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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 20 Review(s)
JebbReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003
The funeral scene was beautiful and so sad for all those who took part more tears!
Also love the care shown to Legolas by his family (even if he doesn't always appreciate it!)
And the little glints of humour
Your universe is a wonderful place and I keep expecting to see your characters and situations appearing in the final film they have become so real!
thank you

Author Reply: I was getting so depressed by my own story that I needed there to be some humor. And Thranduil is joyful at being home, even if he does mourn the loss of Siondel. So I think things will be a bit more cheery from here on out. I just have to have Legolas visit Annael and his mother and then it's on to coming of age.

JustMeReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003
I am surprised that Legolas could wait as long as he did before he defied the orders of the healers. It must have been driving him crazy to be idle for that long! Of course it is just his luck that he gets caught being naughty by his Adar! I guess he just had to prove to himself that he wouldn't fall off his horse again - so prideful - tsk tsk. I am sure that Thranduil will keep him out of trouble now that he is back home.
The funeral for Siondel was very sad. I liked him alot and was sorry that he was killed. Hopefully, the kind things that others had to say about him will help the family deal with their loss. How about Maldor? I'm sure he surprised alot of people with his speech! I feel especially sorry for Elowen ( I will always think of her as the seed cake and jam lady!). They always seemed like a very close family and this will be especially hard on her. I hope that her love for Annael will prevent her from fading away.
Will we be hearing from Mithrandir about the results of the meeting in this story, or will that be something addressed in the next one? Can't wait to find out what happens next!

Author Reply: Thranduil has every intention of making sure that everyone behaves, except possibly Sinnarn. I think he might have to toughen up there a little too, if only to avoid Alfirin's wrath.

I still feel bad about Siondel. I think of him and Elowen as the ultimate parents. They loved and guided their own kid and were generous enough to do the same for Legolas when he really needed it.

I'm going to try to work Mithrandir into this story yet. That's the plan anyway.

DotReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003
Where do I even start? That was such an amazing chapter – you really made me laugh and cry in equal measure!

Ithilden staying by his brother’s side was so sweet. He must have felt real fear when he saw him being carried towards the palace, and it’s probably exactly what Thranduil would have done as well despite, as Legolas notes, undoubtedly having so much else to see to. I had to laugh at Gwaleniel scolding him. I suppose he is family now... And then both she and Ithilden presuming that Legolas just disobeyed orders and walked when he shouldn’t have – LOL! Still, I’m glad Ithilden realised how important it was to Legolas to go to Siondel’s funeral.

Ah the funeral! It took me a few attempts to read this because the screen kept blurring. I honestly had tears rolling down my face by the end of it. It was the most perfect ceremony for an elf – I loved the closeness of the elves here and the idea that everyone shares their thoughts. It must be pretty painful for the immediate family to hear but I’m sure they’ll treasure these memories that their friends have of Siondel in days to come. Maldor’s thoughts were so beautiful. I really liked the way Ithilden noted the shock of the young novices that their master spoke so movingly, but I think it really showed that he does get to know everyone he trains and his words must have been a lot of comfort to Elowen and Annael. Legolas’ little speech totally undid me. He clearly valued Siondel’s presence in his own life, and he also knew his best friend well enough to say exactly the right words. I suppose all we really want is for our parents to love us and be proud of us, and Legolas reassured his friend of both. The fact that he chose to speak at the end as well not only proved that he loved Siondel as more than a warrior, but also ensured that his words would reach Annael and not be lost amongst the other thoughts shared that night. Ithilden did a wonderful job, by the way. He really has the makings of a great king.

Legolas is being disobedient again! I can’t say I blame him – he’s been through a lot and I can understand his desire to flee for a while.

Woo-hoo, Thranduil is back! It was absolutely hilarious the way he realised within a few seconds that Legolas was doing something he shouldn’t be, was not happy to see his father at that precise moment and knew he was in severe danger of being publicly embarrassed by his father. Oh, and “I am exceedingly unlikely to fall off my horse”!! *snigger* Uh, who are you trying to convince, Legolas??

I really liked the scene between Thranduil and Ithilden. I love way Thranduil praises his sons but always seems to have a rather self-satisfied way of doing so as though he feels it was all due to the way they were raised! I felt bad for Ithilden, though – he obviously placed a lot of hope in the meeting of the council. Sinnarn doesn’t seem the slightest bit afraid of his grandfather; Thranduil’s not going soft, is he?!! And is there anyone who hasn’t scolded poor Legolas?!:)

Author Reply: I'm glad I made you both laugh and cry. I was a little concerned about the fact that the tone had to run from very sad to something lighter in this chapter and tried to make it pivot at the point where Legolas decides he will go out and ride.

In all truth, I cried while proofreading the funeral scene. So I'm a little too involved with my characters? So what, I say!

Thranduil has good father instincts and can tell when his sons are up to something almost instantly. I think that he does take credit for his sons' virtues! I love Thranduil.

ArbelethielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003

I rather like the fact that people remember the good things about the deceased at burials. Rather like an Irish wake, but without the alcohol ;)

Just when I was thinking that Legolas had shown a lot of maturity by agreeing to be carried to Siondel’s burial, thus sacrificing his dignity to his friendship with Annael, he does something as harebrained as riding with his injured foot.

As an unashamed Thranduil luster, may I say how happy I am to see him again? It’s always a pleasure to see him in charge, giving orders, and... ooops! must wipe the drool off the keyboard :)

I’m waiting eagerly for the next chapter.


P.S. Typo alert! Just after Thranduil meets Legolas, you wrote “a look a deep dismay”. I assume you meant “a look of deep dismay”.

Author Reply: I am happy to have Thranduil back too. He loses no time in taking charge and, in general, I think everyone is relieved to have him do it.

Legolas did the best he could and almost made it! He just had one more day of inaction, but he was at the end of his rope. It's just his fate that he rides right into his father.

P.S. Thank you for the typo alert. I fixed in on Stories of Arda, where it's easy to edit. I think may have to stay that way for a while.

merReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003
The fact that Elian was not in this chapter (and why) makes me want to say a little something about him first. He left Legolas without saying goodbye! That tells me that he is not at all happy-no Celuwen and he has one of the toughest assignments-so I hope he doesn't get careless. But maybe that is exactly what will happen. I may be way off on that. I wonder if the sense between Thranduil and Elian is as strong as the one between Legolas and him. In one story where Elian came back injured there was no mention of it. That's okay.
This story has me hostage just like all your others and my prediction is that all your future stories (hopefully "forever") will as well. Thanks!!!!!

Author Reply: Eilian is not happy. I think he's having a very rough time, actually. I have some plans for him yet in this story. ;-)

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2003
Oh Legolas, i just knew he was going to disobey and go outside. The funny thing is Ithilden's reaction, that maybe Legolas was not as grown up as he thought he was. I think a certain Thranduil and Eilian would do the same thing. Those three seem to have more of the same temperment.

How does Ithilden do it, being the sensible one of his brothers?

The funeral was touching. As always you create ritual that *is* what should happen in a Silvan funeral.

Author Reply: I had the same thought about Eilian and Thranduil! I don't imagine that Thranduil would be a very good patient and, having written about Eilian with a broken arm, I *know* he's not. Ithilden must go absolutely crazy sometimes.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/15/2003
What a wonderful chapter. Everything about it was just perfect. Legolas, the Defiant, was at his best. Yeah, go ahead and set that bone without any medication! Maybe Gwaleniel should have gone and ahead and granted the bullheaded prince's wish. He wouldn't have lasted long.
And the funeral. I admit it. I cried. My heart just breaks for Annael and his naneth. I even feel terrible for all the warriors who served with him. He was obviously loved and will be missed. Legolas's tribute was so touching.
Ithilden reacted to Legolas's injury just like well...Ithilden. Legolas was so right when he said that his family tended to make his decisions for him. It's tough for everyone involved when a kid finally reaches an age to assume adult responsibilities. New relationships have to be negotiated. Old ones are hard to let go. (I'm giving this lots of thought since my oldest reaches 18 in January.) I'm watching to see how Thranduil handles this. He's my hero, you know.
But then we have the fly in the ointment with any kid who 'thinks' he's all grown up. Take Legolas, the Defiant, again. He gets caught regularly doing things he's not supposed to do. As masterful as he is at getting out of the palace, Thranduil or one of his brothers have the uncanny ability to be waiting on him when he barrels out. But, you know, this adventurous personality, the non-conformist attitude he has, makes him perfect for what he will face later. He's willing to take risk and all Middle earth will thank him one day. Fortunately, he's well trained and despite his independent streak, he is underneath it all, very responsible.
I loved Thranduil's concern for his son's pride, but I also loved that he took Legolas into his arms and brought him home. I also loved how he showed his pride in Ithilden and his love for little Sinnarn. I guess I can just sum this up and say I loved the whole dang thing! I hope we hear from them again soon. Karen

Author Reply: I have to admit that when I was proofreading this chapter, I cried over the funeral scene myself. How pathetic is that?!

I'm not sure Thranduil is someone to pattern yourself over when it comes to letting go of his sons. He's still on Eilian's back half the time. Ithilden seems to be pretty good at charting his own course but he's had a lot of years to train his father into letting him do it.

Legolas is a good, responsible kid, but he's always been willing to disobey if he thought he had a good reason. Sometimes an onlooker would say he was wrong, but I think he knows deep in his bones that he will be loved and forgiven for whatever he does. So he is, as you say, willing to take a risk.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/15/2003
All right, I admit that the funeral, though extremely moving, but a bit awkward for me, what with not knowing the deceased and all, but Legolas - what a riot! "He had enough of oblivion with his head injury to start with"!
And I am in love with Thranduil - "...but he had been a father long enough to know that, from their point of view, he occasionally appeared at an inopportune moment". Absolutely masterful the way he handled Legolas! I also really enjoyed the interplay between Thranduil and Ithilden - as much as Legolas carries the burden of being the baby of the family, Ithilden obviously feel the weight of being the eldest (he is, isn't he?) Loved this chapter!

Author Reply: Yes, indeed, Ithilden is the oldest and it sure shows. He is sometimes sunk beneath the weight of being responsible and serious. But at least he had a wife and child now. You should have seen him before!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/15/2003
I liked everything in this chapter - how Ithilden watched over his brother; how all the elves came to the ceremony for Siondel and the words spoken there; to Legolas' little rebellion and being caught by his father. Thranduil's reaction was priceless, pulling Legolas into his arms like that! I just realized he had been carried by Eilian, Ithilden and Thranduil; as well as several other warriors! Poor Legolas. Tender dignity, indeed.

I look forward to seeing more stories with Legolas and Annael as young adults now - to see how Annael copes and moves on after this.

Author Reply: I hadn't even thought about the fact that every male member of his family had carried Legolas at this point. Poor guy. Just what a newly (nearly) adult warrior would hate!

I am fighting off plot bunnies now. Please do not add to the confusion!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/15/2003
woo hoo! Thranduil's home at last. Very glad to see the realm is back in his most capable hands. Nice chapter! Thanks!

Author Reply: Thranduil is happy to be home too. He rejoices in his sons and grandson even when Legolas and Sinnarn are both where they are not supposed to be. I imagine the Woodland King is very glad to be back with is forest and his family and is once again feeling his strength. Yay!

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