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The Tide of Times  by daw the minstrel 16 Review(s)
LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
Hmmm, I think Legolas had just got a good look at his future and he probably doesn't like what he see's. But I am glad that he has good self-control with his body. ;-)


JustMeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
Ouch! So much for diplomacy! Seems like old grievances die hard. Thranduil has not exactly endeared himself to Elrond has he?
Wow! That Synia is one brazen girl! I hope that Legolas has seen the last of her - she is definately not the type of girl you want to bring home to meet your family! She had her sights set on Legolas and was willing to do anything to snare him. Run Legolas - and don't look back!
I think that Ithilden really should sit down and have a talk with his brother. I know that he doesn't want to give him special treatment, but by the same token Legolas could benefit from his brother's experience and guidance. I just hope that Legolas didn't get Eilian in trouble by misunderstanding his conversation. Eilian doesn't need any help to get in trouble, but in this case it would be undeserved! I'm afraid that Legolas is going to be disappointed - because I cannot see either Ithilden or Thranduil allowing him to serve in the Southern Patrol. One son in that dangerous region is almost more than either of them can handle! Oh well, if it was easy, I guess they wouldn't be called growing "pains", right?

MollyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
I beg to differ with Maldor; I *do* think an hour is an excessively long time to hold a handstand. Maybe your arms could take it, but what about your head? Even if they're Elves I think they would black out from blood rushing to their heads long before they reached an hour. At the very least wouldn't they be dizzy? I don't know. But I enjoy watching Legolas approach adulthood. I'm eager to see where you take the story. It seems as if you have lots in store yet for the royal family.

tigerlily713Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
Great chapter. Poor Legolas had his work cut out for him didn't he? He was strong though; not only strong but offended. Poor guy. poor Synia too though; she must feel foolish and somewhat cheapened.

Anyway, great chapter, as usual. ~Lily

LeraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
Ouch. Legolas didn't mince any words with her did he? Well, I suppose that's good.
I realize that it was a serious training exercise to prepare them for battle, but the thought of them all in a line standing on their heads cracked me up. It was a good exercise though. Where do you come up with all your warrior training exercises?

I'm glad that even though Ithildien was standing in for the king, his little boy still was assurred free access to him. I think he's a good Daddy, er, Ada.

I love that you update so often! It makes my day to see a story update in my email.

Antigone_QReviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2003
I don't know where you get your military training techniques, but I kind of liked the hand-stand thing. It makes sense to me now that if you tired out your arms with a bow or a sword, it would be important to be able to spar without using your arms and hands. Whether Legolas likes Maldor or not, his training is going to be invaluable later.

I had to laugh at Legolas communication methods here. They seem more and more to me like a big game of telephone: "Synia said that Annael said that Eilian said that Ithilden said..." But I think that is very typical of his comparative age, so good for you for making him so realistic. Meanwhile, Legolas himself hasn't been really listening to anyone, has he? He's only been picking up what he wants to hear - rather like certain female Elves he knows.

Thranduil, Thranduil. Sigh. And I thought Legolas had some trouble with timing during negotiations! What on earth made him spit out that remark about Elrond's sons? If taking that tone was part of some carefully-thought out plan, I'm afraid I don't see what he was trying to accomplish.

I am glad Legolas sent Synia packing. I can't quite pin down how you made me dislike her so much, but I hope we never see her again. (BTW, I'm curious to know where Synia gets her name from - I've been amusing myself by looking up the roots of your characters' names, and I can't find hers.)

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