Pippin worries over the ailing Faramir..... Partly movie-based.
~*~Please Come Back~*~
Why can't I help you? The city is on fire, or so it seems it's raining rocks and a crazy man has you where I can't reach. He cast you from his sight and poisoned you from a distance and now he won't even let us save you! Would that I could climb to where you are and rekindle your fire as I lit the beacon that once brought us aid.
Now you are where at last we can see you yet you still seem so far out of reach. Where are you now? Where are you going? Don't you know the King is here? Can't you see we wish to have you back, heal your burned skin and see your face shining once more as it shone on me, a small, lost stranger on a white and chilly hill warmed by your smiling words would that I could return that sunlight to you!
Maybe your brother and your mother want you with them, and you wish to stay. I can't blame you for that. But I would that they could spare you to us a while longer. They've all eternity to have you, we only have a little space, and your line is too fine to be broken. Please, come back and be a high and bright glory to heal a bleeding land and let us lay our heads on your shoulders and be your family now. We'll be kind, I promise......
Please come back.......