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Kindred  by GamgeeFest 54 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/1/2011 looks like it could have been a possibility for Ami's plan to eventually succeed-- if her whereabouts were not discovered too soon. But of course, sadly, we know that's not going to happen.

And I'm very curious about Grandpa Nettlebur's feelings about money!

Author Reply: Ami's plan is well-thought out, if a little too ambitious. But she's a Took - she's used to getting what she wants. ;)

Hm..... We'll see. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 10/28/2011

The younger generation is the same all over: when one is brewing up trouble, the others are not going to say a word, and that's all there is to it. Clearly Ami had not been keeping the secret from her sister or Marcho, and Pally knew more than he ever let on. Even Rumbi knew about her correspondence with Sprig...

And of course it's all because they worry about the reactions of their elders.

But I'm blessed if I can figure out what Lalia is going to do...

Author Reply: They all acted out of concern for Ami - and the belief that the situation wasn't really that serious. Pally had certainly thought this was over long ago. Put all the little pieces together though and things start to look different. They're all realizing they've underestimated her.

Let's hope now their elders can prove them wrong. ;)

Oh, Lalia.....

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/25/2011
I wonder if Ami's adventure trip leads her to a certain shepherd!

That might have been her intention from the beginning on - or it is still in development. With Ami both is possible :-)

But what is it that Lalia will have done to her? (Future 2, right?)

I'm looking forward to reading more!

Author Reply: We'll find out soon enough just what this Took has up her sleeves. ;)

Lalia is another matter though.

More coming soon! :D

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/23/2011
Poor Ferumbras! Of course, his future with Chrysanthemum is doomed, though he doesn't know it yet. (Looking forward to how you deal with that.)

Ami and Sprig corresponding? I'm guessing that at least on her part it was innocent enough.

And of course, we have a good idea of where she may be going.

I worry about what Lalia may do, however; your opening salvo was ominous to say the least. (And I can't forget what "my" Lalia did to a Took sister, though hopefully it won't be that bad.)

Author Reply: Rumbi is doomed to live alone, as we know. Poor him and Chrysanthemum both.

Sprig isn't a fool. He would recognize that there was nothing but friendship there on Ami's part, but he can't help but feel special that she would write to him.

I'm sure Lalia doesn't even know what she's going to do yet.

AzureSkyeReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/22/2011
Ooh, the plot thickens! The little bit of the frame story was very intriguing. As is Rumbi's engagement, as that won't happen....Well, it will be fun to see where you take this! Waiting impatiently for the next chapter as always!

Author Reply: Poor Rumbi has no idea what's coming. Nor does anyone else, not even Ami.

Thank you, Azure. Now that it's finished updates should be more frequent.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 9/16/2011
How we worry for the children we love! And that she feels she needs to think about Rumbi's proposal speaks volumes, I find.

Author Reply: She certainly wasn't expecting this particular surprise! She has much to think about, and little time to do it.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/22/2011
No, it doesn't end there, I'm sure!

Ami and Perry are perfect for each other. And I can't imagine that Ami is able to let him go. But what will the consequences be?

Poor Rumbi, though! We know already that he will never marry.

Author Reply: There are a few more chapters to go yet. There's still hope for Ami and Perry. :)

Poor Rumbi, yes. He doesn't yet know the fate that awaits him though.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/22/2011
But of course it doesn't end there does it? Though Perry and Ami really think it has.

Poor Rumbi. I'm sure that Heather's advice was the best.

Author Reply: Well, it is "to be continued..." ;)

Rumbi will get a lot of mileage out of Heather's advice.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 8/15/2011
Aww...poor Rumbi.

You have such a complex take on Lalia.

We see her through Ferumbras' eyes, of course. Was she truly vulnerable, as he believes? Does he think that because it makes it easier for him to love her as a son ought? Or does he truly see something no one else does? Her reactions to his "leaving the nest" are telling: she holds her grudge until forced by circumstances to put it aside, but then never admits she was wrong in the first place. She simply ignores her reaction and pretends she never had it.

It was simply easier that way. If they had started talking about that, there was no telling what other topics might awaken.

I've known people that way. If they are wrong about something, and they can no longer hold to their wrong opinion, they pretend they never had it in the first place.

Author Reply: We all have our vulnerabilities. Lalia hid hers by lording her position over everyone, and by ignoring when she was wrong. She spent much of her married life being told her opinions are wrong or at least not the same as her husband's, who was not inclined to compromise very often, which says something about his as well for all that he was well liked. She did humble herself enough not to question his authority in front of others, but once she no longer had that constraint, she saw no reason to continue doing so. She took that power she has been denied sharing for so long for her own. It was her moment of triumph - and her son "abandons" her over it. She doesn't handle rejection well, as we've seen before.

But anyway, before this becomes an essay... :P

Yep, poor Rumbi. :D

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 8/10/2011
Oh my! That's what I had expected - at least Ami's decision, and her newly awakened feelings towards Perry.

But I have no idea how the story will proceed. There are several possibilities.

I'm looking forward to reading more :-)

Author Reply: Yep, things are not going well for Rumbi, and Ami is getting herself into unfamiliar territory here.

LOL! Well, for a long time, I had no idea how the story would proceed either! :P So you're not alone. ;)

Thanks for reading, dear!

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