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At Hope's Edge  by Cairistiona 16 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
What to say, and what to leave unsaid, that is often difficult.

Alas for the one who will be king, now when all looks otherwise.

Lovely impressions of his life amongst his own folk.

Author Reply: Thank you, Larner! I do really want to paint the life of the Dúnedain with my stories, so I'm glad you commented on that. I think it must have been so hard, waiting so many years, watching the world grow darker and more evil, and not being able to do anything toward reaching that destiny... those are the thoughts that formed the genesis of this story. Well, that and Tolkien's vivid description of Aragorn's traumatic memory of the Nazgûl. ;) Thanks again for the review!

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
Now that is really a promising beginning! You already had my full attention when I saw the FotR quote at the beginning - I always would have liked to know *exactly* what Aragorn was thinking about when he said those words. It seems my wish will be granted at last. ;-) It seems Aragorn has taken the deaths of those Dunedain very hard - you already hinted at it in "Keeping Watch", but he seems to be even more downcast now. I'm very glad he has Halbarad at his side to help him through whatever is to come. It is so like Aragorn to not want to worry Elrond and pretend that he's alright - somehow it makes me sad. He's so alone because of it. A wonderful beginning, I'm looking forward to more! :)


Author Reply: Thank you, Almut! I'm glad you liked the start of this. And yes, that quote intrigued me from the first time I read it, too. It just seemed to me that whatever happened to him must have been really terrible for him to have such a reaction however many years after--he seems to all but have a flashback, from the sounds of it. And for someone as strong as Aragorn to still be troubled ... well, there had to be more, right? I hope the rest of the story holds up as well for you as the prologue! Thanks again!

inzilbethReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
I'm absolutely delighted this fabulous story is finally seeing the light of day. It's one of the most realistic, gritty views of how life might have been for the Rangers, and for Aragorn in particular, that I have ever read. Those long years between his return to the North and the finding of the Ring, must have been so difficult for Aragorn and at times maintaining hope, almost impossible.

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride one more time!

Author Reply: LOL ... well, thank you so much for all the help you gave me or this thing would *not* have seen the light of day now nor any time soon. It really is hard to imagine just how hard life was for Aragorn and the rest of the Rangers. Hopefully I'll have done it justice by the time the story is finished. Thanks again!

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
What a fascinating prologue. It's beautifully written, to the point, and gives one some tantalizing foreshadowing of what it's to come. Furthermore, you get a completely believable and cannon faithful Aragorn. In his letter to Elrond you see the caring and thoughtful leader of the Dúnedain, who worries and frets about his people and about the effects his despondency might cause on Elrond. On the other hand, through it all you feel a gentle streak of humour which lightens the piece, and illustrates well one of my favourite traits of Aragorn - his sense of humour.

Well done. I can't wait to read the other chapters.

Author Reply: Wow, thank you, Estelcontar, for such a lovely review--I'm amazed you pulled all that out of this because I have to confess, I didn't consciously try to do any of those things. But I suppose in knowing Aragorn and the person he is, when one writes, those traits will come through. And thank you again for being my "test reader" on this! I hope you enjoy the second time 'round ... there'll be a few new things here and there. ;)

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
I loved this, I cannot even imagine what it would have been like to be Aragorn, such a hard life before Sauron fell he had. I however can imagine Elrond reading between the lines in Aragorns new letter. His foster father was a wise elf, one of the wisest in Middle Earth. Hugs The Imp

Author Reply: Thank you, Elflingimp! I'm glad you like the start of this one, and yes, it would have been incredibly hard to have been Chieftain, watching over a people that were fast dwindling away. And yes, you and Aragorn both know that Elrond would read between those lines! Thanks again!

Szepilona10Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 12/8/2008
Poor Aragorn! Update soon please!
God Bless!


Author Reply: Poor Aragorn indeed ... and this is just the beginning! I'll update again next Monday. Thanks for your review and God bless right back! :)

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