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History Lessons  by Nilmandra 114 Review(s)
mistry89Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/21/2004
"Does Lord Glorfindel have any stories that help them learn numbers?" Istuion ventured.

This is such a lovely way to present a Primer To The Ages! Thank you, and thank you for the look at Glorfindel-at-play in Imladris.

websterReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2004
I'm just partway through thir long piece, but I have to stop and say how much I like it. In particular, the attack on Elwing--we all know how it ends, but I still found myself silently begging the sons of Feanor to give it up, still hoping that somehow the little Peredhel could escape the tragedy that history decreed.

You're doing a great job of integrating the two storylines.

Author Reply: Thanks for your comments, Webster. I hope Elwing came across as real - she is so cold in many portrayals of her. I hope you like the rest - it is a long story, but I hope you find it worth your effort. ~Nilmandra

xsilicaxReviewed Chapter: 24 on 1/6/2004
Yes, I finally got to finish it! This was one of the few stories that I sincerely missed during my four months absence.

It completely exceeded my expectations!

Your descriptions of The Choice, and the actual physical pain it caused Elrond simply tore at one. When I think of him yet having a hollow space within him I cannot help but get emotional. Thankfully he has a loving family around him to fill it, but he is going to lose even that soon enough!

I loved the interractions between Celeborn and Glorfindel, those two kids are worse than the twins at times, and yet they are so good for everyone's soul.

I honestly hope that there is a next part well on it's way that I shall stumble across soon, and in the meantime I will reread this for a third time to sate my need.


Author Reply: Thanks for your nice words, Cathy. This was a joy to write, and the Second Age is in progress :D I don't know where you were for four months, but I am glad you are back and look forward to anything you might write, too.

AKSanders28BReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2004
Like this one, trying to learn a little of the historo of Arda, especially Elrond and his family and Glorfindel and his interactin with Elrond's family... Keep writing.

Banba McCuillReviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/27/2003
Well, let's just try this again without crazy fingers!

Lengthy, hope you are ready.

You will see some notations as I skip through chapters I had no comments for or that I was so anxious to read onward that I omitted.

This was a wonderful, fabulously written tale. You are an expert weaver of stories, mellon nin. *Jaw drops in awe as heavenly light shines down.* :-D

This will be a bit long, as I wanted to read this within a week away from the computer. In doing so, I take you with me, the reader, on my journey of first impressions and reactions.

Chapter One: Adorable little twins. What good boys.

Chapter Three: I wonder where, exactly, Ossë is during all this and what he is doing…no mention of him thus far…

Poor, spirited Elladan. Good Glorfindel with “No mudding your mother.” Good elf…yet next we have the naughty seneschal with Erestor’s cloak. So irresistibly naughty, indeed!

The mud and flowers lesson was a wonderful stroke of genius! Kudos!

Chapter Five: Very good examples of lesson application.

Chapter Six: I daresay Istuion is letting loose his “uptight” demeanor.

For some reason, it is hard to imagine Elrond as a child.

Lessons and questions that can hold contrary answers often follow. Trixie, trixie as Gollum might say. However, I say, well done Glorfindel!

I cannot imagine the pain Elrond felt as he pondered the last question about the twins verses a jewel. How horrible for his heart. Would that all us parents, or any adult for that matter, have the ability to command time enough to stop and weigh every variable for ages before answering such a delicate question.

Chapter Eight: Finally! I am caught up from where I began months ago…

Glorfindel and Erestor’s games will surely prove entertaining.

What a good explanation of the human emotion of spirit and passion and the power and wisdom a half-elf would have to use to wield it - the restraint too! Fabulous!

Alas, I read this until my eyelids drooped and force me to unwillingly retire for the evening!

Chapter Nine: Dear, sweet, misunderstood (though he may be more understood than he knows) Istuion, blushing under Lady Celebrían’s smile. What an interesting twist of heritage Celeborn’s connection adds to this tale.

Chapter Ten: Oh! The Good Lord Celeborn has a well kept sense of humor to have Glorfindel on his guard. I enjoyed him having to catch his balance in the stables immensely!

“Pretentious Vanyar elf!” Lovely! *Claps hands in appreciation.*

I grow suspicious that perhaps Elrond has joined in Erestor and Glorfindel’s foolishness, but that is way too obvious…or perhaps so obvious it’s not obvious…oh…I’m just not sure if it could be as it seems…no…it could not be…I know you are more clever than that…but, WHO then????

Chapter Eleven: Disturbing behavior even from Maedhros, but I guess anyone capable of slaying their kin for a material object. It is disappointing and heart-wrentching, none the less. I wait anxiously for the twins to be safe and well.

Chapter Twelve: The Lady Galadriel shall hold her ground, make no mistake. Nor would she misuse her power. I am in agreement with your perception of the Lady of the Golden Wood for she is wise and fair.

Hmmmm…what do you mean Galadriel smiled wickedly…could she know of Glorfindel and Erestor’s game? I wonder…You are certainly skillful at keeping me guessing!

Chapter Thirteen: Maglor does right and saves the day! Glory be!

Chapter Fourteen: Celebrían’s expression to Elrond about the desire to produce new life was well written and very natural.

It seems you have a gift. What a clever and natural transition in the interaction and “history” of men in the healing house where the twins visits the injured man from the rockslide. It gives the twins such a hands-on learning experience and connection with their heritage.

LOL! Gil-Galad. “Does he not realize I am his king?” (As he chases Elros down the hall). *Howls with laughter!* Círdan to Gil: “A fine example you are to them,” as Gil-Galad is busted for his unorthodox approach to laying down the law! Hah!

This story is coming along very nicely…or should I say, series of stories combined into this one “History Lesson.” To have so many storylines going confounds my weary brain tissue! You are weaving these well.

Chapter Fifteen: Celebrían the Prankster? Hmmmm…the plot thickens…could it be she who is the instigator of the follies that Glorfindel and Ereion blame on one another.

Those poor little elves. Nonconcious means the same thing as unconscious. Poor darlin’s.

Chapter Seventeen: Ah! So, it is Celebrian! Good girl, though I am shocked, even if I did already slightly suspected her. I am amused to see the Golden Adonis of Elf-Lords scrambling! Yes!

Chapter Eighteen: Yes, fainting can be completely embarrassing! Poor Elrond!

Chapter Nineteen: I’m wondering if it is a matter of average elf strength or if Glorfindel is really just a stud among elves. Perhaps it was all that time spent with the Valar. ;-) What a charming ham he is!

Chapter Twenty-One: Ahhhh! Yes! *Claps hands and howls again with uncontrollable laughter.* Celeborn the Wise, indeed! He who knows not to speak on behalf of the Lady with the capable tongue. None other than a match of strength and wisdom would we see for Galadriel and Celeborn!

Celeborn begins to have the muted shine of his own regal strength now as the depth of is character is shown. No offense intended to the other Kindreds, but I wish to serve with Celeborn and see him victorious against those who slew his king and his king’s heir. May he have vengeance, it that be his wish.

And Elros. “These are my men and my people.” *Raises brows.* Who could not see that statement as one of destiny for a later event.

*Weeps and clutches heart.* Those sweet distant uncles presenting “adult” Elrond to the people. *Sniffs again.* That was done with such simplicity that it kept the purity of the moment powerful, as it should be. Outstanding work, Nilmandra.

Oh no! Was ist das??? *Weep, weep.* “Leave it my child. It is your heritage…” I love those cuddly old anonymous elves with profound words to speak at the right time. ;-) Do not misunderstand. This takes absolutely nothing away from the moment, but adds such enrichment regarding the support and the loving community of family shared by these elves who have watch Elrond grow from a small half-elf lacking confidence to a leader with potential and a great destiny laid before him.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Those little twins are a hoot! “Nana would have made Glorfindel sit on a bench until they could talk nicely to one another…” I’d almost consider paying to see that.

“Even driving the Valar back…” *Yikes! Looks around with a worried expression. Haldir, does this worry you? No, you have heard the story many times from Celeborn? Okay. Good enough for me. *

Here! Here! Elf of Gondolin! That is the spirit! “We have killed balrogs; we will kill these dragons.” Damn right. Do not let the other Firstborn give up when you have come so very far! Cheers to you, dear elf! *Jumps up and down excitedly.*

Ah! The great Eagles! They always seem to have to step in and save the day towards the end, do they not? Gandalf, dwarves and hobbits in trees below a toasty fire…the Battle of Five Armies. However, I must admit to being thoroughly surprised if my good friend Beorn showed up in this battle though because he is quite secretive about his history and how long his line goes back. *Growls at the Bear (for ‘tis the only language he can comprehend right now as I am miffed at him - can you believe he has the gall to be amused?)*

Chapter Twenty-Three: Oh! Oh! Tell me, what will the camp of the Valar look like - I must know! I must know! What will happen, but more importantly how? Must read on…must read on…

*Begins weeping (again).* No, not a choice…sad, sad, sad. Oh, no. Not a sundered bond…this is really too much to take. *Sniff. Give me those Kleenex you old Bear! At least Haldir has the good grace to cry with me!*

Chapter Twenty-Three: “Your time this night is already claimed.” *Well…cha, cha, cha, my fine elves!* ;-)

LOL! The golden one, eh? LOL! Ha!

Chapter Twenty-Four: …and even after all the loss and grief, he remains kind-hearted.

Absolutely amazing work, Nilmandra. I enjoyed this immensely and at times it evoked such powerful emotion, I could not grasp the words I needed to convey my response.

It was certainly more enjoyable to read this knowing a little background through our conversations and the reading I had done on my own (per your references - thank goodness) before coming back to finish reading this - I’m so happy I did and I am so happy you did! LOL!

There are a few things I’m wondering and will read and research to find my own perspective on them, but one thing has me pondering.

Is there any record of where Sauron is in all this. It is said he was one of the greatest servants of Morgoth. I wonder if he, like Galadriel (powerful and wise in her own right) went to Ossiriand (Middle-earth during the time of the Hobbit and LOR where the Green-elves already held realms due to their falling away during the Great Journey?) as well to search out a new land…but how would he know the Valar were coming and how would he make his way there even if he was present for a time while the War of Wrath waged. How could he possible slip out beneath the Valar’s noses? It doesn’t seem possible. I can’t help wondering why Morgoth would not keep him near. If the elves and men were holding the lines while the Valar waged their major battle…well…it is probably possible. I’m missing a big chunk of information, aren’t I? I’m afraid my reading and studies haven’t taken me to that level just yet. :-0

Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/27/2003

Antigone_QReviewed Chapter: 15 on 11/15/2003
Wow, do I feel slow on the uptake! So I'm reading your story for the umpteenth time in my favorite chapter, and Elrond is talking to his sons about his brother, and lo! we come to this line: "He had determined...that some information would not be given unless the right questions were asked, but...he knew in time they would ask the question he truly dreaded." And I have already skipped over that line a number of times without realizing that OF COURSE the question he was dreading was, "Can we choose, also?" Sheesh. Okay, I finally get it now. Back to reading I go.

Author Reply: Ohhhhh- do you know how thrilled I am to find that someone likes the story enough to reread it? Thank you :-) I was purposefully vague here, as it leaves me room in the future to write more. I have often thought how hard it must have been for Elrond to know that his children could make Elros' choice someday. I am writing the prologues for HL: Second Age right now, and already doing a little more of the foreshadowing.

Thank you!!

LKKReviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/27/2003
Beautiful, simply beautiful, Nilmandra.
I have truly enjoyed sitting beside Elladan and Elrohir at Elrond's knee as his instructed us younglings about the First Age. I hope we will have the chance to sit at his knee to learn more about the Second Age. I'm sure those stories will be just as wonderfully done as these have been.


Author Reply: Thanks, LKK. My feverish brain is busy outlining facts and plots for the second age, even as I write this. Thanks for your support and encouragement. :-)

Camp6311Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/27/2003
What an enjoyable story this was! I liked learning my "history lessons" along side the twins. I've slogged through "The Silmarillion" a couple of times, but it such a tragic and distressing story to read. I loved reading your interpretation and seeing the First Age through the eyes of people who lived it. That even in those tragic times, lives were lived, children grew, and love flourished.

Thinking back on the story, I think I enjoyed the latter part of the story best, as Elrond and Elros became young adults and began to go their separate ways. (Although, I still laugh when I remember Glorfindel pulling out that pink gown on the camping trip) Another part that stands out in my mind is Elrond trying to teach the leader of the men about faith. "we trust the one who bore the message, for he knows the one who sent the message.” The ships were built, and both peoples survived the turbulent ending of the First Age.

I've never really thought about Elrond as a tragic character before, but reading about his losses in the First age, and knowing what awaits him in the Second and Third Ages, he truly is. His parting with Arwen at the end of ROTK must have been bitter indeed.

Looking forward to reading more of your work.

Author Reply: Thanks, Camp6311. I think that was a key thing, that despite the terrors and tragedies in the first age, people did still live and learn and love. The latter part of the story was the most difficult to write, yet the most satisfying too. Thanks for your comments and support.

mpfanReviewed Chapter: 24 on 10/27/2003
Excellent story--easily going into my favorite stories list.

Please, please continue with the Second Age, if you can. I understand if you don't have the time or the energy, but if you do, I would so like to see all those events you mentioned. I have become completely hooked on learning the history of Middle Earth as seen through Elrond's eyes, and the return of Glorfindel, as you would tell it, is the one I would most look forward to.

Thank you for a great story.

Author Reply: Thanks MPFan. My brain is actively planning and plotting how we might learn the second age, and I like the idea of continuing it from Elrond's POV - with perhaps a little Celebrian POV too. It'll take me a bit of time to get this all outlined and worked out...but soon, I hope to have something ready to start. Thanks again. :D

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