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White Sands, Warm Hearts  by jenolas

17. Lessons Learned

Neridwen had spent several hours helping Legolas celebrate his victory, and had danced with both he and Haldir as the festivities continued, but she had finally left them to receive their accolades from others in favour of her responsibility to her son, as well as Faerwen and Aradir.

It had been a long and exciting day, and whilst it was still early for the adults, the hour was late for the young and as she sat beside the three sleepy elflings, softly stroking Estellan's silken hair, singing them a lullaby, the two little ones soon drifted into slumber. Aradir, being slightly older, tried hard to resist but his eyes slowly lost focus and he also entered the world of elvish dreams. They looked so serene and beautiful that Neridwen found herself regretting that she had left her sketchpad on the ship.

"Legolas won the contest, and he and Haldir have resolved their differences, so why are you looking sad my Lady?" asked Elladan as he sat down beside his friend's wife.

"Of course my heart is filled with joy, and it has been a wonderful day for me Elladan," she replied gracing him with a smile that proved her words. "I was just thinking that I would like to sketch these three lovelies as they sleep, but I do not have my charcoals and parchment with me."

Elladan gazed at the sleeping elflings, and smiled tenderly.

"The scene is certainly well worth drawing," he agreed, nodding slightly. "I will stay with them if you wish to go and collect your drawing materials."

"Are you sure you would not rather join in the dancing instead?" she asked, already standing in her eagerness to leave.

"Mariel has promised Glorfindel the next dance or two, so I have no partner. Besides, it is almost my turn to sit with them, anyway," he said settling himself against the tree trunk. As was their custom whenever there was a gathering for a feast or celebration or some such, the parents of the three young elflings usually shared the responsibility of keeping watch over them, whether they were awake or asleep.

"Thank you. I will be back shortly," Neridwen said, favouring Elladan with a chaste kiss on the cheek before quickly disappearing in the direction of the havens.

Elladan watched her go, then turned his attention to the dancing, watching as Mariel and Glorfindel swirled gaily by the edge of the clearing that had now become a dance area rather than an archery range. The elf lord was certainly well favoured by all the ladies, and Haldir had several dance partners awaiting his attentions as well, and to Elladan's way of thinking, both Estellan and Aradir were bound to win just as many hearts when they were older.

"Ai, Elladan! I believe we have a wager to settle," called Elrohir light- heartedly as strolled over to where his brother was seated, raising the bottle of wine he was carrying in silent invitation. Elladan nodded his acceptance as he approached, and placed his fingers to his lips to indicate that his brother should be quiet.

"Please keep your voice down, Elrohir, the elflings are sleeping," he said inclining his head towards the three small bodies beside him, resting peacefully under their blankets.

"Sorry," he whispered, kissing his daughter lightly on the brow as he tucked the blanket under her chin before sitting next to his brother. "Where is Mariel?" he asked as he handed Elladan a goblet of wine.

"She was dancing, but I see she is now over by the pavilion where Glorfindel is holding court," came the reply laced with friendly sarcasm. Elrohir looked in the direction indicated and smiled.

"I see that Amaraen is there also, " he said, shaking his head slightly in amusement as a peal of delicate laughter erupted from the group gathered around Glorfindel.

"It seems he is entertaining the ladies with his more humorous tales, leaving the care of the elflings to us," said Elladan, trying to sound disgruntled when in fact it was a task he enjoyed immensely, as Elrohir well knew.

"If you wish, I will reman here so that you can join in the merrymaking," he offered graciously.

"Nay, that will not be necessary, I prefer to just sit here and enjoy the music while I watch over the young ones," Elladan answered, placing his hand affectionately on his brother's shoulder in silent thanks for the offer.

"You enjoy your role as Adar so much, it is a wonder that Aradir has no siblings," said Elrohir with a less than innocent expression in his voice.

"Not yet, at least," replied Elladan with a hint of suggestion, smiling at the raised eyebrow that statement caused, although. Elrohir had the good taste not to enquire further. Instead he simply said,

"I can not imagine what my life would be like without you, my brother."

"Nor can I without you, although I feel it would be at least as difficult as it is without Arwen," replied Elladan sadly.

"Not a day goes by that I do not think of her either," said Elrohir the pain in his voice reflecting that in both his and Elladan's hearts. "Neridwen has promised to paint me a copy of one of Faramir's pictures of the three of us, perhaps you would like one too?"

"I would. I will ask her to do so as soon she returns," said Elladan, delighted with the idea.

"Legolas certainly won with a skilful shot, did he not?" asked Elrohir, bringing the conversation back to the contest, and the wager as he settled back against the tree trunk and stretched his legs out before him in a similar fashion to his brother.

"Ai, I thought for a moment that Haldir had won again, but it was not to be. I should have expected Legolas to come up with a shot like that, he has obviously not forgotten the skills required of a warrior. Shall I tell Adar that it is I who will be assisting him in his teaching, or will you?" Elladan asked sounding decidedly unenthusiastic about either prospect.

"That depends on you. Will you concede that I was correct and that Legolas is the more skilful archer?" asked Elrohir as he nonchalantly sipped his wine.

"How can I not, when the contest has been decided. Yes, you have won this wager," replied Elladan warily, and casting a suspicious glance at his brother. He knew him well enough to know that Elrohir was definitely up to no good.

"Then I will not only speak to Adar, I will offer to help him in your stead. I find I am becoming very interested in teaching Lore," he said, with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Just when did you develop this sudden interest?" asked Elladan belatedly realising that he had fallen victim to his brother's devious behaviour once again. Obviously Elrohir had intended to take the classes all along.

"It is not that sudden. I have recently spent much time with Glorfindel, relearning the lessons of my youth, or, as he put it, 'learning that which you would already know had you and your brother paid more attention to my excellent lessons, and less attention to making mischief'. I wanted to surprise Adar, but not until I had sufficient knowledge with which to impress him," he explained.

"I doubt you have managed to learn quite THAT much!" teased Elladan, his words making them both laugh. "But Adar will certainly be pleased with you, and you are more than welcome to the task," he added raising his goblet in thanks for being released from his forfeit. He could easily bear Elrohir winning the wager under these conditions, and besides there was always a chance for revenge next year!

"Legolas and Haldir seem intrigued with whatever they ere discussing with the Lady Galadriel," mused Elrohir as the two brothers looked over to where their friends were standing as they conversed with Galadriel and Celeborn.

"Yes, one can only guess as to what they find so fascinating," agreed Elladan. Any further speculation was forestalled when Estellan began to cry. Elladan quickly put down his wine and picked the babe up, cradling him in his arms as he whispered words of comfort. His efforts were to no avail as Estellan refused to settle.

"I wonder what is wrong? Perhaps he is hungry?" he said voicing his thoughts.

"Perhaps he is upset because there is something amiss with his Adar. Look!" exclaimed Elrohir as he pointed to where Legolas appeared to be in some kind of distress as Haldir and Celeborn guided him to one of the seats in the pavilion.


Thranduil and Elisiel had also noticed Legolas' distress and had left their dancing to rush to his side, arriving at the same time as Elrond.

"What is wrong, my son?" asked Thranduil worried by the unusual paleness of his son's features and the fear he could see in his eyes.

"Neridwen. " Legolas gasped, trying desperately to calm his rapidly beating heart. "Something is wrong!" he managed to say before trying to rise and tend to his son whose crying could be easily heard by ears attuned to the familiar sound.

"Elisiel, please see if you can calm Estellan. I will see to Legolas," said Thranduil as he watched Elrond place his hand on Legolas' forehead and stared into his eyes.

"Legolas, do you know where Neridwen is?" asked Elrond sharply, focussing the younger Elf's attention on his voice. Legolas shook his head.

"She was with the elflings not long ago," he answered. "Something has happened to her, I can feel it!" he exclaimed desperately looking around the clearing for a sight of his beloved.

"Yes, I am afraid that is so, I feel it too. Even Estellan senses something," replied Elrond. "We need to find her as soon as possible for I think she is injured."

"Neridwen went back to the ship," offered Elrohir as he joined those gathered around his friend. "Elladan said she wanted to fetch her sketchpad, and she did not expect to be gone long."

"I will go and look for her," said Legolas standing a little unsteadily, still in shock as he felt his soul mate's pain through their bond.

"I will go with you," said Haldir as he suited his actions to his words and quickly moved off in the direction of the havens. Legolas was several strides ahead of him and ran as swiftly as he had done long ago when in pursuit of the Urak-hai who had captured Merry and Pippin. He did not notice the startled glances from the elves he passed, nor did he realise that Haldir easily kept pace. In a few minutes that seemed more like centuries to Legolas, they reached the dock where the grey ship was moored, and quickly searched for Neridwen.

"She is not here," said Haldir as he desperately sought some sign of his daughter's whereabouts.

"No, but she is close by, and she is unable to breathe properly," said a very distraught Legolas as he stood listening to her faint melody as it sang in his heart. "This way," he said as he ran towards the now deserted end of the wharf where the musicians had played earlier that day. Haldir reached down and picked up the sketchbook whose pages were fluttering in the evening sea breeze, easily recognising it as belonging to Neridwen.

"Over there!" exclaimed Haldir as he pointed to a motionless form lying face down in on the pearly white sand, her head resting on a rock and her long tresses floating in the shallow waves that eddied about her. Legolas rushed to her side and gently lifted her into his arms, calling her name and placing gentle kisses all over her face, being careful to avoid touching the large bruise on her forehead that had formed when she had apparently fallen and hit her head.

"Here, wrap this around her," said Haldir as he removed his cloak and handed it to Legolas.

"Wake up, my love. Please wake up," he begged as he wrapped her warmly in the folds of the cloak. To both his and Haldir's immense relief, Neridwen moaned slightly and fluttered her eyelids before opening her eyes fully. She coughed several times to remove the water from her lungs and then leaned back into her husband's embrace until she gathered enough strength to reach up and wipe the tears from his cheek. Legolas buried his head in her hair and just held her tightly.

"Legolas!" Receiving no response, Haldir called a little more forcefully, "Legolas!"

"Yes?" he answered finally, unable to take his eyes from his beloved's face.

"Take Neridwen back to the ship and settle her in bed while I go and bring Elrond here," Haldir told him.

"Bring Estellan, too Adar," whispered Neridwen as she held out her hand to Haldir who kissed her fingers and nodded.

"Of course, my dear Neridwen," he said with a smile. "I will return shortly."

Legolas followed Haldir's instructions and once he had helped his wife into a dry nightdress, settled her in bed and bathed her wound, he was finally calm enough to ask if she remembered what happened.

"I was in such a hurry to return to the celebrations that I dropped my book, and one of the pages, my most recent picture of Estellan, was taken by the breeze and blown along the shore. I ran after it, for I did not wish to lose it. The breeze died suddenly and as I reached for the drawing, I must have tripped and hit my head," she said. "I am sorry, I did not mean to alarm you, my love."

"It was an accident, but I admit that I have never been so afraid of losing someone," whispered Legolas as he tenderly stroked her hand.

"I can not leave you, neither you nor Estellan are able to look after yourselves as well as I do," she said lightly, succeeding in her effort to bring a smile, however slight to her love's face.

"Nor do we want to. I thought you were going to the Halls of Mandos and I would have willingly followed you there," whispered Legolas as he bent down and kissed her with a fervour that was reciprocated eagerly. When they parted. Legolas just gathered her in his arms and held her until Elrond and the others arrived.

"Did you manage to rescue my drawings?" she asked Haldir hopefully as he stepped up to the bedside to kiss her cheek.

"Is that all you are concerned about? Does it not bother you that you scared me as well?" he asked in mock indignation, tempering his words with a smile. "You will no doubt be pleased to hear that I saved all your drawings, even the one that caused your injury," he replied pleased to see that she was obviously recovering rapidly from her ordeal, a fact confirmed by Elrond as he completed his examination.

"You have a nasty gash and some bruising, but I expect it will be healed by morning," he told Neridwen. "I assume you have a headache, would you like a potion to relive the pain?"

"Yes, my head does ache slightly, but I do not require any medication thank you, Lord Elrond. I am sorry to have scared you all so, especially you, my sweet babe," she said as she held out her arms to receive her son from Elisiel.

"And I am relieved to see you are much recovered as well, Legolas," said Thranduil as he embraced his son. "Surely this incident has settled any doubts you may have still had about your bond with Neridwen?" he whispered softly into his son's ear.

"Yes, but I did not need it proved to me so harshly," replied Legolas equally as softly before Thranduil stepped out of his embrace to allow Elisiel to hug her son.

"I think we should all retire, and leave these three to rest," ordered Elrond as he ushered Thranduil, Elisiel and Haldir from the room, leaving Legolas and his family to their reunion.


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