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Elf and Ranger Tales (Post-Quest)  by Legolass 17 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/9/2008
It is lovely to see a story from you again.I've missed you.This tale was truly delightful.I can sympathise as I dislike all spicy food and am alergic to peppers.

Author Reply:

Legolas and Aragorn will be glad to know they have a fellow disliker of spicy food in you, Linda. Starlight and I, on the other hand, like it very much (though to varying degrees) - that's why we tormented the poor elf. :-D

Thanks for the review, Linda. I've badly missed everyone too!

Legolass (& Starlight)

GRUMPYReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/6/2008
Great story, I enjoyed it a lot. Loved how Legolas is still trying to clean up Aragorn. love how when the mouth is on fire the fussy elf's hands go in the rice.

Author Reply:

Author Reply:

Author Reply:
Lol- and I love your observation: "love how when the mouth is on fire the fussy elf's hands go in the rice" -- how true!

Poor Elf and Ranger - love them, but love to tease them. :-)

Thanks for the review, Grumpy. Missed you.

Legolass (& Starlight)

elizaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2008
Mae govannen mellon nin,
So very, very happy to hear from you again. What a charming funny story. Can these two ever leave home without an incident. LOL. Thank you both for this small glimpse. Like my favorite elf I too am just discovering exotic dishes (Indian is my current favorite) thanks in part to my kids growing up, I'm finally allowed to eat some place besides McDonald's and Pizza, thank the Valar!. While I do love spicey food, I think I'll heed my friends advice and avoid the green peppers.

Welcome back,

Author Reply:

Author Reply:
Mae govannen, Eliza, and thank you for your warm welcome. :-) It's so good to hear from friends again. And it's great to know you're now able to eat seomthing besides little orc food, lol! But yes - do watch out for little green things and be wary of dark gravy. That's advice from our two beloved boys. (However, you have full permission to serve them at your weekly big orc meetings.)

Thanks from Starlight and me for the review, and Hugs from me.

EstelcontarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2008
This is the happiest story I've read in quite some time. Poor Legolas. But it was all his fault, you know. Aragorn warned him. I hope somehow Aragorn evades his revenge.

Author Reply:
It's nice to know our story tickled you, Estelcontar. Alas - "poor Legolas" wasn't feeling the same way, I'm afraid. Yes, he was indeed warned, so yes, it was his fault. But as for Aragorn evading the elf's revenge --- not a chance! :-D Poor Aragorn - we'll tell him you were rooting for him.

Thanks for taking the time to review.

Legolass & Starlight

TithenaruReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/2/2008
What a wonderful, cheeky tale! Just what I needed to make chuckle after a tedious day. The description of Legolas in 'pepper' trouble was was a treat. I'm with Aragorn on this one: I always leave the hot peppers in a pile on the side of my plate too.
I really enjoyed this

Author Reply:
Wonderful - Aragorn has someone to share his wisdom!

Glad you enjoyed the story as much as we enjoyed writing it, Tithenaru.

Legolass & Starlight

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/1/2008
This is priceless... I live in southern California but I'm not a native. In my home we don't eat spicy, meaning hot spicy, so it is terrible when I go to restaurants and they have all the spicy, really spicy food, peppers and sauces, The Mexicans, Thai, just can't believe how spicy they eat...I tried once and I saw starts too, so I can related to Legolas. I can eat a little bit of spicy food (only in seafood), but there is not way that I can eat a whole pepper...I went once to a Mexican market and they have spicy candies for kids! and they eat their fruits with some kind of spicy powder...

Great story, I haven’t ever review a story from you (both) but know that I've reading fanfics for years and I do love your stories...Thanks and I hope that you can write more...Thanks.

Author Reply:

Lol - I am very used to hot, spicy food. And so is Starlight to a lesser extent. But the chilly pepper she was asked to eat is something else!

Thanks, Fantasia, for reading and reviewing. This may be your first review but I hope it won't be the last time we can interact. :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/1/2008
All too familiar a tale, from what I've been told. I can't even tolerate jalapenos myself, although my stepdad would eat pickled ones by the jarful. I've been told eating bread with them helps cut the fire, so I must assume rice would help similarly.

As for Legolas's revenge.... Alas, Aragorn!

Author Reply:

Author Reply:

Author Reply:

Author Reply:
(Sorry, I don't know why the site sent so many blank Author Replies to you!)

Anyway, Larner - yes, taking bread/rice helps cut the fire of those chilly peppers (Starlight and I can both attest to that!), and milk/coconut milk tempers the 'kick' in them. I hope that helps a little with the jalapenos if you have to take them at any time. :-)

Thanks for reading and reviewing.


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