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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 28 Review(s)
ArbelethielReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/24/2003

I’m not sure whether to be happy that the story reached a conclusion, or sad because there will be no more chapters for a little while.

I loved the ceremony. I like the idea of a formal ritual to mark the coming of age, and yours was really interesting. Beginning with a reminder of what life as an adult is and then renouncing knowingly to childhood to step into adulthood. And it felt decidedly Elvish and non-human.

From experience, I can tell you that the next time you are on the training fields you will once again be ‘Legolas-am-I-boring-you?’

LOL I can imagine that Eilian, being Eilian, had a number of let’s say disagreements with Maldor when he was himself a novice.

At least we of the House of Oropher are all consistent

Well, Legolas don’t seem to agree :)

Alfirin may be all soft, but she hides a spine of steel :)

It takes some getting used to, as I recall

Legolas is not the only one who has to get used to it, and “Lord Legolas” definitely sounds strange to my ears too ;)

Congratulations on finishing another wonderful story, and please do not let us waiting for the next one too long,


P.S. Typo alert! The purpose this bath is to cleanse your body The “of” is missing.

Author Reply: I would imagine that Maldor believed that Eilian needed a fairly firm hand and was willing to provide it. I have in mind someday to write a story in which Legolas hears stories of his brothers' youths. I can picture Eilian as a novice, resisting Maldor and behaving badly toward Celuwen. That would be fun to write about.

It actually felt odd to type "Lord Legolas" too.

I think that next I need to do a story about Legolas and Beliond getting to know one another a little. I hadn't planned to do that next until I wrote the scene in which they meet. Then suddenly I could see all kinds of possibilities.

Thanks for the typo alert. I fixed it on SoA.

kalileReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
I really love all the characters here: Thranduil wanting to be happy for Legolas' achievements...but also mourning the loss of his elfling. Ithilden always ending up on the wrong end of a decision dealing with his brothers...and of course, Eilian, our always wonderfully stubborn Southern Border Patrol Captain.
In 'Question of Duty' Beliond and Legolas seemed to still be at odds with one another, but I think that's more Legolas resenting any sort of keeper than anything personal to Beliond. As warrios at least they should learn to respect and trust one another on the battlefield and I look forward to seeing that happen. :wink wink:
I enjoyed Alfrin's talk with Thranduil...It would seem likely with the advent of losing his youngest son, that he would want to do some parenting with his grandchild, so I hope Alfrin won't stick to her guns too much on letting Thranduil spoil him a bit. =D
It really upsetted me to read of the rift between Thranduil and Eilian and I hope their reconciliation will be part in Eilian's recovery (which Ithiliden wisely understands won't be an overnight sensation.)

Thanks for updating so frequently, daw. My thoughts will be pleasantly filled with dancing elflings tonight.

Author Reply: You know, Tolkien gives us this wonderful sweeping epic story about good and evil and a desperate struggle for survival. But what I am really interested in is how the people caught up in that struggle react to it, what it does to them and to their attempts to live just normal lives. And of course, even families not in such a pressured situations are usually not free from conflict. So the things you pick out are the things I really like to write about.

I think a story about Legolas's first few months as a warrior should be next on my list.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
A very nice wrap-up, daw. The symbolism of the ceremony was well done, but it was Thranduil's remembrances that got to me. Oh my. I was very glad to see Eilian and had wondered if it was acceptable for someone of another gender to take on assigned roles. I always thought that Eilian was the best choice to take his naneth's role. The funny thing about Eilian feeling weighed down by shadow..though I didn't know that was what it was at the time...was how strongly I felt it. You did a terrific job of giving him that heavy slow feeling of despair.
Sinnarn was a sweet note...sort of that circle of life thing. And what Eilian said about him being grown in five minutes...well, it's so true.
Legolas was certainly thrilled at the news of his posting...Eilian was not. "At least we of the House of Oropher are all consistent, he thought." I chuckled at this...very good. I hoped there for a minute that Ithilden was going to post Eilian to the eastern border, too, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of giving Legolas sometime without his family hovering.
This ended very nicely, but gives you some good fodder for the fire. Eilian and Legolas in new roles...and Thranduil with only Sinnarn to fuss over....yes, new things to consider. I really enjoyed this...just as I do all your stories. Thanks for sharing. Karen

Author Reply: I really enjoyed writing Thranduil's remembrances. It was the opportunity to do those that led me to tell the scene through Thranduil's eyes rather than Legolas's. And Eilian *had* to be there. He has always seemed to me to be maternal toward Legolas, and I don't think he gives a damn about gender roles. Now all he needs is a long vacation. And a bath. Definitely a bath. He missed out in this story. I shall have to atone for that.

I know that Legolas needs to be apart from his family. It's right for the character. But I have to say that it makes for challenging writing because it's much harder to get everyone in the same place, and I like family dynamics. I suppose there will be plenty of dynamics with Beliond if I write about that next.

AlyReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
I really enjoyed Legolas' coming of age ceremony. Having Eilian show up for it was a nice touch, along with giving Legolas his own protection charm. I just hope that's not forshadowing of something bad happening to Eilian! I don't want to loose him as a character in your stories. Hopefully this time away from the southern patrol will help him to heal from shadow.
I'd really like to see some more interaction with Legolas and his keeper. hehe...but that can also come in future stories (HINT!).
Wonderful writing as always.

Author Reply: I need to do something about that rune of protection for Eilian. I can probably make a nice plot element out of it if I try! ;-)

I think you are likely to get what you are asking for. I hadn't planned to write about Legolas's first patrols until I wrote the scene in which Legolas meets Beliond for the first time. And then suddenly, I could see possiblities.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
Ithilden and Eilian at each other's throats, Eilian having adjustment issues, Legolas just happy as a clam with no idea what he's getting into - this is wonderful! Wait - the story can't be over!! Hey, that's not fair!

Author Reply: LOL. There will be another story. There always is. I think I have to start the next one soon after the end of this one because, as you point out, there's a lot going on.

When will we see a new story from you?

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
So many good things about this chapter - the coming of age ceremony was beautiful. Naked elves, tending their naked elfling - truly a lovely idea :D

The words were beautiful, and I am glad Eilian came home - and not just for Legolas' coming of age. The effects of shadow are great on him, and he does need to cycle home for a while.

Sinnarn was as cute as Legolas so long ago, and Thranduil and Alfirin were quite good together. She has been a wonderful presence in the life of this family.

And, I am still voting, now that this story is done, for you to write about Legolas' first real patrol and learning to work with Beliond. :D:D Pretty please?

Author Reply: As I recall, the nakedness was your idea! I was just going to have Legolas remember all this stuff. But as it happens, I am not made of stone and had a good time writing about it. A really good time.

Once I wrote it, I was actually charmed by the picture of serious Ithilden laughing and dancing with his little kid. And poor Eilian. I have to remember to do something about that rune of protection.

As always, thank you for all your help. The story is much better because you beta read it.

tapetum lucidumReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003
I am glad he was able to catch a deer for his feast. There must be some pressure to get one. Your ritual descriptions were excellent as usual. Eilian's home! I am so glad he made it to his brother's big day. What is wrong? Obviously Thranduil has what ever it is under control as usual.

Ritual bath? What a great idea! Naked Legolas, Thranduil and Ithilden. Why don't you send in Eilian and just kill me? Does he need any more help washing?
Legolas heart felt welcome to Eilian was very sweet. The are obviously a little closer than he and Ithilden and they have a lot more in common.

Thranduil's flashbacks to his baby's growing up was incredible. What a great idea! It must have been a bittersweet day for him indeed. It is very sad that their gifts of adulthood were weapons. Excellent point.

You handled the "My Lord" thing very well. I knew you would. Somehow I didn't think his commanders and instructors would be required to call him that in a military situation. A new salutation always takes time to adjust to but it is a happy adjustment.

Eilian and Ithilden's conversation was very productive. No wonder poor Eilian is such a wreck. He has been through a lot recently and I am glad you are giving him a vacation. My favorite line: "Perhaps all warriors were plagues to their families and he simply did not know it." LOL - that was a great one.

This one seems to be winding up. :-(

Author Reply: It *is* wound up, I'm sad to say. It would have wound up even sooner but my beta wanted to see the last scene with Ithilden and his brothers. That wasn't in here at first, so you have her to thank for your favorite line. Actually, I think she also requested the naked elves. I would have sent Eilian in (after all, he'll be all sweaty from travel and stuff ;-)) but he was too depressed.

I loved writing the flashbacks. I thought of doing them while I was writing Annael's coming of age. Up until then, I wasn't sure whether to do Legolas's through his eyes or his father's eyes, but after I had done Annael's through Legolas's eyes, I realized I could use Thranduil and do these nice flashbacks to the baby, the kid, and the adolescent. I'll probably write about Legolas's first patrols in the next story, but I'm going to have to go back and do more with young Legolas too. It's too much fun not to.

ElemmireReviewed Chapter: 13 on 11/23/2003 managed to get Thranduil naked again, which is always a good thing, but I was hoping for Eilian too. ;)

I really like the coming-of-age ceremony that you have written - it feels just right for them. But I feel sorry for Thranduil now - Legolas of age & off to the border, and unable to assert the control he wants to over his grandson.


Author Reply: Naked elves are good! Eilian was too depressed to strip for this story. I think I have to work on that, though. I am sure he has a good body and is very good looking in general. Ahem. I must meditate on that for a while! Excuse me.

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