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Elf Academy 3: The Enemy Within  by Fiondil 15 Review(s)
MonalexReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/14/2014
Hello Fiondil!

And another review that starts with: Poor Glorfindel! I feel that soon he will find himself without friends and it's not fair that they treat someone with their best interests at heart this way. I hope he will have some elves supporting him... at least the Wiseman Elves, otherwise I will feel pretty badly for him. Being thrown aside as an "enemy" simply because he did not share Finrod's point of view, when it is clear that no one has taken the time to see his.

So my solution is, that this "intelligence agency" trick Glorfindel and Finrod into a room which will conveniently close in on them, then wait until they air out their differences and apologise to each other. It would be good that they talk about their problems, stresses and responsibilities, to better understand where the other is coming from (Finrod emotionally depressed and suffering cultural shock and Glorfindel stressed from his responsibilities and alones) I mean their "brothers", siblings always fight, doesn't mean we don't love each other though.

Love that Olorin will play a part! Just what we need... someone to calm the waters with the mortals, so all the good work the Wiseman elves have made is not lost while in this misunderstanding. Now we know what Lord Manwe meant by "beware the enemy within", at least one explanation, it can apply to many other scenarios.

Love the story as always!


Author Reply: Hi Monalex. Well your solution certainly has merits, but I'm afraid it isn't in the cards this go around. You'll have to wait and see how it all turns out in the next chapter. Some hard truths will be driven home to a lot of people.

And the "enemy within" can take so many different forms that if you're not paying attention you might not realize what is happening. We will see this even more so as the story progresses.

Thanks for leaving a review. I appreciate you doing so very much.

SunnyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/14/2014
You should calm down, Nick - Finrod isn't interested in you in _that_ way! ;-)

It doesn't take much for the gossip mill to start, and I guess that would be true even in Aman. The doings of any of the Elves would be excellent gossip fodder, but Glorfindel and Finrod most of all. A bit of thought would have made that very clear to anybody, so Erestor defintely should have engaged his brain before opening his mouth.

Alex and Derek have some very good points here, hope the Elves are willing to take them seriously, and not just dismiss their concerns just because they are Mortals. I do think that Amroth and Vorondur, at least, are listening, and hopefully the reprimand Valandur got has woken him up to the fact that, no, he's not in Kansas - or Valinor - anymore. (And Fiondil, that was one truly GREAT reprimand!)

Hye! It looks as if Gandalf the Grey is back, but in a 21-century version!

Author Reply: Hi Sunny. I'm sure Nick will realize that Finrod doesn't mean anything by it and he's loosen up.

Glad you liked the reprimand. It needed to be said and Alex is the one to say it.

We'll see how seriously the Elves take Alex and Derek. The Wiseman Elves, I think, will have no problem listening to what they have to say; the Valinórean Elves may be a different matter. Valandur is a smart cookie, and certainly smarter than most, so I think he'll get with the program.

And even wizards have to upgrade their image every once in a while. *grin*

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/14/2014
Underestimating mortals is a problem the elves have yet to overcome. I am thrilled that Olorin is on the job. Thanks

Author Reply: That's for sure, UTfrog. We'll see how successful they are at it. I'm glad you are thrilled that Olórin is on the job. He knows how to get things done and having lived in Middle-earth and interacted with both Mortals and Elves, he is the best Maia for it. Thanks for reviewing. It's much appreciated.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/14/2014
Gandalf! I would love him to come and visit me. :) Elves, I would be ok meeting one, until I looked in their eyes. Then I would more than likely be insane...wait...I already am. Ok freaked out. I always thought that once you looked into their eyes you couldn't help but see the stars; and for the older elves, the two trees. But I am rambling.

I wondered if these altercations might not cause issues with the mortals and the elves. How dare the elves act..well, human. Stress of being almost killed (again), of almost getting "children" killed, in such a foreign place, so far from loved ones...they should still be perfect. Like all the fan fiction makes them out to be. But not the child molesting (Legolas with a teenager, Loren with a get it). They look perfect so they should be perfect.

siiigggghhh. Guess we all need a guiding light of some kind.

Maybe two?

Author Reply: We do indeed all need a guiding light of some kine, Laer. We'll see how things work out for the Elves and their Mortal friends as the story progresses. Thanks for leaving a comment. It's much appreciated.

SarahReviewed Chapter: 14 on 2/14/2014
*suddenly realizes why Lindorillë's name looked so familiar* Honestly, I think I need to print out your Character lists and keep them by me when I read this. I'm astonished by the number of little em, "nods" you have to your other stories (and I love them).

Poor Finrod, still having trouble with Mortal fiction. I was never terribly fond of 'Vampiric/Werewolf' fiction myself, whether they sparkled or not :-)

This "series" Nick mentions wouldn't happen to have a real-world counterpart, would it? While my Tolkien brain immediately thought of Aegnor & Andreth, I was also reminded somewhat of Tam Lin, or what little I remember of it. Oh no, this is going to eat at me until i figure it out, I just know it.

Sidenote concerning previous chapters:

All of my Briggs nerd friends were very excited when I told them that you intended to type some of their most beloved characters. One of them actually shares a type with Valandur, and they are remarkably similar in interests and in terms of their chosen field of study. It's actually a little weird.

Anyway, when I read about his Nolan I couldn't help but laugh, since it rang so true for what I've observed of my friend as well. I might have even convinced her to make her way through your stories. :-)

Happy Friday!

Author Reply: Hi Sarah. Cool about your friend sharing a type with Valandur and being very similar to him in many ways. That does seem a little weird, but it just shows how accurate these types are. And if your friend actually does take a look at my stories, maybe she will enjoy them as much as you do. *grin*

Anyway, the series Nick mentions, though he gets the premise somewhat wrong, is Barbara Ashford's Crossroads series. So far there are two books out: "Spellcast" and "Spellcrossed". They're lots of fun and I enjoyed them very much.

Thanks for leaving a review. It's very much appreciated.

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