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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 17 Review(s)
LaerReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
I hope Felicity isn't a plant from the bad guys :( It would be nice if Alex had someone to share this adventure with. I think he and Derek would be kind of like the twins on this also. No issues with the young lady becoming part of their "family". That and Jill and Andy would come back.

I am way to "romantic" for my own good here. I want Finrod's wife to come on the next ship of elves and i want the "kids" to be happy. Must be my sappy gene in gear. :D

Author Reply: Hi Laer. No, Felicity isn't a plant, I promise. And there's nothing wrong with being a romantic. I'm one myself. We'll see if Amarië shows up. There's still quite a bit of story to tell and anything can happen. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it greatly.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
I am not surprised that Alex is having a bad reaction to his death, I think that memory is going to come back and bite him in the butt years from now. So much has happened in the intervening months that he has not had time to process it properly, even with Ron's help.

Bad Alex for not checking out the line of sight to his office window and his position in the office, one of the first things he should have done on entering it, but once again there is so much going on in his life that one can for get the basics of survival in The Game. I think Amroth will have a few things to say when he finds out.

I trust Ron will be able to sort him out, I wonder if he was expecting this to happen at some point, as I said Alex has not has a chance to process his death.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Alex's reaction is long overdue, but so much has happened to him over the last 5 months of his life with his entire worldview being turned upside down and leaving the Agency and all that he's not had the time to process the experience. That has to change, of course. He can't go forward until he's dealt with his dying, however temporary it was.

I think Alex wants to forget he was in the Game, but circumstance conspire to prevent him from leaving it entirely. Good thing Val's there to remind him.

We'll see how Ron deals with Alex in the next chapter. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated. Hugs back.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
So something sleeps in the Winterdark Tarn that should never awaken? That's a scary thought! Well, as long as it's not a Balrog...

And Alex has had a NDE experience? Most interesting!

Author Reply: Hi KathyG. Well, the Elves certainly hope that whatever's in the tarn never wakens, whether it's a balrog or not. And Alex's NDE experience was recorded in Elf Academy 2 when he drowned trying to rescue Caleb Lord from the tarn.

Thanks for taking the time to read and review. I really appreciate you doing so.

EruherdirielReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
Is Winterdark Tarn related to the lake where Grendel's mother hid? Is that why it's so evil-seeming?

Author Reply: Not really, Eruherdiriel. It's just that Alex sees a similarity in description between the two. And if it is evil-seeming it's because of what lies beneath it's surface.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
Well, Alex certainly does one thing with the poems wrong - especially Beowulf! He is just letting the words sit there on the page, when they need to be spoken! Beowulf is just like the Eddas in that both poems come from an oral tradition, and you just can't get into the poems without reciting them, as they were meant to be. Writing stuff down came later, but the Shakespeare sonnet and the Frost poem should also be permitted life by not being left mouldering in ink squiggles on a page.
Hm. Winterdark Tarn agein. So what is rising from the depths of Alex' mind this time? (Yes, I know. Wait for the next chapter!)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Well, I agree that Beowulf and the other poems should be read out loud, but it does help if you actually know *how* it's supposed to sound. Poor Alex doesn't have a clue about Old English. It might as well be written in Greek or Vulcan for all the good reading it out loud would do him. He would do better with Shakespeare and Frost.

As for what is rising from the depths of Alex's mind this time with regards to Winterdark Tarn, we'll see that in the next couple of chapters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
The Master would be proud, I think, to see Beowulf referenced here, seeing how familiar with it he was. The realization of the similarity between Grendel's mere and the tarn in which Alex lost himself was obviously a shock. Loved seeing Valandur taking stock of the lack of defenses in Alex's office. And Felicity is game--good enough!

Author Reply: I wrote this chapter long, long before I even knew that they were going to publish Tolkien's own translation of this poem. I used Heaney's as being the most recent, but it certainly is a nod to Tolkien's own knowledge of the poem. Alex's shock is understandable and Val is just so cool about everything. He could give James Bond lessons, I think. And Felicity is a real trooper as we will see. Thanks for leaving a comment, Larner. It's much appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 55 on 7/7/2014
Love Val In the office. He is going to be hard to pry away from the school. I suspect Alex's professors would love to talk to him as well. The comparison of Beowulf to the tarn is fantastic. I thought we mind find that Beowulf is a remnant of an elf tale. Good chapter. Thanks.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Val is pretty cool here, isn't he? I think eventually he'll end up teaching at the college, either at Elf Academy or as a linguistics professor. They'll have to create a whole new department just for him. *grin* I'm glad you liked the comparison of Beowulf to the tarn. That particular passage is very haunting, whether in translation or in the original language. It's one of my favorite sections of the poem.

Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it very much.

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