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Cantrip  by bryn 16 Review(s)
SphinxReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/18/2003 Halbarad is responsible for the scruffiness. Poor Estel, eh?

I can just imagine a whiny voice saying 'Oye...youse aint gettin no wash for a week coz youse smell too nice, and youse'll have get rid of it before youse can be smelly enough to be allowed a dip in the tub...'

Very nice chapter...a noticeably different tone to it from the last. And you made Aragorn kick butt.

Me likes. ;)


Author Reply: Sphinx- Yep, it's all fault of Halbarad. He's going to corrupt one son of Elrond, too. *shakes head* Shame on that Ranger. Shame on him! :) Thank you for the review!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/17/2003
What a great chapter! I'm so impressed with Halbarad. For as sour, dour and just plain grumpy the older guys are, Halbarad is a fresh and lively addition. His personality comes through so vividly. And poor Aragorn. He really is a fish out of water. I loved Halbarad's line to him that he hated to break it to him, but he wasn't an elf! And soap on a thread...I mean on a rope. Arwen must have picked the bar to send with him. Looks like Aragorn may have to get "manly" while with the guys, but when home, I imagine Arwen will want the lavender. I really like Halbarad as you portray him. He seems to me to epitomize what a ranger is...strong, independent and able to view the world with a slight slant of sarcasm...his coping mechanism. He is a good friend for Aragorn, the dancing ranger. I'm really enjoying this and can't wait for you to update. :>) Karen

Author Reply: The Karenator- *lol* One must wonder if Arwen lined his pack with flower petals or some other scent as well. Poor Aragorn just can't win. I am dearly fond of Halbarad myself. *ROTFL* "Aragorn, the dancing ranger." *snort* Now there's a name he doesn't want to get stuck with! Thank you for the great review!! :)

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/17/2003
This is an amazing story! It is very amusing, and has all of my favorite characters. I love Aragorn's soap. Oh, how things will change. Keep it up, this is amazing!

Author Reply: Nikara- *blushes* Wow, thank you! I'm thrilled you like this tale so much! Thank you for the wonderful review!!

fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/17/2003
I wonder how long Halbarad will need until Aragorn gives up his attempts at cleanlyness and looks as scruffy as your next Ranger (and stops to smell of lavender;-)).

But I do not only love your story for the humour alone. I also enjoy your take on Aragorn's struggle to adapt to the ways of the Dánedain, homesickness and fits of temper included, and the Dánedains difficulties to come to terms with the son of their former chieftain. And if there's a bit of Elrond's twins and Glorfindel involved as a topping, I will be the least to complain.

BTW, I hope you get better soon (so you can update faster, of course;-) I am soo selfless these days ...)


Author Reply: fliewatuet- I gather Halbarad needs about 3 months. E2 are going to get quite a shock when the discover sweet Estel has been replaced by Strider the Man-Ranger. This story is as much about the sons of Elrond as it is Aragorn and Halbarad, don't you worry. I'm hoping the next to weeks allow me to catch up on some seriously needed R&R (oh health, how I miss you). Wish me luck! Thank you for the great review!!! :)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/17/2003
I gotta say, bryn, I really feel for poor Aragorn here. As a matter of fact, I am quite angry at the other Dunedain (except for Halbarad, of course). So he is different from them and he is very skilled and that means they dislike him? That ticks me off. I realize these guys had a very stark life and Tolkien does repeatedly describe them as grim, but still! Grow up!

On the other hand, Halbarad is wonderfully rendered. He's so smart mouthed and resilient. I love him.

Author Reply: daw- You're right, the Dunedain are behaving ridiculously. Then again, at the same time, they probably aren't to thrilled to have Aragorn in their midst. A couple Elves spring out of nowhere, touting the Next Leader of the Dunedain in tow... Hackles are bound to raise a little. I love Halbarad too! Almost as much as I love your Eilian, but not quite. ;) Thank you for the review!!

MirielReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/17/2003
Little old ladies...that would be hysterical. (Although a bit scary) I really am going with the nose though. :)

Well, the plot bunny for Mirinus is calling you..."write me..."

A third Are you planning on killing poor Glorfi? Although he might welcome it, considering the pain that he will be put through in several years...

That's really interestng, the thought that the Rangers didn't accept Aragorn very quickly. It's true though, as one who was living with elves for so long, even if he wasn't stuck-up, he might seem that way. It would be difficult for him to get used to being around men (especially Halbarad) and hard for them to be used to him. How many elves do they come in contact with?

Is Halbarad crazy, throwing a knife at Aragorn like that? Or just overly confident that he won't hit and kill Aragorn?

Halbarad ruler of middle earth...that would be a good AU story. (Although a bit scary.)

Well, have fun writing! Oh, and by the way *Hands over band-aids for the plot-bunny wounds*

Author Reply: Miriel- *groan* Curse that marinus stiria! I'm forced to be ridiculously precise and obsessive while writting it, and the story itself is becoming terribly depressing. *sigh* But I am working on it, slowly but surely. I did manage to get that snippet up. (Medication sort of made it impossible to write all this week. Lousy side-effects.) *shriek* Kill Glorfindel!?!? Oh no no no! Valar forbid! The poor guy already died once, I don't have the heart to do it to him again. *grin* Just wait until Halbarad meets Elrohir and Elladan. Then the fun will REALLY begin. (Oh dear...) Halbarad's pretty confident with himself, and his knife-throwing ability. And Aragorn had been knocking him down all day. Oh wow, Halbarad Ruler of Middle-earth... that does have some dangerous possibilities. Many thanks for the band-aids, and thank you for the great review!!! :)

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