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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 16 Review(s)
KevanaReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
Helena, honey. :( She must be struggling with some kind of big inner conflict if she has feelings for Glorfindel yet would believe such things about him and doubt his value. I am sad for her. I can only imagine how much it would grieve her grandparents, who both love Glorfindel so much, and who surely would not have taught their children or grandchildren that people are only to be valued on their titles?! I wonder if she's been listening to whispers in the wind, and not the good kind that come from Olórin. Maybe Helena ought to be like Finrod and get thrown to the tender mercies of working under some Mortal a tiny fraction of her age.

As for Glorfindel...they need to equip him with a GPS chip, the way they tag whales or wolves so scientists can track them. Same for Alex. In fact, just go ahead and chip them all. Save yourselves some trouble, folks. :P At least hang a cow bell around his neck or something. Poor fellow, can't win for losing, can he?

Organizational politics are not pleasant and that's when you *don't* have the end of the world looming over your head. The Elves need some well-placed Mortal allies to back them up and they need them badly. If the Valar are serious about not being denied, George Stillman and his fellows might be in for some rough times themselves. Not that they'd ever hurt him but, well, what Fionwë said.

Domino effects rarely stop easily, I have a feeling there's a long line of them still waiting to get knocked over.

On the lighter side:

“Nothing wrong with that,” Elrohir said with a huff, then he gave them a wicked grin. “Some of my best friends are Mortals. I just wouldn’t want one of them marrying my sister.”

Fiondil, you evil man, you deserve to get something thrown at your head for that one. I nearly choked. I will be laughing at this one for a thousand years.

And that song, oh good grief! I roll my eyes every time I hear it. I'm with you, Ercassë. Give me Miranda Lambert over Brad Paisley any day. *grin*

Welp, looks like it's time to visit my waiting spot on the cliff edge. See y'all back here Monday. Awesome chapter, Fiondil! Tension is building and I'm getting chills, expecting something to explode and I'm rubbing my hands and cackling wickedly at it. Love!

Take care,

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. Helena does have issues and it's unfortunate that they are with Glorfindel. I'm sure she genuinely loves him (or thinks she does) but you know that it's the people closest to us who usually hurt us the most, whether intentionally or not.

LOL! on equipping Glorfindel with a GPS chip. I bet the Valar would love to do that. Save them any amount of trouble.

And I couldn't resist Elrohir's quip. It was too funny not to use it, especially coming from him.

Glad you liked the chapter. We'll see how things progress from here in the next chapter. I'm afraid life will be very interesting for our intrepid heroes for a while longer.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's always appreciated. Have a good weekend.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
Oh my, oh my, oh dinosaur, what has Helena done? Insert knife and twist, huh? The Valar were being rather optimistic in thinking that a severe talking to would change feelings.

Love Ron in this, then again I always love Ron. Edhellond has suffered a very great loss in his moving out to a haven of his own. I'm glad Daeron is talking to him though. Daeron needs the therapy. I hope his girlfriend doesn't turn on him as well. I have to wonder if all that is coming to pass right now would have happened if Ron had not moved away. Hey, let's blame Ron. Yeah! Poor guy.

I had forgotten all about that "I'm Still a Guy" song. I still remember when I first heard it and then told you about it when you sent this scene for beta. Oh my! LOL!

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Ron is cool. What can I say? And Daeron is smart to go to him to talk. He needs it, I'm sure, with all the tensions and divided loyalties.

I'm glad you found the song for me. It fit perfectly here. Thanks and thanks for reviewing. You know how appreciative I am.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
Oh dear! Poor Glorfindel--to hear one he thought had regard for him (and perhaps more) to speak to him in that way! Well, I knew her attitude had to come out sooner or later but that was very dramatic! I can't blame him from storming off and I have a feeling that she's going to find herself ostracized now--which she thoroughly deserves. As Serinde said "What a snot!"

His use of Denethor's words were very apt.

And the others are right: he'd never neglect his responsibility no matter how angry or upset--but something extraordinary must have happened. Best case scenario: he's been waylaid by one of the Valar. Worst case: he's been waylaid by an enemy. And then there are possibilities in between.

Yet what niggles at me are the hints of trouble at the Academy. That's really sinister...


Author Reply: Hi Dreamflower. It was pretty rough for him, that's for sure. We'll find out next time what happened to him to cause him to not show up for his class. As for hints of trouble at the Academy, or rather, with the college, well, it may not be strictly sinister, just politics and that can be headache enough even in mortal terms. Thanks for reading and reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
Domino effect indeed. You title says it all. I liked the song too. Monday's update is greatly anticipated. Thank you.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. It's a funny song, that's for sure. And the title does indeed say it all. We'll see how true it is come Monday. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
This was a hard chapter to read with all the arguments going on. It had to be a gut wrenching revelation for Glorfindel to hear Helyanwe basically tell him that he was less than the gum on Finrod's shoe when it had seemed earlier in the story that Helyanwe and Glorfindel were enjoying each other's company. If I remember your story from Elf Interrupted, Glorfindel was never treated as a subordinate of Finrod, but instead adopted into Finrod's family as a son and brother. And it seems that until Finrod returns home from work, Helyanwe is still not aware that she has done anything wrong in arguing with Glorfindel. It's going to take some strong interactions to get Helyanwe and possibly some of the other Valerian elves to see that they are causing a lot of damage among the entire group of elves.

Author Reply: Hi rikki. Yes, it's a very hard chapter to read. Your memory serves you well. Glorfindel was pretty much adopted into Finrod's family and treated accordingly. Helyanwë, unfortunately, sees only the title (or lack thereof) instead of the person, a failing not just of Elves, either. We'll see what the consequences of all this is in the next chapter. Thanks for taking the time to review. It's very much appreciated.

CelethReviewed Chapter: 24 on 3/21/2014
Oh, please let Glorfindel still be in one piece!!!

Poor Glorfindel, it was really a bad time for Helyanwe to be airing her views, just when he had a hard day topped off by what seems like a confrontation with the "anti-Elf" George Stillman.

I always thought that Glorfindel had royal blood because Gandalf himself said that he is an Elf-lord of a house of princes, one of the mighty of the Firstborn. That must have hurt, being told that he should submit to Finrod because he is not a Prince and merely a lord of a house that no longer exists. It would hurt coming from anyone, but it would be worse coming from someone whom you thought loved you.

Author Reply: Hi Celeth. We'll find out what happened to Glorfindel in the next chapter. Yeah, it's been a bad day for him and it will only get worse. Gandalf's description of him is a bit vague. I have him of noble blood and an adopted son of the King of the Noldor so that rather covers things for him, but I'm afraid Helena doesn't see it this way and she's not alone in her feelings. At any rate, we'll see what happens soon enough. Thanks for reviewing. It's appreciated.

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