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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014
Well, nice that they have a replacement for Glorfindel's ring. I can appreciate why Finrod feels he's been cheated, but he'll get over it, I suspect. And I can certainly appreciate why they are wondering just what that "slight problem" might be.

Author Reply: Yes, I'm sure everyone will breathe easier now that Glorfindel has a ring replacement. And Finrod will indeed get over feeling cheated, though it won't happen overnight. As for the "slight problem", we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I appreciate it very much.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014
My first thought upon reading this - "Are Tulkas and Oromë testing the waters to see if he would be willing to go back to Aman?! Is something that bad going on, or something that only he could address?" And then they change the subject and swan off without revealing it, which just makes me more suspicious. A new mystery to ponder. This one's going to drive me batty until we find out about it. I love it.

(Very perceptive of Daeron to point that out, too.)

Oh dear though, what *could* that mean? "Slight" problem, my foot. Slight for them might be an unmitigated disaster for the Elves.

Even though I completely and fervently understand what Finrod means here – I would literally go insane if somebody trapped me on some safe, unchanging island with a strict society – it's also really sad that he felt so frustrated and resigned when his work after being Reborn was so very important. It's so hard when you look at your life and start feeling regretful and unfulfilled. I would have thought it would be different for Elves, but I guess that's one thing Mortals and Elves can have in common. I can kind of see a parallel between Finrod and Father Charles in that. If I remember correctly, Father Charles was exiled to the frozen north for decades until all the fun started happening.

*side-eyes the Champion* Tulkas creeps me out way more than any of the other Ainur do.

Thank goodness Manwë and Aulë were on the case with replacing Glorfindel's ring. At last he can get a break. I'm sure that's a big weight off his mind. Maybe it will help him fully recover from his beating. ("devious little orc-lovers" Glorfindel, you watch your language. Shame on you! *dies laughing*) And Finrod and Glorfindel stealing each other's lines was really cute.

"‘I am not in the business of handing out rings’" - oof, is that a reference to Sauron? Yikes.

Legolas has come such a long way, he really is an Elf-lord in his own right, I think.

I'm going to go try to stop biting my nails after this one. Awesome chapter, lots of fun thoughts to keep me hanging on till Friday.

Have a wonderful week! It's fall cleaning time at my house, I will be painting a ceiling, going through the closets, and hopefully not having any close encounters of the arachnid kind. Take care!


PS - If you do a glossary/character list for the EA 'verse, you need to add in a few recipes for hot chocolate. ;)

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Daeron's no fool and the Valar are indeed devious little so-and-so's when they want to be. As to what the slight problem is, that may be revealed later. It actually isn't anything that Finrod needs to deal with, but I think his diatribe surprised the Valar; it was unexpected.

And yes, the quote from Manwë is probably in reference to Sauron and Glorfindel would certainly understand it.

Legolas has always been an Elf-lord (he is a prince, after all), but he's somewhat self-effacing so he doesn't always come across as one. But I think we are seeing it here.

I'll keep in mind people's wishes for Elrohir's hot chocolate recipes, but, stubborn ellon that he is, he tends to clam up whenever I ask him for them.

Anyway, good luck with the fall cleaning. Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's much appreciated.

Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014

Oh Legolas, notebooks and homework and history lessons! Oh, I would love to know more about the history of the police force - silly me, I have an untapped source I could ask anytime (Emma, who actually /does/ work for the British police force and could probably tell me all I want to know about Scotland Yard and then some). I loved Legolas' talk about the Mortals he so loved and honoured - oh, and his banter with Lopez nearly made me choke on my butterbeer (why I'm enjoying "Butterscotch Cream Soda" at quarter past eight in the morning is another question altogether, but I believe it's because I, too, lack The Hot Chocolate Recipe!)

Poor Finrod, feeling so useless - he has been useful all these years in Aman no doubt, although we haven't seen what he's been up to! (Maybe someday?) I am sure whatever he's been doing as a healer of Aman has been the most important thing he needed to do at the time. Now, this is. He's where Eru has needed him to be. And he also made an excellent diversion for the Valar about their "little problem". Which is...?

I'm glad Loren got his ring back, at least in the same way that Finrod got the Ring of Barahir back (Does he still have his fair copy of it, I wonder?)

Will Amarie come to Wiseman with her and Finrod's other children? You know the genealogist in me is squirming with joy and near to exploding, I need a more complete list of their children and the rest of their family!

(On a *completely* unrelated, random note - Elenwe was a Vanya; who do you think her ancestors might have been, to put her in Turgon's view? And on a more related note, what about Glorfindel's family? Might he have been related to Elenwe?)

Anyway. :) Very excited for Friday!! And not just because it's Halloween, but it is!! :D Will you be having Halloween fun, Atya? We decorated a pumpkin with a Mr. Potato Head face. *giggles* And I shall be wearing my "Death By Kitten" t-shirt I got from LootCrate. Email me please and I'll email you back with the pictures? I lost most of my email contacts when my email was being stupid this weekend. *pokes it* Maybe my laptop is haunted.

Tye-melin tenn'Ambar-metta,


Author Reply: Hi Kaylee. Yes, Finrod still has his Ring of Barahir copy though I doubt he wears it to work these days. Too flashy. *grin*

We will see Amarië coming to Wiseman and under what circumstances later in this story.

I could not find any reference in the Silmarillion to show that Turgon's wife, Elenwë, was a Vanya. We're told only that she died in the crossing of the Helcaraxë, nothing more. Amarië is the only elleth (other than Indis (Finwë's second wife) who is described as being a Vanya. As for Glorfindel, well we hear something of his family in "Elf, Interrupted" and we see his parents briefly in "In Darkness Bound".

Anyway, my Halloween plans are to pick up some pizza and wings after work, turn off all the lights and spend the evening watching season 7 of Supernatural on DVD. I'll send you a PM soon, promise.

Thanks for reviewing, hinya. Tye-melin.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014
Hm, I don't think I like the sound of this, just what is the problem they are having and why when they found out how Finrod felt about his work in Aman did they not explain what the problem was? Is it some how connected with how Finrod feels? I should imagine, after sitting on his butt for several hundred thousand years, or that's how it feels to him now, coming to Wiseman has given him a whole new purpose in life, he is on a life high as it were.

Can I get Elorhir's hot chocolate recipe too?

Ah, well off to grocery shop and see how they have rearranged things, the Commissary was closed for four days last weeks for 'reset' now we won't be able to find anything!

Have a good week,

Author Reply: Hi Lynda. You are right that Finrod is on a life high and he is looking back and seeing what he was doing in Aman and there's no comparison, really. Unfortunately, he doesn't see it that way at the moment.

And if I can corner Elrohir long enough, I might be able to get his recipe, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. LOL!

Thanks for reviewing. Have a good week yourself. Hugs back.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014
All is not a bed of roses and the past can affect your present and future. I loved Legolas' speech regarding his interaction with the diverse group of people that he interacted with over the years. To overcome the elven general distrust of the dwarves and mortals plus meeting and learning from the hobbits has given Legolas a broader understanding of the world. Here's hoping the others take a note and pay more attention to the mortals around them, especially the ones becoming Rangers as it sounds like they are being gifted with a special education in learning the local environment.

I was glad also that Glorfindel got another ring. His comment about not feeling as tense with the new ring is a sign that he really needs that bit of comfort. Finrod's bitter diatribe about not serving any purpose in Aman is a bit upsetting as Daeron points out. But someone has to do the dirty, boring and necessary jobs. We're not all lucky to be out being the Three Musketeers.

Now it sounds like a new problem has shown up in Aman. I agree with Celeth in are the elves now all clamoring to come to Middle-Earth? Are you going to show us what is going on in Aman? And how does it affect the elves here? Yes I know you are going to say just wait and see but I have to ask! You keep the story interesting with these new situations and I keep reading to find out what will happen next.

Have a good week.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. Legolas was certainly in a unique position to befriend Dwarves, Hobbits and Men and hopefully the others will see what a great resource he is with regards to learning how to deal with Mortals in general.

Glorfindel really needed his ring, more so than even he realized. Finrod, like many of us, see others doing "exciting" things while they "toil away" at what they perceive as "boring" jobs of no consequence. Yet, he was doing important work and as the Valar point out, he's now reunited with his gwador and the greatest adventure is before them and that is all that matters at the moment.

As for Aman, while I won't be showing you what is going on there in this story, we will visit Aman in Elf, Academy 4. In this story, we will only hear about what is happening in Aman.

Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 87 on 10/27/2014
I certainly agree with Daeron there; I wish Orome and Tulkas had discussed what the slight problem was. But I hope he is incorrect when he says it is not slight. Maybe there are too many Elves clamoring to return to Middle Earth and the Vingilot ticketing office is swamped?

Legolas little speech about being a better Elf for having reached out to other races and befriending Dwarves, Hobbits and Men was indeed well-said. He beats even Finrod there, for Finrod never had the chance to meet any Hobbits (I Legolas can tell a tale or two about the hobbits haha). And his attitude of humility and willingness to learn from mortals and the Secondborn is indeed commendable. I hope the others will choose to learn from his example.

Beleg's reaction to the appearance of the Valar when they slipped past his guard was amusing; of course, as the former Marchwarden of Doriath I doubt he thinks so.

Thank you for another chapter, making Monday a good day after all haha.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. I think Oromë and Tulkas were a little taken aback by Finrod's diatribe and they were sidetracked, or they allowed themselves to be sidetracked. At any rate, we may learn what the 'slight trouble' is later.

Hopefully Legolas' attitude will rub off on some of the other Elves from Valinor and they'll be less haughty around Mortals.

Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

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