Straight from the horse's mouth;) Another poem that started out as a drabble..........
I know I will find him. I had not run far afield shortly after he set me free when I heard his voice afresh whose sweet notes had released me from my flaming cage of madness: arrows of music, wind and water, softly rumbling thunder, breath of trees, wings of peace. He is gone I know not where still his words as tender vines twine around my battered heart leaking solace, cleansing heat breathing life to every limb healer-friend, I will find you the spirit of the wind shall guide me with a bridle of sky and warm grass caressing my mane with urgent fingers the spirit of the earth laughs to me lips of encouragement kiss my bones the spirit of the river sings a dance-song of hope and swiftness the spirit of the stars shines for me sweeping the shadows from my path the spirit of the clouds weeps to me fragrant tears to cool my fever I will come, sweet healer-king I am here, waken to me we shall be as one forever and I will love you into victory.