I could go no more; and I lift my eyes to the day-gem of smiling divinity, and to the pensive tent of dusk, and to the many-windowed palace of unmarred night, and peace is born anew. And as it slumbers in my arms I can say only, Thank You for it; no fairer sight has ever sanctified my aching core. May those more worthy soon feel its breath on their cheeks, and witness its slow growth and startling laughter and quickly forget the pangs of its birth; and may those who flounder in bogs of error be lifted to a cleansing spring and a fresh path so that the grace that was granted to me might pass unto them as a candle that lights another with the bounding sparks of joy and blessing.