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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 17 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
I see that Glorfindel is a talented guy - he manages to get into trouble while being flat on his back in the hospital. It no doubt has to do with being Reborn.

"A bored Reborn is a dangerous Reborn." Oh my yes!! This squared and cubed!!!

So the Twins have taken it on the lam, and have taken Sarah with them. Nobody is going to be happy about that, but who is going to be able to stop them? The only one who would have been able to rein them in is laid up in toe hospital, and is definitely not in a shape to go anywhere, having just barely avoided getting killed by one of his healers (accidentally, I admit that.) Vorondur might have been able to talk them out of leaving, but I see Elladan has convinced her to just leave a note instead of talking to her parents.

Things are tense before, but this might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back - I suspect the situation is going to go up like a nuke, with fallout everywhere, and the newbies just don't know the modern society well enough to be able to do cleanup.

So the Valar have plans for the Twins and Sarah, do they? I'm getting really worried. And don't the Twins have enough to deal with right now anyway?

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I'm sure Glorfindel would agree with you there. LOL!

And no one is going to be very happy about the Twins, especially taking Sarah with them. She and Roy may be almost married, but "almost" isn't the same as "is", especially where conservative Elves are concerned. We'll see what the ramifications of them just leaving the way they have in the next few chapters as certain people learn about them leaving and why they did so.

As for the plans the Valar have for them... we'll just have to see what they are. Not all plans come with a warning label. *grin*

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
That is so cool seeing things from Glorfindel's disembodied perspective. This one of my favorite chapters in the story, I must admit. His love for the twins is very great and rules him even when he can't rule himself. I wonder if they understand just how much he cares for those two. The twins have been his sons longer than they have been Elrond's if you go by how long they have been in the care of each. Olorin is wonderful as usual and really should know better than to let his attention wander so that a wily spirit like Glorfindel's can escape. Poor Glorfindel!

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. It was fun to show this whole scene from 'the other side' so to speak and who better to show us than Glorfindel? This was a lot of fun to write. I doubt if the Twins really understand how much Glorfindel cares for them. Unless they're parents as well, I think it's hard for children to truly appreciate that depth of love that one can have for another, especially for one's child, whether of one's loins or adopted as Glorfindel as evidently adopted Dan and Roy.

And even a Maia like Olórin can get distracted. He was probably enjoying the show and perhaps remembering times earlier when he was last in Middle-earth and how certain Mortals acted around certain Elves.

Thanks for taking the time from your super-busy schedule to leave a review, Ellie. It's very much appreciated.

FV_WhisperReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
This might sound a bit anxious, but I actually could not wait today before I could turn on the computer to read!

Praises for how you managed to put actually a fair deal of humor in a chapter in such a dire situation.

A bored Reborn is a dangerous Reborn *snickers* And if that Reborn is Glorfindel, it counts twice I'd say! No wonder Olórin is having a hard time with him.

I've been waiting for Lord Námo to show up ever since Glorfindel got ino this mess, he saves the day nicely but he also convinces me more and more the Valar are having their own plans in this mess, and unfortunately for everyone involved, they like to make things uhmm, interesting before they come to an end.

So the Twins are slipping away huh? Glorfindel is right, running away is not a good thing, but sometimes it will help to take a break and look at things from a distance. In normal cases, that would be, not when the Valar have their own plans for them. Like I just said, they like things interesting, and Námo was just a bit too amused with them.

Author Reply: Hi FV_Whisper. Glorfindel certainly is a handful, in and out of body. LOL!

The Valar are definitely hip deep in it and wading even further out, one might say. We'll be seeing just what plans they have and just how long they've been in the making. More is going on than even the Elves truly suspect as we head for the endgame.

And an amused Námo is oft times a dangerous Námo. LOL!

Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
Hm, yes, I don't think Namo wants Glorfindel cluttering up his Halls again! He had enough trouble getting rid of him the last time!

Oh, Kiddos running away never solves anything and taking Serinde with you might not be the wisest thing you have ever done, not that I blame you. There needs to be some major attitude adjustments all round and what Finrod is going to say when he finds out...

I'll take my popcorn buttered please, just a little salt!

Not surprised there are a few Maia about and Olorin needs to keep his mind on his business!

Still in my comfy spot on the cliff, I have my tablet so can keep busy while I wait.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. Here's your popcorn, ma'am, and would you like a soda to go with it? LOL!

We'll see what Finrod thinks about it all in the next chapter. You may have noticed that no one's thought to contact him yet so he has no idea what just went down. Some people are going to regret that lapse.

Thanks for your comments. They're always appreciated. Hugs back.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
Figured Namo would have to stuff him in, as you so elegantly put it. You would also think the twins would have learned by now about running away, but I do not blame them at all. It may be safer for others if they are out of the way briefly. Thanks.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Well, Finrod did say that while a Maia can keep a fëa anchored in its hröa, it takes a Vala to get it back inside if it happens to get out. If Glorfindel had voluntarily gone back in that would've been one thing, but since he didn't, Námo had to do it for him.

And I think the Twins are too angry and upset to be thinking straight at this point. They just know that they need to get away before they start doing terrible things to certain people. *grin* So, you're right that it will be safer all around for them to be out of the way for a while.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. It's always appreciated.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
After the last few chapters, this is just what was needed. Nice and calm, with Glorfindel floating or strolling around. I really liked his detached assessment of what is going on.

Namo and Co. have plans for Dan, Roy and Sarah? That sounds a bit... ominous. But, however, even if those three are going away for a while, it doesn't mean that Sarah can't come to try the dress on and go away again. It will just be frustating to her mother.

Author Reply: Hi someone. Yes, we needed a bit of calm and seeing everything from Glorfindel's POV helps. As for the Valar's plans for Dan, Roy and Sarah and what comes of them, we'll see soon enough. Thanks for leaving a review. It's greatly appreciated.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 30 on 4/11/2014
Poor Loren glad someone was there to help him find his way back. Now we know where they all went. wonder what the Vala has planned for them all. LOL

Now for all to understand that no one is more important than any other race... Maybe someone should remind them of the dwarfs..or that Legolas should meet up with one that looks like Gimli. :)

it might help to remind a few what it was like and how it is now kind of sort of the same.....

Author Reply: Hi Laer. We'll find out what the Valar have planned for the Twins and Serindë soon enough but not immediately. And certainly lessons are needed all around here. We'll see how certain people learn them (or don't) as the story progresses. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

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