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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 19 Review(s)
SunnyReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Oh yes, just because Vorondur is now a psychiatrist, that doesn't mean he has forgotten how to fight. And I'm certain he has forgotten more dirty fighting tricks than Alex has ever learned.
And I'm sure the collective knowledge of fighting that the Elves have amassed will be useful when they open the doors to the first group of wannabe zombie hunters, though they should definitely also get Mortals like Paul Pettingill involved as well. I'm sure they will do a booming business, though sorting out the people they want to recruit from the loonies might be a chore. They might also consider getting in touch with the SCA, then they would also have a reason to play with their own weapons. Swords and such, that is.
Here's a SCA-related vid for your amusement: *snickers*
And I certainly wouldn't mind buying some real Elvish stuff - I have bought lots of hairtoys (and other things) online, mostly on Etsy, but also on Ebay and a few other places. :-)

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. Thanks for the link. It was a lot of fun.

And you're right about Ron having forgotten more about dirty fighting than Alex has ever learned. We tend to forget that, as Alex has, and possibly Derek. Well, they've been disabused of that for sure.

And the SCA... hmmm....

Thanks for commenting. I appreciate you taking the time to do so very much.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Oo!, Zombie Boot Camp! Craft Store, E-Bay! Though Etsy might be better for crafts. Good suggestions. Let me know when they open up the internet store!

Both Alex and Derek have issues, their own and together, getting those figured out will go a long way towards easing tensions within the group.

Finding a purpose for the Valinor Gang other than preparing for the Dagor Dagoreth will also do a lot, not that they aren't working on that.

I wonder if Vivian(Vaire) could give them some tips?


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. LOL!

Yeah, Alex and Derek both have issues, but hopefully this little demonstration of Ron's will get them figured out. It will certainly help ease the tensions within the group.

Vivian... nice name. I'm sure Vairë would approve. *grin*

Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated. Hugs back.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Dude! I saw the first four words of the title and went "sign me up!" before even reading the story. Best chapter title ever!

I am so happy at this turn of events. Derek, you're a genius. You can't have a decent Apocalypse without zombies, after all. ;) For real, I'd be all over that, camo gear and paintball guns and chasing through the woods. And I'm a klutzy dork with zero survival skills, so I'm sure the more wilderness-experienced people would jump at the chance even faster.

Hopefully the whole zombie thing won't freak out the Elves the way the werewolf thing did Finrod, since there's not really an equivalent in their world (at least that I can recall).

Ron's action was a surprise, but I'm glad he was the one to drive that lesson home to Alex. Alex and Derek haven't had much of a chance to see the Elves in full-on action, and I guess it's true about familiarity and contempt. Ron's probably one of the few people who could do that without Alex actually fighting back, or at least I imagine so.

As touchy as this whole situation is, it seems there's a lot of growth still to come on all sides here. I really enjoy how you've made it clear that nobody – not the Elves, not the Mortals, not the Maiar – are perfect and all are going to get things wrong and hopefully learn from it all. As I prefer to see it, there's not really a "right" side in these scuffles, just a bunch of people dealing with themselves and some pretty heavy stuff. Just my take anyway and something I greatly enjoy about your writing.

But for real...ZOMBIES.

There's an awesome podcast program for beginning runners called Zombies, Run! I was doing it last fall before I hurt my knee and had to switch to swimming. It's fantastic, there's a storyline going on with characters that help train you as if you're wearing a headset and learning to be a "runner" for a post-Apocalypse settlement. You have to run places and avoid zombies while collecting supplies. And sometimes you'll run into mobs of zombies and have to speed up to get away from them, you can hear them growling in your ear while people on your headset yell at you to hurry up and escape. It's great motivation and very immersive. *grin*

I totally recommend it to anybody, it's available as an app for smartphones and it's just a few dollars. If you're not into running, you can also do it on a stationary bike or just walking (or sitting on your couch, although that's not as fun).

Have a fantastic weekend! We went from snow to 70 degrees in a week, I think the ocean is calling my name.

Author Reply: Hi Kevana. I thought the title was one of my better ones. *grin*

Not into zombie hunting myself though I've had to write about various paintball markers and zombie targets and the like for my job so I'm fairly familiar with it all. I'm like you, a total survival klutz. The podcast app though sounds like fun. Too bad I don't have a smartphone. *grin*

Anyway, you're right that probably only Ron could've taken Alex down without Alex fighting back. I'm sure Ron has impressed the hell out of Alex and Derek with his move and it reminds them that here is someone who may have put his sword up but hasn't stopped being a warrior and never will. Hopefully, Alex's own attitude will improve.

And since all these people from the Valar on down are created beings, then it stands to reason that none of them can be perfect, though some are capable of achieving perfection better than others. All have flaws and blind spots and that's what makes them interesting as characters. If they were absolutely perfect, especially the Valar, Maiar and Elves, what would be the point? Perfection, when you stop to think about it, is boring. It's the strive toward perfection (or away from it) that makes life interesting for us.

Wish I could join you at the beach, but while it's warmer than it has been, it's still winter here, but enjoy the ocean anyway and have a great weekend yourself. Thanks for taking the time to review before heading for the waves. It's much appreciated.

someoneReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Those employment ideas are excellent, and they can develop them into any direction. "Real historial/fantasy clothing made to your measurements" could be one for some of the ellith. I'm pretty sure, too, that they have some gardening tips up their sleeve and could start a business that improves damaged landscapes after acid rain or something.

Nice, relatively calm chapter. They should go on a zombie boot camp, all of them, and shoot at each other with paintballs until all the anger is used up.

P.S. Vorondur rocks.

Author Reply: Vorondur rocks, indeed, someone. LOL! And your suggestions for other types of employment are very doable. I'm sure the Elves will think along similar lines once they get going. And you're right that sending them all to a zombie hunter boot camp somewhere and having them take their anger out on each other that way would be a good thing. Probably won't happen, but you never know. Thanks for leaving a review. It's always appreciated.

MonalexReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Hello Fiondil!!

I understand that Alex was being disrespectful of the Elves and that he needed to be taken down a peg, but really why most the mortals always apologies for any disrespect when the Elves never do so?? I saw that none of the Elves that were in the discussion before apologized for their prejudice and arrogance against the mortals and even their fellow Wiseman Elves... It's just not fair!! Is it really supposed to be the mortals always serving the Elves?? Is Alex always going to be held below the Elves, never allowing him to state his opinion of their actions??

I am guessing that in this camp they will learn sword fighting and archery, typical Elvish Fighting techniques, but are they also going to add pistol and rifle shooting and martial arts?? This is how modern warfare is being held and something the Enemy will use to his advantage, so it would be very important they include it!! Guess this means that the Elves considered warriors from Valinor will have to perforce learn and start training themselves in modern warfare (pistol and rifle shooting, electronical equipment, bombs, etc)It would be great to see them acquiring this new skill!! Learning for once something from the mortals!! It would also help the Wiseman Elves in showing up to the Valioneran Elves and maybe the prejudice between this two groups would diminish.

And Alex and Derek are right, sell the idea of a Camp for Zombie Hunters and they will come in droves!! Hahahaha...the way the mortal mind works, they can play with that!! And through it select the mortals they want to recruit and take them to and advance course or something like it where the real training begins!! :D And they could make a big company that encompasses all of the items the elves make, I'm quite sure mortals will buy if they make or do objects with a sense of the ancient!!

Great Chapter!! You had a lot of very interesting ways in which the Elves can adapt to this mortal society. :)


Author Reply: Hi Monalex. It's true that the Elves should also be apologizing for their attitudes toward Mortals, but Alex was crossing a line here with Ron and Ron responded appropriately in taking him down as he did to show that Alex can't have it all his own way and that all choices have consequences. Now that the air has been cleared between these two, maybe things will get better. We'll have to see.

Anyway, since the zombie hunter boot camp would involve weapons that are mil-sims of modern weapons, the Elves will need to learn how to use them as well. I think the training will eventually cover all kinds of weapons, both modern and ancient, with the Wiseman Elves perhaps handling the modern aspects of warfare at first while the Valinóreans deal with more traditional weapons. It will be a partnership, which is the whole point.

Thanks for reviewing. It's greatly appreciated.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Okay, Yum on the chocolate cream pie :-)

Everyone involved in this story has an attitude, and most of them need to adjust it in some way before things get out of hand - which they already seem to be threatening to do. Any time peace is acheived it is tenuous at best lately.

Ron is a frightening individual for all of his calm and clinical behavior. I tend to forget that about him. It is a bit scary really.

Author Reply: Hi Ellie. Yeah, chocolate cream pie. Yum.

You're right about everyone in the story having an attitude and that most of them need adjusting. And Ron is indeed a frightening individual. His past is full of darkness as well as light and, as he reminds Alex, he was a warrior long before he ever became a psychiatrist. He's still a warrior, though he's now fighting a different kind of war, a war for the minds and souls of Mortals experiencing emotional turmoil brought on either by life circumstances or by disease.

Anyway, thanks for leaving a review. You know how much I appreciate it.

LeoglinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
The title was priceless!! I read it and started laughing. Of course Findrod's insistence on an explanation was pretty funny. The zombie training camp is a perfect ruse. It will bring in more money for the Elves, as well as create added tourism to the town itself. Everyone could potentially benefit.

Hopefully this doesn't sound rude, but I'm glad that Vorondur took Alex down a peg (literally lol). It's understandable everyone is a little on edge, but sometimes his attitude... *shakes head* Hopefully now that the air is a little cleared, at least where he, Derek and Vorondur are concerned, they can help to improve dispositions all around.

I will look forward to Monday's chapter! Thank you again for posting such a great series.


Author Reply: Hey Lin. Glad you liked the title. Told you you would get a kick out of it. *grin*

Alex does have an attitude problem, and not necessarily all having to do with the Elves, though it's most evident when he's dealing with them. Ron was right to take him down a peg or two. I'm sure both Alex and Derek are rethinking some hard truths by now.

I'm glad you are enjoying this series. Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate it. See you Monday.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
Your wonderful title says it all. Fantastic chapter. Thank you.

Author Reply: You're most welcome, UTfrog. Glad you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 2/21/2014
LOL love the idea of Zombie camp. they will be making some good money with that one. Also love the idea of them opening up their own shop. I would buy from them.So let me think, going to zombie camp and getting some swag to go with it..yep. I'd go broke. but I would be a prepared zombie killing machine who would look stylish while doing so. Glad that Derek and Alex are on better terms with the elves. I miss the interaction with them all. Including Zach and the rest of the mortals.. Ah well. I'm going to sit back and wait for the ads to appear so I can get registered now. :)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. Hey! If you're going to go out and slay zombies, who says you can't also look stylish at the same time? LOL! I'm glad you liked the chapter, but I'm afraid you'll be waiting a long time for that ad to appear. *grin* Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

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