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History Lessons  by Nilmandra 114 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 21 on 10/11/2003
This chapter showed some important moments for both Elros and Elrond. I thought Elros's battle scene was nicely rendered here. You put us in the middle of it. And I loved the coming of age ceremony for Elrond. You balanced the humorous and serious aspects of it perfectly.

I think I love Gil-Galad.

khazar-khumReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/8/2003
You could easily call these 2 chapters Silmarillion for Dummies--even I was able to follow that story! ;-D

As for the twins--they're kids. Babies all play, all have things to learn, and all try the patience of their elders at some point. What I'm saying is, they act like kids, and that is perfectly normal.

Author Reply: Thanks, Khazar. I promise for the most part they are well behaved children - it has actually been interesting to consider the development of an elf-child - how fast they grow in body vs mind, and fun especially to think of these little tiny bodies speaking words that would seem older to a mortal. I think an ideal elf-childhood would be prolonged and merry, with doting adults enjoying these carefree years.

TolkienFanReviewed Chapter: 20 on 10/2/2003
Hi Nilmandra,

I just figured out how to submit reviews. Please pardon me for not telling you this before, but I really look forward to each installment of History Lessons.

In the past, I haven't really paid a lot of attention to the pre-Third Age history of Middle Earth, but this story is one of a small handful which have piqued my interest in earlier eras.

And, your characters just feel so right and natural to me. Their interactions have the tang of real life, almost as if they were part of my family.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing talents with the world!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 20 on 10/1/2003
This kind of epic event must be very difficult to write about. The arrival of the Valar was thrilling, and it was inspiring to see Gil-Galad as a leader who could draw men and Elves to him. What a charismatic figure he must have been. But my favorite part of this chapter is still the scene in the tent, when Elrond is so tired and Gil-Galad seeks his opinion without giving any indication of what's going on. Elrond handled himself well, especially for one so young. Gil-Galad is really working him hard!

LevadeReviewed Chapter: 20 on 10/1/2003
This was a tough chapter to write I bet. No, it doesn't show in the story, but it shows in the care you took in making certain the details were as correct as possible. And it is a detailed chapter.

I have to tell you, it gave me a thrill when I got to the part where Cirdan hollers for them, and they run out to see the Host of the Valar marching forth! What I wouldn't give to have PJ show that in a movie!! Ah well, my poor imagination will have to do until *someone* gets brave enough to tackle the Silmarillion, but that was truly a visual moment in the story.

Elros is endearing -- rather like a puppy. *g* He's all go, go, go and wriggle. Elrond tries so hard, and is also endearing, but I keep reminding myself neither of them is perfect. They're young, they made mistakes. They were fortunate, blessed, to have Gil-galad and Cirdan there to guide them. I can't wait to see if they meet up with their former ...mmm..what shall we call them? Oh, and how Maglor must have quailed to see the Valar come forth, both fearing and loving them.

This is one of your strongest chapters, storywise, I think. You have great characters, as always, but I can see the care you took in mapping out the different things going on, and making sure they were included correctly.

Of course, I look forward to more! Despite the fact that my beloved Glorfindel was *whispers* quite gone by then. ;) Perhaps he was readying a return? Sneaking out whilst Namo was occupied? Uh-huh,...that would be your style, Glorfindel.... Chomping at the bit to get back in the game.


Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/1/2003
Oh, btw, I think you have a few Sillmarils in chapter 4.

Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/1/2003
First of all, this is a Great Story.
I first discovered it rather late yesterday evening, and I was still reading at 1:30am... I came back to finish it earlier this afternoon, but I had other things to do before I could review properly. So..

The quality of your writing is absolutely superb, and the characters are gorgeous, they're so vivid. I can almost see them in front of me as I read. Doesn't hurt that you have almost all my favorite elves here either. The style and the language that you use is enjoyable and immediately understandable, unlike several passages of the Silmarillion I can think of... ;)
The occasional word of Elvish dropped in really adds to the prose, although I am glad you stopped putting the translations in at the , that interrupted the flow a bit. (It reminded me I was reading a story - I tend to forget when I'm absorbed.) If you want the translations with the words, might I suggest you put them inside the speech marks with what the character is saying? (eg. "Come here, ion-nín, my son," Elrond beckoned to them.) Just a thought.
Both the present and the past of your tale are equally enjoyable, and the transitions are very well designed and fit together nicely.
Humour and sadness are both written exceptionally, never seeming forced or unlikely. I think the best of your writing is in showing us what the characters are feeling, from Elrohir's impatience and temptation in the last chapter, to Elrond's heartbreak at the end of ch5. Beautifully done!
And that scene in the library! I was sitting here giggling away to myself.
Thankyou for letting me in to watch the lives of two such adorable pairs of elflings. More, more!

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/21/2003

I do so love this story.

Little Elladan and Elrohir are priceless, and when you read the story you really feel the love that Elrond bears for his two young sons and his passionate desire to provide for them all the love and security that he lacked as a young Elfling.

I laughed out loud at Elladan's grasp of the family tree! Well, it's pretty much true too!

Your grasp of the Silmarillon is helping to sort in some order the things I remember from my first and (to date) only reading of the Sil.



Author Reply: You are so kind to review all my stories like this! The twins were not supposed to such a great role in this story, but they showed up and acted adorable and made themselves comfortable - I could hardly ask them to go. The story is long, but I hope you like it. Chapter 20 is percolating - slowly.

FadesintothewestReviewed Chapter: 19 on 9/19/2003
Like waiting in anticipation for the gifts Santa Clause leaves on x-mas morning! That is what Elrohir's anticipation reminded me of. The more I read about Glorfindel, the more I want to know about him. That darn Elf just snakes his way in and doesnt want to leave!

It is interesting to see an older Elrond reflecting on his past, or exchanging verbal spats with Glorfindel, in contrast with the younger Elrond. I enjoy reading the younger Elrond, his eagerness, his curiousity, his relationship with Elros. It makes his pain in the "present" of the story more poignant. You really do feel his pain, his anger when Galadriel mentions that like Elrond was simply and Elf, Elros was simply a man. Ai how tragic!

Er you brought some interesting images to mind- in comparing the differences in bodily hair of an elf, a man, and the half-elven... very interesting.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/16/2003
"He was jealous. Even though Morgoth, then called Melkor, was one of the most powerful of the Valar, he was jealous of the other Valar and that which they created. He turned to destroying the good things they made instead of adding his own good things to Arda."

Elladan looked at Elrohir and felt his face flush. He leaned across Glorfindel's knees and beckoned his twin to draw near. "I am sorry I scribbled on your drawing," he whispered.

Elrohir patted his hand. "And I am sorry I ruined your carving," he whispered back.

I really loved this exchange. LOL!!! Sorry, just had to share that!


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