Can you believe...a happy one about Eowyn? Imagine that!:D
~*~Eowyn's Wedding~*~
It is the day. My maids have placed the bridal wreath upon my head my snowy gown spreads in a bath of pearl over grass and stone I walk in a gold cloud lilies and blossoms everywhere pearls and diamonds, opals and sapphires bedew my throat and wrists... or so I am told. I see them not. The only gems that I see now are your eyes before me, above me, around me crystal windows perfectly set in the sunlit tower that is your soul. Standing within it I can see glittering mines, untold splendours waiting still to be unearthed caverns of mystery, depths unending sparkling facets, secret streams, oceans of treasure, undiscovered mountains, meadows, gardens, forests a thousand horses racing free a host of swans that rise from the river a sky high curving, infinite cloudless, beaming, sun-crowned rainbowed, wind-kissed, darkening, star gemmed, and now it is all mine. I can scarce take it in....
No blushing maiden I fear you'll find me deflowered by bloodshed as I have been not even my heart is virginal having given it once to another only to have it handed back bruised from the touch of his gentle fingers I let it fall, traversing the red lair of forgetfulness and thunder wishing only to become the bride of death. But you looked beyond the stains and saw only the sorrow the wounds, the regret brushing it with your own anguish. Our tears were blended our wounds mated on garden paths where we walked as twin shadows trailing our sighs as tattered blankets until the sudden morning found us and saw purity reborn as love rising from ash stretching its wings in silver fire my glacier melted descending in torrents rising in fountains of diamond spray shouting praise!
Now your eyes are fixed upon me as you lay a cloak of stars upon my quivering shoulders, saying, Wear this, Beloved, it was my mother's now it is thine.... I am proud to carry her stars as the day bears the night eternally awakening in the rose-streaked mists of hope. It is the least that I can do. Can you thank her for me for the face to which I shall wake each morning for the arms that keep the wind at bay for the hands that bless my skin with springtime for the heart whose rays shall herald my dawn?