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In the Hands of the Enemy  by meckinock 153 Review(s)
ThorongirlReviewed Chapter: 11 on 5/24/2005
I'm getting ambivalent about this now. I love this story but of course, I don't want it to end. Powerful chapter. Poor Rolly. Obviously controlled by darker forces than Teburic because even though he likes and admires Aragorn, it isn't enough to prevent him from doing what he does. He fears someone. Saruman perhaps? It would make sense since Gandalf doesn't know as yet about Saruman's treachery. Just speculation. I still have that last chapter to read and I'm not sure if you will actually reveal who Rolly's "mentor" is or not.

Some powerful emotional stuff going on here too. Halbarad trying valiantly to disguise his distress at Aragorn's condition by attempting humor and Gandalf's declaration that "We will get him back." I felt like cheering when the wizard said that. Never underestimate a righteously indignant wizard, I always say. (Really. I do).

The little hobbit boy turns out to be a hero, too. Very nice. And of course, all that Aragorn pain. Sure I feel *somewhat* guilty at liking it. But not much.

Can't wait for the sequel.

Author Reply: Who Rolly was afraid of (and loyal to, because I felt it was more than just fear) is, as you've guessed, a mystery I can't let our heroes solve for now. They'll get to it eventually. In about eleven years, to be exact! Losing Rolly was tough for Aragorn. He saw something worth saving in the boy and it was hard for him to accept that sometimes he can't save everyone by the power of his own will. The person has to make a choice, too.

Halbarad is such a mensch. I love his single-minded devotion to Aragorn. And I do love Gandalf coming to the rescue. Although I think someone left Daw the Minstel a review today that said something to the effect that if Gandalf looked at your kid and said, "he looks like he might be useful," you should be very worried...

The emotional stuff is always a balancing act. I like the guys to act like guys, but to still have the emotions come across. Glad you thought it worked. The hobbit was the biggest surprise of all. He started out as a walk-on and then got under my skin.

And don't feel guilty. I have some very guilty pleasures as well! Glad you liked it and thanks again for the reviews.

ThorongirlReviewed Chapter: 9 on 5/24/2005
Hi, this is "viggomaniac" from the FF site. I just hate to use the same "name" on too many different archives. This is a fantastic story, with a nice mix of drama, tension, and humor. The droll amusement that Gandalf shows at the young hobbit brought a smile to my face and after the last few chapters I rather think of Halbarad as the Middle-Earth version of the old TV show, "Colombo". (Don't know if you've ever seen it, but if you have, you'll recognize the similarity immediately). Teburic. What a wonderfully evil villain. [I hope it doesn't bother you that *some* of your readers like to see an evil villain torturing their favorite hero -- not, I hasten to add, that "I" am one of the readers. Why, the very idea]! Actually, I really like Rolly, but my intuition tells me that there's more going on as far as he goes. I'm not so sure that Aragorn can completely trust him. I guess the only way to find out is to sit down and read the next chapter. Sufferin' Succotash, this is SUCH a good story!

Author Reply: Hi, Thorongirl! You get the prize for most clever screen name. You also seem to have as many names as Aragorn! Thanks for hopping over here where I can answer you back. I got the other reply you sent and I have to tell you you are a Bad Influence. Three hundred recommendations to read will NOT help get my sequel done quickly! But they will be a very nice reward if I can manage to delay gratification until I'm finished, I admit.

Halbarad as Columbo, LOL. That is too funny. Yes, I can see him with a trenchcoat and a cigar, sort of. I actually was feeling a little sorry for Teburic by the end. He was brutal, but only because he thought he needed to be to get the job done, really. Even though he had no love for Dunedain, but he really would have rather been chugging beers back in Bree than roughing it out in the woods trying to get information out of one.

Aragorn liked Rolly, too.

Thanks for the review!

Gandalfs apprenticeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 5/8/2005
Hi meckinock

Take your time with your story. You'll know when it's time to post. Then we fans will gobble it up like Gollum with tasty raw fissheses!

I'm working on a story myself about Aragorn's first years with the Rangers, until he is 26 and leaves for Rohan and Gondor. It will deal with his first meeting with both Halbarad and Gandalf, among a lot of other things that I haven't figured out yet. I won't be posting at Stories of Arda, though, because I'm not an approved author.

I have got one finished story up at It's called The King of Many Cloaks and it's an AU tale of Aragorn and Arwen. If you're interested, I'd love to know what you think of it. You ought to post there, too.

Author Reply: Hey, G.A.,

Sorry for the late reply; I've been out of town for a few weeks and just got home. Thanks for the review and encouragement. Your young Aragorn story sounds very interesting; I look forward to reading it. And thanks for letting me know about your Aragorn/Arwen story - I'll make a point to pop over to Tolkienfanfic and check it out! I'm a little squeamish about writing Arwen myself - she'll always manage to be off somewhere else, I think.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/13/2005
A teaser? Uhoh. Why do you think I'm channeling Gollum? I'm the greedy type. Here I sit having swallowed your appetizer in approximately two seconds and want more. In other words, a teaser is definitely not a kind idea. I would love you to death should you ever update. No, forget that, not ever, soon, now, but not ever.

A typo: but Rivendell also did not seem to by the place ...

Author Reply: Thanks for picking up the typo! I guess I just dug myself deeper with the preview of coming attractions, huh? Thanks for the prodding, though. It sometimes seems the universe is conspiring against me so the encouragement is definitely appreciated.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/13/2005
By the way, it's April. Perhaps you haven't noticed. I do remember something about sequel and end of March, we will just forget the "don't hold your breath" part, won't we, so where is it?

Imrahoil *desperately trying to do Bambi eyes whilst muttering in her mind "The naaasty Ranger holds them from us, but we wants it, we wants Halbarad, we wants Gandalf, we wants Tillfield in Rivendell, wheeeere is it, where IS it ..."*

Author Reply: You're killing me! I love you. I'm trying. How about a little teaser?

Dudo took the bundle and unfolded the garments skeptically. Though they appeared to be more or less his size – a trifle big in the middle, perhaps – they were garments such as he had never seen on a Bree hobbit. Shire clothing this was: a deep green coat, finely tailored with lapels and bright brass buttons, fitted trousers that buckled at the knee, and a cream-colored shirt with buttons. They looked like not only the clothing of a Shire hobbit, but a rich Shire hobbit. He put them on and hesitated about the dagger belt. He hated to leave it behind, but Rivendell also did not seem to by the type of place where people went about carrying weapons. He tugged a last time at his jacket and emerged into the hallway feeling slightly ridiculous, but upon seeing him Elrohir’s face broke into a delighted smile. “They fit! Splendid! Then let us find the kitchens.” He guided Dudo through broad hallways of polished stone, down a great staircase, and along more hallways, until Dudo was quite sure he would never find his room again should Elrohir abandon him. Finally the hallway opened into a large kitchen. It was much larger than the kitchen of the Prancing Pony, and much, much cleaner. There were worktables of polished stone, great ovens for baking bread, and two enormous wood stoves. Pots and pans hung from racks over the center worktable, and every size and shape of baking dish was stacked neatly in a hutch. A lady elf was standing at the stove, stirring a copper pot that must contain whatever it was Dudo had been smelling since leaving his room. It took him a moment to work out what she was doing there, because she looked nothing like any cook he had ever seen before. Butterbur’s two cooks were old, with stringy gray hair pulled back haphazardly from faces that sprouted hairs in all the wrong places. One was fat and the other thin, but this….what should he call her, he wondered. This… lady Elf….was tall and lithe and as graceful as a hawk in flight. The hand that stirred the pot was slim and graceful, with long fingers that curved about the simple wooden spoon as if it were a silver chalice. Her face was smooth, flawless, and despite the steam from the cauldron, white as snow. Her raven hair fell down her back like a river of ebony, and her eyes were like liquid sapphires. “Dudo, I would like you to meet Tiriel,” Elrohir said.

TR the LurkerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 4/8/2005
I'm such a bad fic reader, I don't think I've ever left a review before. But this one is just too special not to say anything.
I agree with what the last few reviewers have said. This is also one of my favorite stories. I was just back reading it again, because it just holds up so well. You know, you go through these same-ol' fics all the time and then once in a while you just need some outstanding characterization and writing to bring you back to that happy ficland place. This story is definitely that. First of all, I'm highly thankful to anyone who writes Aragorn and Gandalf pre-LOTR fics. I can only imagine the friendship and adventures they had together. Why don't more people write him? If I had the skills, I know I would. And then to also have Halbarad? YES!!! I love the movies, but I was a book whore first, so I have a definite soft spot for Halbarad, and you wrote him EXACTLY the way I think of him. It's so dead on character and so well-written that I feel like I have followed these rangers around for years and know them personally. Also, I get pretty tired of the Aragorn and Legolas pre-LOTR fics... the movies make it seem like they were best friends, but anyone who read the books knows he was closer to Gandalf and Halbarad. So this is even more of a precious gem for me. And as if THAT wasn't enough, you also wrote likable, believable OCs! I'm normally not an OC type of person, but if all of them were written like this, I might have a different attitude. Great job.

I'm glad to hear you are writing a sequel. Anything I can do to help the process? Send you a fruit basket? How about an Aragorn cardboard cutout? :-p

Author Reply: I don't know what to say, TR, except wow! You made my day! I'm a semi-reformed lurker, too; this story has actually forced me to become a better reviewer because I realize now how nice it is to receive positive feedback and I feel obliged to give back the gift once in a while. But even though I've gotten better about leaving reviews I can definitely relate to lurkerdom, AND really appreciate the extra effort you took to review. I think part of the trouble with writing the sequel to this story has been that great feedback like yours really puts the pressure on me to write a sequel that meets readers' (as well as my) expectations. This story had a fairly simple and straightforward plot structure that made it easy for me to explore the characters while still moving the plot along. Once I started working on the sequel I realized it would by necessity have a trickier structure, and wrapping my brain around that problem took about a year!

It was a joy of discovery for me to write these characters, and I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed my interpretations. Halbarad is such a mensch. A simple, hard-working guy with no pretensions to greatness, sustained by a simple but steadfast faith - in Aragorn. And Gandalf - what a gift it would be to have a wise counselor in one's life who accepts you as you are but is always helping you become better. Glad you liked the OCs, too - OCs are tricky and I hadn't planned on having them feature heavily in the storyline, but like so much else in this story, they surprised me.

While I've enjoyed my share of Aragorn-Legolas friendship fics, and some of them are excellent, I do agree that it seems unlikely that the two were close, long-time friends prior to the Quest, simply because of geography, what we know of Aragorn's early life, and the obligations of their respective roles. What I find challenging is to try to wedge my stories as best I can into the canon relationships that we know existed, and this includes, as you say, Aragorn's relationships with Gandalf, Halbarad, and Elrond.

I would love the Aragorn cardboard cutout - but what I really need right now is a cardboard cutout of ME. I work in a pretty busy industry, where long hours are expected, I travel a lot, and my firm is on a three-year inspection cycle, with our big inspection coming up in July. We are doing all the pre-inspection work now, so I have even less free time than usual. Today I have set aside to work on the story, though, so I'd better get to it! Thanks again.

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/23/2005
Re your reply to ai elbereth, don't ever doubt that this story helds up well. I, too, re-read it frequently and I don't do that with many stories. What impresses me the most is how true to canon it feels. I enjoy some Legolas/Aragorn friendship stories, but it seems to me pretty clear from the books that they scarcely knew each other before the Quest. Aragorn clearly did, however, have close friendships with both Gandalf and Halbarad and its a pleasure to read anything about them, particularly when the story is as well-written as this.

All of this is, of course, leading up to that sequel of yours. I'm delighted to hear you're working on it and really looking forward to reading it. No pressure, of course...

Author Reply: Gosh, you are so sweet. I was drawn to explore Aragorn and Gandalf's friendship because it seemed they must have been very close for many years and through many trials. And then at some point Halbarad just showed up and elbowed his way in, and he seemed to go surprisingly well with Gandalf. Who knew? I still can't believe how much wonderful encouragement I've been getting. I really do appreciate it, even though it makes me feel even worse about not getting the sequel out yet! As much as I love hearing how people enjoyed this story, I wish even more that I could give you something new to, tomorrow. But finishing the story right now is like trying to do a root canal at a rock concert. I just hope that when you do get to read it you'll think it was worth the wait!

LeawardReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/18/2005
Meckinock! What can I say, but I stand humbled in your shadow!

Teburic found himself unnerved by the answering glitter of cold amusement in the other’s pale eyes. An unnamed villain, that you know is up to no good, that reeks of evil .. glitter of cold amusement ... how poetic!

I love the detail you put into your writing:

Her winter-thick ginger coat was just beginning to dry, and the leather he worked gently over her muzzle and around her ears was still soaking wet. As too were the saddle, and the blanket, and the girth strap which he tightened and cinched with fingers already half-numb again in the damp chill of the stable.

As for the story itself ... you have worked so much detail into the plot that even in chapter two I can tell it is going to be a well thought-out rich story. Sigh, you have set the bar so high!

Author Reply: Hey, I thought you didn't read Dunedain stories! Gosh, I'm honored that you broke your cardinal rule for me,'re braver than I am. If I read anything in my own genre while I'm writing a story I turn into a quivering mass of humbled protoplasm. Whereas normally I'm a flaccid mass of humbled protoplasm, or something...Anyway, just take a deep breath and vault right over that bar! Thanks for the review, and glad you enjoyed the villain. He may reek of evil, but he doesn't have the stench of Mordor on him, or so Gandalf is telling Elrond in the chapter I'm supposed to be writing now...

Gandalfs apprenticeReviewed Chapter: 12 on 3/3/2005
I have to say that this is one of the best fanfics I've read, and I'm hard to please. And, as you can see from my nom de plume, I am one of those who sadly notes the absence of Gandalf from fanfic. I'm no slave to canon, but come on...we can invent that Aragorn can have a great friendship with Legolas without leaving Tolkien's story in the dust, right? What I really like about your story is that you take off on the canon and use it to make a new adventure (aside from the fact that the writing is splendid). There must have been all kinds of incredible adventures in Eriador during those years.
My guess is that Rolly's master is Saruman. Who else can it be? Gandalf and Aragorn can't figure it out, though, because they're not supposed to know that Saruman has turned. Although I've always wondered why it was that Thorongil warned Ecthelion to place trust in Gandalf over Saruman...Please, please, please, get that sequel up! I was so thrilled to find out about it!
Have you read Nightwing's story on this site? It's terrific.
I haven't written any stories yet myself (except forty years ago as a teenager, way before the Net was even thought of), but I've got one in mind.

Author Reply: but I've got one in mind.

Oh, please write it! I can't get enough of Gandalf, either. I would love to see more stories about the adventures he and Aragorn must have had over the years before the Ring War. I really enjoyed trying to weave the story into the canon timeline and leave as few seams as possible. Rolly's master was indeed Saruman but poor Gandalf and Aragorn weren't allowed to find that out for another ten years. Actually it's Halbarad who makes the connection between Saruman and Rolly, but you won't get to read that part unless I finish this danged sequel. Thanks so much for leaving such an encouraging review just when I need it most!

ai elberethReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/25/2005
Gah! This has to be my favorite LOTR fic ever. I just re-read it for the hundredth time. I only wish you had more stories published; you are so talented. Anything with Aragorn is cake for me, but throw oft-neglected Halbarad into the mix? I bow to your feet. Also, Gandalf! I'd like to think he and Aragorn had a great friendship before War of the Ring timeframe and I don't think there are enough stories detailing it. This is one, and it's... well. I love it. But I already said that. Aight.

Still working on that sequel? Get a move on :p

Author Reply: Still working, still working! Halbarad won't let me neglect him any more. He got quite vocal about it, actually. Although I'm not sure telling me that he hadn't seen his wife in over a year was the best tactic...

Wow, I'm really thrilled to hear that you enjoy the story enough to go back and read it over and over again. And to hear it be called one of someone's favorites - that's amazing. I have to go back and take a peek at it every so often to check continuity with the sequel, and I'm always afraid I'll find that it's actually quite horrible this time around. So it's reassuring to hear that someone thinks it's held up well!

I, too, really enjoy the Aragorn-Gandalf friendship and I wish there were more stories about them.

Thanks for being so kind and encouraging - it really has been a struggle getting back to the sequel and it's quite difficult to make the time for it; so hearing from you really helps.

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