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Lords of Gondor  by Linaewen 221 Review(s)
BMReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2009
Checking in again to let you know that I had been wondering what you would do with Boromir and much you would attempt to stick to cannon, and can say that I was surprised at your solution--but very happy with it, as well, since it keeps the three hunters and the events in Rohan intact and true to the book. You've got an excellent story going here! Now I'm just wondering who will find Boromir first and how you are going to continue to work him into the rest of the story. I'm looking forward to more!

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2009
It would have been easier on us all if you had fainted! - Still laughing - but it also would have been easier on Boromir!!!

prepare a litter for my carrying, and not a bier - my sentiments eactly - but then Aragorn reassures him - thankfully.... The man needs someone to give him the strength needed to get past what he has just endured and what he will endure - I can't see the walk (even carried) as very comfortable!

"I see the truth," he said through his tears, "yet still I desire It! - This was so sad to read, even tho we know he no longer hears the Ring, the hope is still there for some victory, some help for Gondor. He is still suffering the effects, the lies, of the Ring.

the shards of his sword - Oh! I'm glad he's got his sword - that's, I think, thanks to Aragorn.

His mouth twisted ruefully, - very difficult times for Boromir of Gondor - swallowing his pride and his dreams and his NEED to help Aragorn as well as his people....

half in hope that one, at least, would turn back to remain with him - Poor Boromir - even being the great Captain of Gondor...

I can only sit and hope that Denethor sends aid soon!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/18/2009
Ah, Boromir is wise enough, I think, to survive now. And I can see the ambivalence here, as he knows all three should go but he still wishes--privately and with competing hope they will not do so--at least one might remain with him.

Now, to see Denethor's folk find him!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/14/2009
The first arrow removed--now to the others. And poor Faramir--forbidden to assist in the search!

Author Reply: Poor Faramir, indeed! I considered letting him go, actually, when I first was writing this -- but that would have changed things so much later on, I can't even begin to think of what would have happened. ;-)

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/13/2009
I love poor Boromir's bravado.... no - not too bad - yeah right! I'm dying here - the pain is incredible : )

Oh dear - when the poor man cried, Help me... I thought I'd die... would take a lot to make this Man from Gondor cry for help.

It's fun to see Legolas and Gimli just running about obeying Aragorn's orders - at last, Boromir's wounding seems to have 'jolted' the Northerner into leadership! I did wonder about the stick... The fixing of the patch and the aftermath - waiting to see if it worked - was harrowing... for me as well as for Boromir and his friends!

Oh my! I loved the arrow quote - mirroring dear Pippin's to Denethor! and the crook of Aragorn's eyebrow as he surveyed the damage Boromir had done... not enough indeed! Well written!

I loved Denethor's knowledge of the Horn and all it's different sounds.

Oh and poor Faramir - of course he would plan to join the search!

GREAT chapter again. Cannot wait for the next installment - I feel like I'm watching the Perils of Pauline or some such - sitting on the edge of my seat. Waiting, always waiting.

Author Reply: I think only Aragorn could get Boromir to actually admit he was in pain, because of course, one can't really fool the healer.

I think this healing of Boromir really did get Aragorn back on the path of taking leadership; he saw here he was the only one who could make a difference, which applies in other ways as well. Once he realized that, he would see all the possibilities and be free to move forward at last.

Thank you for your good review, and even more, for following my tale!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/10/2009
Ah--the healing hands of the King augmented by the presence of the Elessar stone, and so they have a chance! Wonderful!

Author Reply: I love that you mention the Elessar stone -- that really was part of Aragorn's healing ability, wasn't it? He had the power and the ability, but the stone augmented it. I always was certain that if Aragorn had arrived in time, he most certainly would have been able to help Boromir.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/10/2009
Oh, all, all too likely to have been the way of it, and good weaving in of movie-verse images.

Author Reply: Thank you for reading! I'm pleased to know the movie-verse images are properly woven in. I am trying to stick with book canon as much as possible when I write, but sometimes, those images from the film are just so strong and fitting to the tale!

Esquire_of_RohanReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/10/2009
This is very good so far. I am looking forward to the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you for reading -- and for letting me know you enjoyed it!

BMReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/9/2009
very nicely done! While I'm a Faramir and Aragorn fan, I've always felt sorry for the loss of Boromir. I know, I know--in such a tale as this, to have all the heroes survive would be a bit fantastic, but hey--it's high fantasy! And after all, Theoden, Theodred, Denethor, and Halbarad all died, so what's the harm in letting Boromir survive?


Anyway, as you can see, I have often wondered how things would change if Boromir were allowed to live, but must say that many of the stories I have found that broached that topic have been less than thrilling. But yours is very believable! You are doing an excellent job so far in blending in the story and a very plausible explanation for Boromir's survival that makes it believable! You've done a great job in getting into the character's heads and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you have planned. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting it!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your lovely review! I am happy you find the tale believable, that is what I most want to accomplish. It's not good enough to have Boromir alive, he has to be alive in a way that actually works. ;-)

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/9/2009
Okay – this is going to be a very difficult story to read – even though you’ve already told us Boromir lives – the tension is incredible. You have captured the Man of Gondor so fully – the tiredness spurring him on instead of cowing him. Excellent.

I meant to mention the fact that Gondor was on his mind, though shortly, in the last chapter. But here, even in the midst of his pain and fatigue and sorrow, he still turns to his City….

Sadly, the curse he made now haunts him…. As well as his attempt to take the Ring, but Aragorn sees through it all and still sees hope and honor. Bless him!

I absolutely adored the respect and friendship that you so awesomely show between these two men. It takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes.

It does seem that there is hope that Aragorn can save Boromir.

Excellent chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you! I, too, had tears in my eyes as I wrote this chapter. The friendship between Aragorn and Boromir is very important to me, and this was a good situation for it to be revealed.

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