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Fragments of a love story  by Nesta 38 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/23/2009
I just loved the idea of the moon festival.

Author Reply: I think Ithilien would have to have one! And I suspect there were a lot of sore heads after it, as well.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/22/2009
I always think too that Eldarion ought to marry Faramir's daughter,it is so fitting that the Kings and Stewards should be united.You make Ithilien sound a beautiful place.

Author Reply: Ithilien has to be beautiful, hasn't it? I'd love to live there. In fact I would cheerfully scrub floors in Emyn Arnen if I knew Faramir walked on them occasionally. I'm a very bad case, I'm afraid!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/22/2009
What a beautiful chapter!I have always loved the idea of Faramir having a special bond with a daughter and created one between him and his Elestelle in my stories.I think the Numenorean lineage makes it likely.
It is lovely to see Faramir and Eowyn so happy again.

Author Reply: Well, what a lucky girl she is, however you name her!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/22/2009
Poor Eowyn!This could so easily happen.I really felt for little Elboron here.

Author Reply: I think it often does happen that a woman who's had a stillborn child just switches off. Nowadays people would be buzzing around offering her 'therapy', but I think it's almost always better to let people find their own way out, while giving them all the support you can - and not getting frustrated and angry if, for a time, they can't give you anything in return.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/22/2009
Turin is breaking my heart here.

Author Reply: Yes, he's a sad case in a way, but unlike similar people in our own world, he hasn't been labelled or considered 'disabled' - they let him find a place where his talents could do most good and his personality least harm, including to himself. I honestly think that's the best way.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/22/2009
You're so brave to suggest that Lothiriel was unhappy! So brave to suggest that any of the canon romances ended in an unhappy marriage. And yet, that seems real.

Author Reply: A lot of Eomer fans would object to this, I know. I just get the feeling - on no strong evidence, I admit - that the poor girl was pressured into the marriage by her father, who was thick as thieves with Eomer.

Eowyn and Faramir's marriage could be seen as equally suitable, but I can't see Eowyn being pressured into marrying him if she didn't want to. Nor would Faramir go along with it, of course.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/22/2009
I love the idea of the moon festival and the dance. I've never seen anything like it. It's so fae.

Author Reply: Well, in a way it's just imitated from Lúthien's dance, which seems to have been vey near the core of Tolkien's relationship with his secondary world. (He had 'Lúthien' put on his wife's tombstone and 'Beren' on his own.) But it's very much part of how I see Fíriel, as well.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/22/2009
he never expected thanks for being what he was.

That's an utterly fabulous line, and so apt for Faramir.

Author Reply: I always think of that when I read the bit where Denethor lays into Faramir for not bringing back the Ring. I wonder how many other times he did the best he could and then got a kick in the teeth from Dad. You have to be very strong-minded and self-reliant - and plain good - to put up with that kind of treatment. (That's why I hate the movie 'Faramir' - such a wimp. Ugh.)

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