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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 18 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
Ha ha ha ! I loved how Sanderson got caught at his own game. "Bien fait pour sa poire", as we say in French which means "serves him right".

I'm happy that the Three Amigos' friends are willing to protect them. It's a very brave thing to do.

Thank you for clearing the confusion. I understand that it can't be easy to track every character when there are so many of them :).

Also, thanks for the linguistic lesson in one of my previous reviews. Now I'll hunt down every story I have ever read where the Haradrim are mentionned and read the word correctly.

Again, continue like this,

Author Reply: I think you meant Jacob got caught in his own game, Ora, rather than Sanderson who was working for the Elves. And you're welcome on the linguistic lesson. I'm glad it helped. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

SashaHoneypalmReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
>“No, he doesn’t,” Glorfindel said, giving Jacob a cold stare. “You really should have sold the store to us in the first place, Jacob. We even offered twice as much for it than what we’ve now paid. You used your own grandson in an attempt to prevent me from winning the bid. I don’t appreciate having an innocent being used against me in that fashion. I knew you would do all you could to prevent me from winning the bid, so, I stacked the deck, as it were.” He paused, more for effect than for any other reason, and then continued, the smile now on his lips never reaching his eyes. “You failed to understand one thing, Jacob VonHoltz: I’ve been around a lot longer than all the Mortals of Alaska combined. I know all the tricks. Hell, I taught most of them to your ancestors.” <

That... is not going to ratchet down people's potential paranoia any. If the Elves want to win the undecided or only mildly hostile Wisemaners over, they're going to have to stop acting so superior. I know Glorfindel was technically only talking to Jacob, but he did so in a public place. People are going to be gossiping about the Clothing Store Auction Incident anyway, probably embellishing the details as gossipers do. An Elf triumphantly telling one of his adversaries that, essentially, Elves can outsmart mere mortals any time they wish (or at least, that's how it's going to be interpreted by some people) is going to make people nervous.
Joe Shmoe Neutral of Wiseman may be undecided about what to think about the aliens who landed in their midst, but if the aliens have the advantage in every confrontation, he's going to worry about what happens if he ever ends up on the wrong side of one of those confrontations. He's going to be afraid of the aliens taking charge of the place. Yes, you and I know that wouldn't happen, but Joe and his ilk didn't know about the Elves until they happened to him. He probably has seen enough movies to be worried about the Alien Overlord scenario. I hope I'm not projecting too much on your characters- they are yours, after all- but I can understand why some people wouldn't be unconditionally overjoyed at the turn things have taken. The Elves really need to be careful with what they say and do in public.

Sorry for the Russian novel of a post above, it's just something that seems very worrisome to me in the story.

Author Reply: Hi Sasha. Perhaps you are unaware of small town mentalities and psychology. Even Glorfindel's enemies will be forced to admire the manner in which he bested Jacob, especially when they learn that Jacob was planning a scam on them all. Small towners are especially unforgiving of someone whom they see as "one of us natives" doing something like that, because it reflects badly on the rest of them. And eventually it does no good for the Elves or anyone to hide their light under a bush, to borrow a biblical phrase. Glorfindel and the others have kept a low profile for the most part, but there is too much at stake to just sit back and allow themselves to be steamrolled over. In the end, Jacob came away $200,000 richer (and had he been honest he would've walked away twice as rich) and no blood was spilt. Even the Elves' enemies can't complain about that. *grin*

And expressing your concerns is perfectly fine. If you're thinking it, others probably are too. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. It's always appreciated.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014

Jacob may be clever - but not so clever as Glorfindel! (I'm beginning to think NO ONE except maybe Finrod, and the Maiar and Valar and Eru, are cleverer than Glorfindel. lol) It was underhanded of Jacob to try and swindle the Elves that way. Of course, they were underhanded right back, but what matters in the end, I suppose, is that Jacob got a fair price. I don't like that Jacob used his grandson that way, either! I suppose the vonHoltzes are in with Peterson's crowd - were they among the bomb setters?

Oh, but I DO like Greg Sanderson, if I hadn't said so already. He's a good friend for the Elves to have! And hey, Greg, if I was treated to filet mignon and lobster I'd always be on the Elves' good side too (not that I wasn't on their side in the first place hehe)

Glad to know Glorfi's attackers have been caught (at least some of them) by the way!!

*adds filet mignon and lobster to the Cliff House menu*

On a final note, I found it telling that the elflings think of their Mortal classmates as "children". This tells me that they're not quite as humble as I thought...they might still need a reality check or two. Sure, the college youngsters are 'children', but only in the same way as the 'elflings' are 'children' to their elders. The Three Amigos & Nell haven't got much call to be referring to them as 'children' despite the disparity in their ages - as far as maturity goes, they are peers and these 'Mortal children' have shown their loyalty and love for their Elven friends. It's time the Amigos and Nell show them the same courtesy.



Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. I doubt anyone is as clever as Glorfindel, not even Eru. LOL! The dude is in a class all his own.

You're right about how the Three Amigos and Nell see their classmates, but old habits do die hard and they've all come a long way since they first came to Wiseman, so we need to give them credit for trying. They'll get there eventually. This will be especially true when they see their Mortal friends leaving college and going on to work, getting married and having children of their own.

Anyway, thanks for reviewing. I always appreciate it. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
Well if Sanderson does not prosecute Jacob, maybe some body should have a little chat with him, Jacob that is, because what he did is illegal. I wonder how this will go down and what sort of effect it will have on the election.

Yes, the Elves had very much 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' type of justice, look at the Kinslaying, was there very much petty crime among Elves, I can't believe that they were perfect in every way, apart from Glorfindel that is?

So now the Elves own a clothing store, I wish them luck, oh remind them to do an inventory and have a good accountant look over the books before they take possession, I wouldn't put it past Jacob to try to rearrange things a little for them. I can think of numerous ways he could cause problems for them.

I have been rereading E.A.II and thinking about Ratty and who he took his orders from, I have the feeling that it was directly from the Director and not our Maddy, I wonder just how much she knew of the relationship between Ratty and his uncle and also between His uncle and Amroth, may be not exactly who or what Amroth was but that he had a hold over him. Did she suggest that Alex take the case or was that a decision Maddy made for herself?

Ah well only 375 days approximately before retirement, can you guess I am looking for ward to it?

Enjoy the weekend'


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Yes, what Jacob did was illegal, or it would've been if he hadn't been thwarted. It's possible that Wiseman's legal system in the person of Ken Talbot, the prosecuting attorney, might get involved or not. I doubt Jacob will be staying in Wiseman for very much longer anyway, not after this.

I'm sure the Elves are on top of everything and have everything under control where the clothing store is concerned.

As for Farrell and his relationship with Director Dolan, we'll probably never know for sure how much she knew about anything. The decision to send Alex to Wiseman, however, was Maddy's and Maddy's alone.

Glad you have retirement to look forward to in the next year. I still have a way to go, myself.

Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated. Hugs back.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
Well, I'm glad Glorfindel was able to identify some of his attackers from the line-up! And what an interesting revelation: that the prosecuting attorney is not only a transplant, but a plant as well. Clearly the Valar are stacking the deck in Wiseman, and they aren't even particularly trying to hide their manipulations (from the Elves, as most of the mortals are not going to consider that aspect unless they are in the inner circle, so to speak).

The part about the auction was a hoot! I loved that they did not try to hide what they'd done from the former store owner. He will now have to kick himself, because he has no one but himself to blame. I look forward to seeing what changes they make in the store, and to seeing it open under new management!

Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. The Valar are indeed stacking the deck in Wiseman. I'm glad you enjoyed the auction. It was fun to write. I think everyone came away from this having learned a valuable lesson about the Elves and Glorfindel especially. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it very much.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
That would have been a fun auction to attend. Good for Mr Sanderson lecturing on ethics. Thanks.

Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed the auction, UTfrog, especially Sanderson's lecture on ethics. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
Aaaand today's lesson is, how NOT to (try to) screw over the Elves. The lesson is delivered by Mr Jacob VonHolz.
Well, if Jacob had been a bit smarter, and bit more honest, he would have ended up better off - with more money, AND with his dignity intact. But no, he had to try to do this scam, while at the same time trying to prevent the Elves from buying his shop. Well, if he wasn't an enemy already, he certainly is now. Glorfindel (and the other Elves) might do well to keep this quote from Machiacelli's _The Prince_ in mind: Never do any enemy a small injury for they are like a snake which is half beaten and it will strike back the first chance it gets. (I'm sure Finrod can find the book in the bookstore)

Good to see the Three Amigos being polite to their "bodyguards". The young Elves surely have better training than the young Mortals in the fine art of mayhem, but having to batter down that massive wall of brawn should give any prospective attacker pause.
Well, I see Michaelson and Talbot have been warned about Elven wrath. They have a positively Treecat-like attitude towards enemies: they come in two "flavours" - those who have been properly dealt with, and those who are still alive. (For those who haven't encountered David Weber's Honorverse books, Treecats are cute, fluffy, hexapedal, felinoid, telempathic creatures that from time to time form a psychic bond with humans. Most people see only the cute fluffiness, and don't realize how unexpectedly deadly they can be, especially if "their" humans are threatened.) (Most of the books can be downloaded - legally - here: Pick the _Mission of Honor_ download link)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I've read the first two books and really enjoyed them. Finally got around to putting a hold on the third book through our library system (thanks for reminding me), so I should get it sometime next week.

Anyway, I doubt Jacob will be striking back at anyone any time soon. Small towns can be vicious when they find out someone's been scamming them. Jacob lost a lot of face and those who witnessed the confrontation, even if they don't care for the Elves, will applaud Glorfindel's sneakiness in circumventing Jacob's scam. And inside an hour everyone in town will know about it.

And it's always nice to have the resident linebacker on your side in any fight. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 90 on 11/7/2014
Now that's what I call a happy ending, although I am glad that things are not ending just yet. I feel like going out and celebrating myself that the Elves got the store. Hurray for Glorfindel and the Elves, especially Erestor and Linda who will be running the store now.

I am glad that the mortal classmates of the Three Amigos and Nell are showing their support to them, though its funny how they look on them as children (I don't think they would appreciate that, though).

And with that happy note, the weekend starts. Thanks for another chapter and enjoy your weekend!

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. Yes, a happy ending, at least for the Elves if not for Jacob, and no, things are not ending just yet; we have quite a few chapters to get through.

As for the Three Amigos and Nell, they still need to learn that Mortals over a certain age are not "children", but it'll take them a while to appreciate that fact. They've made great strides in the short time they've been in Wiseman, but they still need to learn wisdom which can only come with experience.

By the way, for some reason, your review for chapter 82 replicated itself minus my response to it. I didn't realize it at first and simply responded to it, which is why you will probably get a notification for it. I deleted it once I realized that you'd already reviewed the chapter. Not sure why that happened, but I figured I'd better let you know.

Thanks for all your reviews. They're much appreciated.

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