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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 19 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
If the Maiar twins decide to pop in for a visit, ot will be old home week in Fairbanks for sure!

Wonderful to see the reunions between the "kids" and the dads. Heh. And just who did the Twins learn their swearwords from, Glorfi?

Tee-hee, surprises! Though we all know just how Glorfindel feels about those, just hope the Elves manage to keep Glorfindel entertained properly until they get to see just what the surprise is! And speaking of surprises, I wonder if the Twins have told Gwyn and Gareth just _who_ is coming for dinner, or for the SCA meeting?

So Eönwë is keeping an eye on them personally? I guess this means that either the Maiar twins have been very naughty - or something rather nasty is heading their way at top speed!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. It sure would seem like old home week if they did. LOL!

I'm glad you like the reunions between the "kids" and the "dads". They were very civilized about it all, especially with two Mortals watching the show.

We'll see how the Twins manage the surprise on both sides in the next chapter and Eönwë is probably there to keep an eye on Glorfindel who, without his ring, is in danger of slipping his leash if provoked enough. No one wants to see that happen, so we have Eönwë on duty.

Anyway, thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

TariReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
They will find out what the surprise is tomorrow, but we have to wait until next week. Patience is not my strong suit.

Author Reply: But you only have to wait a couple of days, Tari, and of course, you know what the surprise is already; you're just anxious to see everyone's reaction. *grin* So, enjoy the holiday weekend and Monday will be here before you know it.

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
So instead of fireworks, we get a happy reunion. Personally I prefer this. All the runaways have the age where it's no longer appropriate to treat them as kids for doing so. Even Sarah, although Ron seems to be thinking otherwise. Sigh, overprotective parents...I love it how she decides to stay with the Twins in the end.

I love how careful both the Twins are when hugging Glorfindel, knowing they will hurt him if they show too much enthusiasm.

'Eönwë must be getting desperate to let those two loose on the world.'
Desperate to get the Twins protected, or desperate to get a break from the Maiar Twins? Now that would be the real question lol

-Ah, room service,” “But you took thirty minutes, so you don’t get a tip.-

-Honestly, Mortals! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them-
*grins even more*

- Derek just rolled his eyes, already busy munching on some pizza and not paying much attention to the drama around him. -

He's really the kind of person who can eat anywhere, right?

“And don’t swear.” And from who did the Twins get that particular swear word, Glorfindel? *snickers*

I wondered by Glorfindel's earlier remarks about why Mir wasn't going with them as a healer wether Finrod didn't tell him anything about the ordeal, and indeed, he did not. Oops! I fear the moment might come Finrod will have to explain that to Glorfindel and the later won't be happy. (And might understand better why the Twins were running away after all)

Ron really isn't the voice of reason here either, now isn't he? Here Finrod is in the right, Ron should not take his worry and anger with his daughter and the Twins out on the rest, especially not Glorfindel. The later isn't really in a state to get upset.
And thinking of this, I wonder what Ron will say when he finds out she's going with the Twins when they will go away to study for surgeons...

Well, we'll see what will happen next when they will all meet up with Gwyn and Garath, and the later two when meeting their childhood hero.
Providing things go quiet, the chapters have been quite calm for almost a too long time...
Add to that, having Manveru and Erunáro standing watch over the Twins and Sarah, and Eönwë himself over the others gives me a feeling there could be more about too...

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. Yes, all the Elves are of an age where histrionics really are not called for. Of course, Ron is still in angry-Papa-mode, but Finrod put him in his place, so that's okay. And he already knows that Sarah will be leaving with Roy for NYC after they get married. He doesn't have a problem with that because by then they'll be married; it's now he has a problem because they aren't married yet.

I think Eönwë was desperate to get rid of the twin Maiar for a little while. *grin*

We'll see how things go when the Twins and Sarah reveal their surprise and what follows from that. I suspect Eönwë is hanging about for Glorfindel's sake. The ellon is still fragile and without his ring he is in danger of 'slipping his leash' as Lord Námo likes to call it and that's something everyone wants to avoid.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. It's much appreciated.

SashaHoneypalmReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
Aw! I spent all this week waiting for Friday so I could see the "G&G meet the legends" scene (nevermind anything else of any importance happening this week, such as graduation) and you put it off another four days! ;) (To be fair, I wasn't so much looking forward to graduation as dreading having to sit and listen to speeches for three hours, so I would have been anxiously waiting for Friday anyway). I do think I'm going to have to find your address one of these days, sneak into your house, and read the rest of the story on your computer. You've been warned. *grin*

Author Reply: Well, we needed to have this reunion first, Sasha, but I promise that in the next chapter G&G will meet with Finrod and Glorfindel. And maybe I had better put my files under password protection just in case. LOL! Thanks for commenting. It's appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
Well that was a bit of an anti climax, but I expect Glorfi is not feeling up to par after the long trip. I certainly expected more fire works.

I have a nasty feeling about the great reveal, some thing tells me not all will go as to plan, but then I know your ways oh, Evil Cliffee king!

Checks Cliff House for readiness for next bump, dusts around a bit and checks supplies. Lays in snacks, brownies and Oatmeal raisin cookies with cherries and golden raisins this time.

Having a blast in the Cliff House, rikki!


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Well, these are Elves after all and they aren't as emotionally driven as we are, plus there are 2 Mortals in tow, so they are keeping things low-profile for their sake. And really, everyone is way too old for the sort of histrionics we're used to seeing from humans. And you may not know me or my ways as well as you think, m'dear. *grin* Enjoy your time at the Cliff House and have a wonderful holiday weekend. Thanks for reviewing. Hugs back.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
That was a nice reunion. Loved the twins choking back their emotion. Glorfindel really is as a father to them and the feeling obviously is mutual. These guys are going to go nuts trying to figure out what the surprise is. I bet the twins and Sarah are having a blast with that. It must be a lot of fun watching new elves in the big city. LOL


Author Reply: Yes, it was a nice reunion and everyone behaved themselves for the most part. It probably is fun watching new Elves in the big city. It's bound to make the rest of feel superior for a change. LOL! Thanks for leaving a review, Ellie. I really appreciate it.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
The reunion went very well, and there were only a few small fireworks! It helped lot, of course, that the runaways were prepared. (Maiar are very useful sometimes, so it seems, LOL!)

Actually, it sounds like a nice relaxing weekend getaway, touring the city, good meals--and a fun SCA event to come! *grin*

I am REALLY looking forward to the reactions to the surprise!

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. Yes, a little warning does help. *grin* We'll see just how relaxing it is for everyone and how everyone reacts to the surprise in the next chapter. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
I'm so glad Glorfindel is finally on his feet. I just love that ellon!

And I can't wait to see what their reaction will be to the surprise. And what a treat.for gareth too. I'm looking forward to Monday.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. It's hard to keep someone like Glorfindel down for long. And we'll see how everyone reacts to the surprise on both sides. Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 42 on 5/23/2014
Hi 6336! Hope you are enjoying the Cliff house.

I got to wondering who would open the door when Glorfindel and the rest of the posse got to the hotel where the twins and Sarah were staying. Since we know that Glorfindel could feel the twins, I didn't know if it was reciprical in that they could feel Glorfindel. But as it was, the maiar had already told the twins so they were expecting Glorfindel. And it was an emotional reunion for a couple elves though they don't carry on the way a lot of people I know would do. I think once Glorfindel understands how close he came to dying in the hospital he will understand why the twins and Sarah left Wiseman for Fairbanks.

Talk about cultural shock if Finrod ever leaves Alaska and visits bigger cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London or Tokyo. And he will have to see the Mall of America and, and, and. This is one time being an immortal could be a plus since one would have time to visit all the places in the world one wanted rather than trying to cram in six countries in five days as a lot of us do.

The twins are doing well to keep the secret of Garath and Gwyn from the rest of the elves. I wonder if they have told the SCA group that the other elves, including Finrod are here in Fairbanks or if that is a secret also. And will the Wiseman elves get to see the SCA elves practicing with their mortals so everyone will get an idea of how the SCA could work for training everyone for the final battle? So much to do before heading back to Wiseman.

Have a great holiday weekend!

Author Reply: Hi rikki. There might not have been fireworks as one would expect among us humans, but it was certainly an emotional reunion all around. Wiseman is culture shock enough, but Fairbanks, I think, is an eye-opener for Finrod and Laurendil, both of whom recall the Mortals of their own day (and Laurendil remembers the Edain of Númenor as well). Now they can truly see how far we Mortals have come.

We will see what the Twins do with regards to the SCA people and how Finrod and Glorfindel meet them in the next chapter. Thanks for reviewing. Have a great holiday weekend yourself!

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