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The Proposition  by Lindelea 69 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/17/2014
Oh Rosemary! She has so much courage and strength yet few see it. It will be a hard path to walk but if anyone can do it they can.

Many people forget about how much those in the Shire must have sacrificed. They fought for their homes, families and country just as the Travelers did, though in different ways.

Please...please keep going! There is so much more to tell.

Author Reply: Too true -- it's a lonely road to walk, when almost everyone thinks you're a collaborator. And you're right! We do know that some hobbits fought back, or there would have been no Lockholes needed.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/17/2014
Oh I do so love Rosemary in this--so brave, so very brave.

You will, of course continue! ;)

Author Reply: LOL! I had thought of finishing this off with the fourth chapter and then posting the following in a "Part 2", or of posting it all as one long story (and it will be somewhat long...). Have a few days to consider.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/17/2014
Oh I do so love Rosemary in this--so brave, so very brave.

You will, of course continue! ;)

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/17/2014
I vote for continue, but that's just me. I'm finding this look behind some of the other stories very interesting.

It was sad, in a way, to know that she burned the pass, but there was no way she could take it and live with herself. She'll earn her place back instead of running home to hide. Very brave and admirable.

Author Reply: It was either take the pass and use it, for her children's sake, or burn it to protect them from accidental discovery.

More chapters are written, that follow this one -- now I'm just figuring out whether to add them on to this one, or post them as a separate story.

Thanks for your vote!

EverlightReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/7/2014
Hmm...choices, choices. Such high stakes for all involved. Hally, Rose, the children, Ferdi, the Tooks and the Thain all have a lot to lose or gain. It is a lot to ask but as they say 'desperate times call for desperate measures'.

I would be interested in hearing the full story of Pippin and Ferdi's disastrous prank. Is it already somewhere on this site? I have been hearing references to it in several stories but have thus far been unable to locate it.

Author Reply: Very perceptive. Yes, high stakes all around. Even for the ruffians, did they but know it.

The disastrous prank has been mentioned many times, but not yet written out in full (except in a draft copy of "Thain" -- someday I'll get to polishing that chapter and posting it... I hope...).

Ferdi is famous for having burned down the old Thain's stables -- nearly burned them down, that is, so that's why you've seen it mentioned in several places.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/7/2014
This really sets forth and encapsulates the Lindelea universe very well!

Author Reply: I'm hoping it's not too much background... I used to write reams of background material, so that I would have the whys and wherefores of a story firmly in my mind, and then I'd cut most of it out because it slowed things down or whatever.

But because I delight in my hobbits so, it's hard to cut out even boring, mundane, overly detailed background...

I've been thoroughly taken in -- I remember the first few times I read LOTR, I couldn't get past the Party chapter because of all the "boring" detail, and now that's the sort of stuff I absolutely delight in...

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/7/2014
Loved this chapter. I especially liked the flashback to the conversation between Ferdi and Paladin. Is it my imagination, or is Paladin being a more reasonable and foresighted person than in some of your other stories? Maybe I'm wrong and need to reread some of the other stories again. It may just be Pippin who has the ability to bring out the unthinking, unreasonable, immovable side in the Thain. Just wondering aloud there. :)

I for one would like to see this go past the four chapters but I fully understand if that is a perferrable stopping point. Looking forward to more, as always.

Author Reply: No, it's not your imagination. A few stories ago (The Farmer's Son, I think, was the start of it) I began to write a kinder, more reasonable Paladin. I worked out an alternate timeline to the earlier stories, which would technically make "Farmer's Son" AU to the earlier works.

I'll be happy to tell you more about how the two timelines harmonise and converge when I have more of a brain (as in, a bit of tea or coffee), if you're interested.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2014
Oh, but if only more Hobbits across the Shire had done what the Tooks did! If they'd only had the leadership that Pippin and Merry offered later!

Author Reply: If only! The Thain had the right idea, but it seems only the Tooks would listen to him.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2014
*grin* This is such a perfect "prequel" to "The Rescue"! I love how cagy Ferdi is, how protective Hally is, and how fierce Rosemary is!

Author Reply: Thank you! I appreciate your reading through the four chapters that currently exist and offering encouragement. As you said, it can end after the fourth chapter, or it has the potential to continue... Perhaps you wouldn't mind beta-reading anything further, if the story goes on? (Which depends, in part, on readers' wishes. I already have plenty of WIPs that I'm updating in the interest of reaching their conclusions one of these days, and that doesn't even include "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" (Have got to figure out a title for that one before I can begin to post chapters...)

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