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Cantrip  by bryn 14 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/23/2004
The description of the cold morning made me shiver. It was -3F yesterday morning when I went to work. And that didn't count the wind. I can't imagine living in a tent in the winter.

Halbarad is really bold to provoke the chieftain like that. I suppose he can't help himself really. He's Halbarad! The first.

Author Reply: daw the minstrel- Ahh yes, there's nothing like the pleasures of Wind Chill on an already freezing morning. My favorite is waiting outside for the T in that weather... *brrrrrr* My sympathies! *lol* There will always be one and only one Halbarad. (the first.) Praise the Valar. I don't think Middle-earth could handle two of them. ;) Thank you for the wonderful review!!!

MirielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/22/2004
OMG, I loved this chapter! I was dying of silent laughter (it's late at my houes) during the part during the lecuture...and the way the guy stands with the hobbits...classic.

And the pet animals...oh dear...Halbarad the second...Arwen...Malinineal (I can't even remmeber that!), oh dear oh dear.

Yes, I was really looking forward to the bar chapter...that's ok, though. Now I just have something to really really look forward to! (But you must update very very soon!)

Ah, yes, and I believe that I am ready to continue marinus stiria...even though Bergil is dead. *sniff* If there was only some way to continue his legacy...I did fall in love with him. (Wait-that came out wrong...although along that line of thought, perhaps I should write a Mary-sue with Bergil as the object of desire!)

No, the romance part never did get through to me. :-( That's ok, I shall survive.

Dude, that IS weird. You know, I think you're right, it must be that Elrohir has a cooler name than Elladan. Yup, that must be it. (I've been having the weirdest Elrohir dreams...seriously. And I was met with stunned silence when asked who I thought the hottest guy in LOTR was, and I said 'Elrohir!' Then I said, 'you know, the son of Elrond?' Then they said, 'Huh? You mean someone who's not Legolas?' Then since they didn't know who he was they asked who my second fave was. So...'Figwit!' *ahem* Let us say that conversation ended oddly...

Anyway, sorry that this is a rambling's really late at night!

Oh, yeah, and could you try again to send the romancy bit? It's Thanks!

Author Reply: Miriel- I'll send you the romancy bit promptly. :) Oh you SHOULD write a Mary-Sue with Be---holy sweet Valar, did I just say that? Wait. I mean, Mary Sues are BAD. And she'd probably get confused at who exactly Bergil was, fall into Middle-earth during the War of the Ring... Bergil was what, 8 or 10 at the time? I promise you he will have a cameo in my next story, and he won't get killed. Cross my heart. Yeah, I really do think Elrohir surpasses his brother because of his name. Tolkien never did anything to distinguish the two from one another, so we can only go by what they're called. No offense, Elladan, but... *shrugs apologetically* I, personally, have developed an unhealthy crush on daw the minstrel's OC Eilian, older brother of Legolas. It's very disturbing. Figwit! *lol* Okay, did he also appear in the final movie, when Arwen turns back to Rivendell? Because--and please don't kill me--I thought that Elf looked so horribly girly I actually burst out laughing. It was the eyes, and the look on his face, I think. Right, off to email the romance. Thank you for the great review!!! :)

calenoreReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/22/2004
*blinks innocently* The hobbits shoved the pole where?

LOL, I love Halbarad! Only he would name a mouse Halbarad the Second, and even DARE to suggest that Aragorn name the bird Arwen.

A Ranger and an Elvish-raised man walk into a bar, hmm? That should be fun!

Author Reply: calenore- Into his eye. The pole went into his eye. *blinks back innocently* More like the Elvish-raised man gets shoved into the bar, I suppose... ;) Thank you for the review!!!

SaberReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/22/2004

*falls over laughing*

It's the ranger zoo!!!!

Author Reply: Saber- *lol* Give them an oliphaunt and hobbits dressed up like clowns--and they're all set! :) Thank you for the review!

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