Another idea from Shirebound...............
~*~Left Behind~*~
Our ride is ended, my Lady. Once belittled, left behind, unmatched except in spirit and shame and loss and love; Shield-maiden they named you and I Esquire, we went where no man might tread, into a black channel of no true return, where we laid low a foe we both had ample reason to smite with our whole beings and he took a sizable piece of us with him in his fall, and we of him in our rise, though wanting it not. Side by side, we sang a painful conterpoint; your theme being hero's death my own, ascent and victory. And as our voices marched so did our hearts joined as only brothers and sisters in arms could ever be.
But now is that bond loosed? I see you stand once more as a tree I cannot climb or as a player on a stage in a drama too high for me to join, but can only sit watching in rapt silence from the front row, and now I see a Man beside you who needs not lean backward to look into your eyes, and the glow in his own comes from no flickering footlight. A fair pair indeed you make. But would you think me truly absurd if I said that I would speak his lines and stroll in his boots? Am I but your foot-page now? Sometimes I would sooner hear your loved voice calling me enemy than friend feel your hand strike me down rather than caressing my own in smiling sisterhood….
Why must my voice now reach so low? why must I always be left behind? My Lady, have you forgot our ride?